For this assignment, you will find an argument (an article, documentary, fim, ad campaign, etc.) in which you can identify logical fallacies, misrepresentations of facts, or other examples of erroneous reasoning. In the introduction, you will briefly summarize the author’s argument and in your thesis, identify the problems of the argument that will be the main focus of your analysis. Then in the body, you will analyze the b.s. you have identified and support your analysis with examples from the text. Finally, in the conclusion you will remark on the significance of subject at hand. This paper is a minimum of 5 pages not counting the works cited page, and muse adhere to mla format. Here are a few examples of b.s. you may want to consider, but as always you can choose your own subject:
This is the topic I choose for the prompt: Kirk Cameron (former child actor, current Christian evangelist) on gay marriage. (You can also look up Cameron on evolution and many other topics).
Heres an interview of him explaining his POV .
This is the topic I chose but if there isn’t much information on it, you can choose any other topic, its fine with me.
Remember to use author-centered language in your
analysis. Consider using phrases or terms such as the author/film: misrepresents; fails to mention (key facts); omits (crucial context); misleads; selectively produces evidence (“cherry picks”); misuses; misinterprets; mischaracterizes; diverts attention from; emotionally manipulates; etc. You can also look at the author’s sources of evidence—does he or she provide any? If so, is it credible, and if not, why not? You may also consider the logic presented in the author’s argument. If it is incoherent, illogical, or contradictory, explain where.
This is where I’m struggling, I know the ideas, however, I struggle with using high vocab. My teacher is really picky with grammar as well (commas, spelling, etc) It would be great if you could help me with that as well! Thank you for your time and commitment! Also its my first year in college and I’m in English 116, I can’t pay more than $60. If someone is able to do that for me, it would be amazing!
Kirk Cameron on Gay Marriage