Complete a PowerPoint addressing the uploaded material for the order, in the manner specified below. There should be a separate PowerPoint slide for each of the FOUR issues described below. Consider being employed as a soldier in the U.S. Army where pay, benefits, and ALL working conditions are non negotiable since they are Army regulations for every soldier in the U.S. Army. In a word document, please tell elaborate how the employees vs. management (owners, government, etc.) would feel about each of the issues below. In addition, please discuss potential resolution of the different perspectives and how this information should be communicated back to leadership and the workforce (make sure to consider that ALL working conditions are set orders from the U.S. Army. Remember there are NO UNIONS in or ALOUD in the Army. Grievances OF ANY kind besides ones that are against Army regulations HAVE to be respectfully be given to supervisors/chain of command. Issue 1. Alternative Work Schedules (i.e. flexible work) Issue 2. Transfers Issue 5. Restriction of Overtime Issue 4. Any other one issue of your choice Firstly, describe the scene and discuss the place of employment…size, work done, types and number of employees. Secondly, state for each item above what the employees would want the policy to be and why. Thirdly, for each item, state what the management/owners would want. Finally, state what a fair and reasonable agreement would be considering the desires of both sides. The idea here is to look at what standard issues of non-wage issues in bargaining take place in a real environment. Evaluate both sides and develop a compromise. The explanations need not be lengthy. Simple state the arguments and reasons for them…and give your resolution to each and the reason for your stance.