Chapter 7 cited a number of landmark court cases dealing with emotional distress and physical harms. For this assignment, you are required to select ONE of the following court cases discussed in the chapter and to criticize the court decision.Hustler Magazine v. Falwell
Snyder v. Phelps
Rice v. Paladin Enterprises, Inc.
In one or two pages essay (MS Word, 12 point Times New Roman font, single space), you must provide a brief synopsis of the selected case first, then critically examine the courts rationale to show why you disagree with it.You may want to look for additional resources beyond the textbook( the textbook is Trager, R., Russomanno, J. & Ross, S.D. (2012). The Law of Journalism & Mass Communication (3rd Ed.). Washington: CQ Press. ) (e.g., dissent opinion from the court, law review, editorial columns, etc.). When using those external sources, please make sure to use proper citation. The D2L Dropbox automatically scans your paper to identify possible plagiarism. As clearly mentioned in the syllabus, there will be zero tolerance for plagiarism.
Landmark court cases dealing with emotional distress and physical harms Hustler Magazine v. Falwell