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KKK History

In the early 1900’s many, racial groups were formed due to the tension in the country at the time. The KKK was one of the groups that were formed. The tension began after the end of thewar that was fought on the mainland. The Klan was started with a mission with the mission to preserve the social order of the south and promote patriotism. In spite of its continuity over the years, it has gone through several changes in its aims and tactics.An understanding of the beginning of this racial group and its history since their inception is the main purpose of this write up. The article also contains recent analysis of its history with reference to modern authors.

The Ku Klux Klan is a racial gang that started immediately after the last war that was fought on the mainland. This war came with freedom for the black people and other minoritygroups,but many whites were angry that the blacks, who before that were being treated as slaves, had overstepped their boundaries and disregarded the social order. The white extremists saw it was good to form a group that would restore the social order that they deemed was necessary for their culture (David 400).

In the time between 1920 and 1945, movements for civil rights began. This presented an opportunity for the minorities to rise above the social order and be counted as equals in their country. The only obstacle was the formation of groups that disregard their freedom and treat them inhumanely.Thiswas the time that the KKK would grow and advance in their evil plans.The country was to face a time of racial abuse that was organized, premeditated, and planned. The Ku Klux Klan became a formidable group since it had a strong membership from people who were well off and had ties to politics, businesses, and religion in the country making it hard for the minority groups to be treated as equals.

According to the studies done in the past, racism has been the main challenge in America throughout its history. The way the slaves were treated proved that the white majority did not care about the rights of these people. The advisory commission on civil disorders has often said that prejudice and social injustice might affect the future of the country in a negative way. The start of the Ku Klux Klan is the case in point where instead of the citizens directing their attention on improving the country, they are trying to put down the minority groups (Daniels, Roger, and Harry 26).

The fact that racism did not occur just in awhiteneighborhood but in government show that it had been enshrined in America’s policy that a black man cannot lead his white counterpart in any capacity.Historians claim that the Ku Klux Klan had three movements first one having begun in 1866 just after the civil war. This faction was led by Army General Nathan Forrest and was designed to prevent the men who had been freed from using the political and economic rights that came with their freedom. The inception of the first group of the Ku Klux Klan had the purpose of preserving their member’s belongings and positions in the society, but as the years were on their purpose was entirely changed (Schaefer 153). The group’s mode of action consisted use of violence, coercion, and intimidation to achieve their goals. They started with lynching the minority groups, in this case, the blacks while wearing white robes and sheets. The group was then disbanded when its leader realized that it was being misused. Another reason for it disbandment was that its activities were unlawful according to the laws that had been derived by the government.

In the year 1915, a movie based on the reconstruction and the civil war directed Griffith Ward was released. The film caused a stir, and it ended up causing the reborn of the Klan once again. William Simmons, one of the people who saw the movie, took the liberty of reviving the Klan from the year 1915 to 1920. He was the one who wrote the directions to be used by the Klansmen. His group was created as a secret organization with rules and rituals that each member was expected to follow. The Klan had a membership of less than 5000 men, despite Simmons trying to promote its membership through the years 1915 to 1920. The next decade, i.e. 1920-1930 was a time for the group to consolidate their numbers. This was achieved using publicists hired by Simmons. The years between 1930 and 1940 saw a great growth in their numbers. They went on and terrorized the black population through threats and violence in the name of protecting their birth rights (Schaefer 145). Simmons was the leader of the group during these decades.

The next decade (1940-1950), with KKK lead by Hiram W. Evans,World War I, was a major event, but even then, there was a continued racial discrimination. In 1944, Civil Rights movement put an end to the structured and lawful Ku Klux Klan. However, the Klan still existed. After the war, the turbulence brought about by the war enabled the activists to grow their idea of racism. They started a prejudice against all the people that were not considered Americans. However, in the years 1950-1960 the black people were enlightened and started a movement that would fight for their rights. The founding of organizations such as the Association for the improvement of Colored People that tasked itself with the fight against racism helped lower the number. Many people realized that every human being had equal rights due to increased civilization (Stanley 57). The next decade (1960-1970) would see a complete eradication of the group through lobbying in parliament and other government institutions that create policies in government. However, the group was not completely done away with but instead it operated as an illegal group 1n the next decades i.e. 1970-1980 and 1980-1990 with David Duke as it leader. The group would stay silent in the 1990’s, but it has voiced its opinions once again in the period2000-2010 especially with the discussion regarding immigration.Ku Klux Klan members today do not act like those before, but they do exist. They can be seen attending parties held by the higher and mighty in the society whose guest list consists of white people only (David 391).Duke would have the help of Jeff Berry and Samuel Bowers during this period.

David is the man behind the restructure of the Klan after its abolition in 1974. He joined the Klan in 1967 and became a radical member of the Klan. In 1974, he founded the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which was based in Louisiana. He is the man who changed the clans dressing styles from the robes to business suits thus presenting the members of the Klan as well groomed and professional. He promoted non-violence in the group and even pushed for its legality. Women and Catholics were also accepted in this new form of the KKK. He is basically the father of the modern KKK.

Racism is a hideous statement, and a catastrophic reality of almost every nation on the globe. There has been discrimination in the world since its inception. It might be social or racial or anything else, but most of them can be shed except racism. Ku Klux Klan started a trend that has not ended yet in the world. It is a situation and a habit should be completely eradicated. Regrettably, as long as human beings have free will, the repulsive human nature of racial discrimination will continue to be seen.

Works cited

Daniels, Roger, Harry H. L. Kitano. American Racism: Exploration of the Nature of Prejudice. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970. Web 9th June 2014.

David, Mark Chalmers. Hooded Americanism: The Ku KluxKlan New York: 1981. Print.

Roger Baldwin, N. The Ku Klux Klan in American Politics.Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 345. (1963): 159-160. Print.

Schaefer, Richard T. The Ku Klux Klan: Continuity and Change.Phylon, 32. 2 (1971): 143-157. Print.


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