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Law Enforcement and Administration

Law Enforcement and Administration

Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:
•What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
•What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
•What clarification do you need or not regarding the posting?

Trying to determine who needs to know what, where, when, and why has been on ongoing dilemma for government at all levels for a very long time. As a matter of fact, following the aftermath of 9/11 the federal government has made a number of attempts to do just so (see Appendix A Table 1 – Summary of Key Federal Terrorism-Related Information-Sharing Authorities and Initiatives since September 11) (USGAO, 2006). Nearly 12 years have passed since that dark day and “the nation still lacks government wide policies and processes to help agencies…improve the sharing of terrorism-related information that is critical to protecting our homeland” (USGAO, 2006). One feasible solution would be for “the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to assess progress, address barriers, and propose changes” (USGAO, 2006). In addition, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) could “work with agencies on policies, procedures, and controls to help achieve more accountability” (USGAO, 2006). And finally, since most agencies have “no policies for determining who and how many employees should have authority to make sensitive but unclassified designations” proper training should be provided “on how to make these designations” as well as “performing periodic reviews to determine how well their practices are working” (USGAO, 2006). In addition, it is interesting to note that Oregon State University Libraries had developed a website in early 1996 which provided “remote access to government information” thereby enabling government information sharing (Miller, 1996). Through this Government Information Sharing Project “anyone with an internet connection and a Web browser” can gain access to government resources issued in CD-ROM (compact disc) format (Miller, 1996). And finally, with regard to the Department of Defense (DOD), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) it really is in the best interest of all to work together in establishing and maintaining an acceptable level of national security. Granted, although the DOD is primarily military oriented it does, nonetheless, also manage and provide air traffic services (FAS, 2003). In contrast, the FAA is focused primarily on civilian air traffic (FAA, 2009). The role of the DHS is to coordinate and manage a successful joint relationship between the two. Difficulty often arises in areas of communication. It cannot be stressed enough that clear policies and guidelines for information sharing must be implemented so as to ensure proper unity. The fact that the Department of Homeland Security’s Strategic Plan is a living document is testimony to the fact that it is not perfect and so must continually undergo refinement. The last eight years are evidence of this fact. Still, despite the setbacks regarding information sharing the DHS has made strides in technological advancements.
By, l.R.K

In this discussion I will be discussing the effort to ensure efficiency in police organizations. It will have the various methods such as: policies, procedures, regulations, and practices that affect all of their performance and assigned duties. I will be discussing the three levels of the police in the organization of the law enforcement. The three levels are the first-line level, the middle level, the top level. I will be discussing the function for each of these levels.
Policies and Procedures
In the department of law enforcement policies and procedures manual would be in the personal offices. If you need to address legal and liability issues on the policies and procedures needs to incorporate the values of the law enforcement department, this would require the police managers to be realists and idealists. “Law enforcement officers deserve the guidance on what would be expected of them. Guidance empowers officers would work in ways that are organizationally acceptable and to avoid wide range of pitfalls, such as disciplinary actions and civil liability” (Means, 2007, p.10).
Functions of managers at various levels
For each of levels of management there are responsibilities such as: planning, organizing, controlling and leading. The officers who abuse that power lose respect, “Rank without respect is an empty holster” (Johnson, 2007, and p.10). Keeping this saying in mind the managers at all levels as they perform their functions. At each management level the activities which it flow downward with each management level interacting with its subordinates (Hesser, 2008, p.64).
Functions of the First-Line Supervisors
In law enforcement agency would be chief, supervisor or sergeant. The supervisors are responsible for translating and organizational values, strategies on their performances and compliance (Hesser, 2008, p.66). By enforcing the rules and regulations, The supervisor must maintaining discipline Training, guiding and mentoring others, The supervisor must conduct performance reviews evaluating the work of others, The supervisor must coordinating work schedules, Managing citizen complaints, The supervisor must performed tactical/critical incident decision making, The supervisor must conducting inspections, The last one will be the supervisor must conducting the roll call to make sure everyone is there that suppose to be (Hesser, 2008, p.66).
Middle Managers
The role of middle management is, “To turn the values, philosophies, principles, policies and strategies into some form of action to achieve desired results” (Hesser, 2008, p.65).Their responsibilities are communicating accurately the values, philosophies, principles, policies and strategies of the department. The middle managers would plan activities, organizing activities, controlling activities, leading activities (Hesser, 2008, p.65). The most important responsibilities of middle managers is assigning personnel promoting, demoting, sometimes terminating (Johnson, 2007b, p.21).

The top level managers
The executive manager which is the CEO of the top official of the law enforcement agencies and in law enforcement the title for the managers may be chief, sheriff. These Managers have authority and responsibility of each position in their department. Executive managers are responsible for planning, organizing and managing the agency’s resources, including its employees. Executive managers are responsible for preserving the peace and enforcing laws and ordinances (Hesser, 2008, p.64).
A final recommendation is that managers in new positions take time to develop a plan to deal with the community’s quality-of-life issues from their level (Perdue, 2008, p.177). The most important resource manager’s controls the officers who deliver basic police services. Managers/leaders at all levels should be the “torchbearers for this service-oriented mentality” (Perdue, p.177). There are too many people that has communication problems because the lack of effective communication skills. Which would cause them to have Problem solving; decision-making and quality-improvement efforts are serious problems because of the poor communication which we would call this ineffective communication (Hesser, 2008, p.34).

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Law Enforcement and Administration

Law Enforcement and Administration

Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:
•What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
•What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
•What clarification do you need or not regarding the posting?

Trying to determine who needs to know what, where, when, and why has been on ongoing dilemma for government at all levels for a very long time. As a matter of fact, following the aftermath of 9/11 the federal government has made a number of attempts to do just so (see Appendix A Table 1 – Summary of Key Federal Terrorism-Related Information-Sharing Authorities and Initiatives since September 11) (USGAO, 2006). Nearly 12 years have passed since that dark day and “the nation still lacks government wide policies and processes to help agencies…improve the sharing of terrorism-related information that is critical to protecting our homeland” (USGAO, 2006). One feasible solution would be for “the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to assess progress, address barriers, and propose changes” (USGAO, 2006). In addition, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) could “work with agencies on policies, procedures, and controls to help achieve more accountability” (USGAO, 2006). And finally, since most agencies have “no policies for determining who and how many employees should have authority to make sensitive but unclassified designations” proper training should be provided “on how to make these designations” as well as “performing periodic reviews to determine how well their practices are working” (USGAO, 2006). In addition, it is interesting to note that Oregon State University Libraries had developed a website in early 1996 which provided “remote access to government information” thereby enabling government information sharing (Miller, 1996). Through this Government Information Sharing Project “anyone with an internet connection and a Web browser” can gain access to government resources issued in CD-ROM (compact disc) format (Miller, 1996). And finally, with regard to the Department of Defense (DOD), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) it really is in the best interest of all to work together in establishing and maintaining an acceptable level of national security. Granted, although the DOD is primarily military oriented it does, nonetheless, also manage and provide air traffic services (FAS, 2003). In contrast, the FAA is focused primarily on civilian air traffic (FAA, 2009). The role of the DHS is to coordinate and manage a successful joint relationship between the two. Difficulty often arises in areas of communication. It cannot be stressed enough that clear policies and guidelines for information sharing must be implemented so as to ensure proper unity. The fact that the Department of Homeland Security’s Strategic Plan is a living document is testimony to the fact that it is not perfect and so must continually undergo refinement. The last eight years are evidence of this fact. Still, despite the setbacks regarding information sharing the DHS has made strides in technological advancements.
By, l.R.K

In this discussion I will be discussing the effort to ensure efficiency in police organizations. It will have the various methods such as: policies, procedures, regulations, and practices that affect all of their performance and assigned duties. I will be discussing the three levels of the police in the organization of the law enforcement. The three levels are the first-line level, the middle level, the top level. I will be discussing the function for each of these levels.
Policies and Procedures
In the department of law enforcement policies and procedures manual would be in the personal offices. If you need to address legal and liability issues on the policies and procedures needs to incorporate the values of the law enforcement department, this would require the police managers to be realists and idealists. “Law enforcement officers deserve the guidance on what would be expected of them. Guidance empowers officers would work in ways that are organizationally acceptable and to avoid wide range of pitfalls, such as disciplinary actions and civil liability” (Means, 2007, p.10).
Functions of managers at various levels
For each of levels of management there are responsibilities such as: planning, organizing, controlling and leading. The officers who abuse that power lose respect, “Rank without respect is an empty holster” (Johnson, 2007, and p.10). Keeping this saying in mind the managers at all levels as they perform their functions. At each management level the activities which it flow downward with each management level interacting with its subordinates (Hesser, 2008, p.64).
Functions of the First-Line Supervisors
In law enforcement agency would be chief, supervisor or sergeant. The supervisors are responsible for translating and organizational values, strategies on their performances and compliance (Hesser, 2008, p.66). By enforcing the rules and regulations, The supervisor must maintaining discipline Training, guiding and mentoring others, The supervisor must conduct performance reviews evaluating the work of others, The supervisor must coordinating work schedules, Managing citizen complaints, The supervisor must performed tactical/critical incident decision making, The supervisor must conducting inspections, The last one will be the supervisor must conducting the roll call to make sure everyone is there that suppose to be (Hesser, 2008, p.66).
Middle Managers
The role of middle management is, “To turn the values, philosophies, principles, policies and strategies into some form of action to achieve desired results” (Hesser, 2008, p.65).Their responsibilities are communicating accurately the values, philosophies, principles, policies and strategies of the department. The middle managers would plan activities, organizing activities, controlling activities, leading activities (Hesser, 2008, p.65). The most important responsibilities of middle managers is assigning personnel promoting, demoting, sometimes terminating (Johnson, 2007b, p.21).

The top level managers
The executive manager which is the CEO of the top official of the law enforcement agencies and in law enforcement the title for the managers may be chief, sheriff. These Managers have authority and responsibility of each position in their department. Executive managers are responsible for planning, organizing and managing the agency’s resources, including its employees. Executive managers are responsible for preserving the peace and enforcing laws and ordinances (Hesser, 2008, p.64).
A final recommendation is that managers in new positions take time to develop a plan to deal with the community’s quality-of-life issues from their level (Perdue, 2008, p.177). The most important resource manager’s controls the officers who deliver basic police services. Managers/leaders at all levels should be the “torchbearers for this service-oriented mentality” (Perdue, p.177). There are too many people that has communication problems because the lack of effective communication skills. Which would cause them to have Problem solving; decision-making and quality-improvement efforts are serious problems because of the poor communication which we would call this ineffective communication (Hesser, 2008, p.34).

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