Short Paper 1: Reaction Paper Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to (a) think critically about key issues in health sciences, (b) closely read and interpret research articles, synthesizing new and previous readings, and (c) improve your ability to independently make and substantiate knowledge claims. Format: Your finished assignment should be approximately 2-3 pages DOUBLE-SPACED (not including the reference section). The document must be formatted with 1 inch margins, 12 point font, and numbered pages. Your paper should be uploaded as a separate document to Blackboard, under the Assignments tab. Your paper MUST use proper APA style citations, both in text and in a reference list at the end of the document. For more information on APA style, see as well as other resources distributed in class and on Blackboard. Grading: This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade, translated here as 5 points. Your grade will be based on: Conceptual understanding: Your paper demonstrates your understanding of issues discussed in the reading, as well as important health and population health concepts we have discussed Evidence: Your key points are supported with appropriate and meaningful quotations Structure and organization: Your paper is logical and coherent; writing is clear, precise and errorfree Meeting assignment guidelines: All required elements and sections are present, readings are accurately cited in APA style THERE IS AN AUTOMATIC DEDUCTION OF 2 POINTS FOR POOR GRAMMAR, SPELLING, AND FORMATTING. YOUR WRITING MUST BE IN FULL SENTENCES OR YOU WILL INCUR THIS DEDUCTION. PROOFREAD AND EDIT DONT LOSE POINTS ON AN OTHERWISE STRONG PAPER BECAUSE You will be writing your paper on the following article: Braveman, P., Egerter, S., & Williams, D. R. (2011). The social determinants of health: coming of age. Annual Review of Public Health, 32, 381-398.Your paper should contain the following sections: PART 1: Write a synopsis of the article Use your own words to describe what the essay is about. What is its central thesis or research question? What are its aims or goals? What are its supporting arguments, and how do the authors forward that argument? Be sure to define terms the authors use, and provide concrete examples (for instance what are some upstream determinants of health, and how do they affect health?) PART 2: Relate this new reading to at least one other article weve read (WHO, CDC, Aronowitz, Lantz) What is the connection between that reading and this one? Be sure to summarize the other reading you are using. It doesnt have to be as detailed as your summary of the new reading, but you should write as if the audience has not read the work and needs to be brought up to speed. PART 3: React to one or more of the issues raised by these readings How does the information in these articles relate to your own experience or knowledge? Were the authors arguments convincing? Why or why not? What would you ask or tell the author if you could? What did you realize as a result of reading this article? Make sure to use specific examples and appropriately cited quotations Tips for a Successful Reaction Paper Pre-Write! As you are reading the article: Mark any interesting or confusing passages Jot down some of your ideas and initial reactions Use your close reading skills to improve your understanding. Identify the thesis; define key terms; look up words you dont know; outline the article Organize your thoughts Write your thesis statement first Decide on your key points Develop your key points by adding examples and quotations Edit! Read your paper again. Do you have an introduction and conclusion? Does every paragraph have a topic sentence? Did you use supporting examples to illustrate your key points? Run a spelling and grammar check dont let these issues distract (and lose you points) on a otherwise strong paper Check your references Use the Resources listed on Blackboard to help polish your paper Source Linkss: first one: second one: 108145033_1/courses/BKL01_HNSC._2109W_TR3_1159_1/Lantz%20- %20Health%20Policy%20Approaches%20to%20Population%20Health.pdf

key issues in health sciences

key issues in health sciences
Project description
Short Paper 1: Reaction Paper
Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to (a) think critically about key issues in health sciences, (b) closely read and interpret research articles, synthesizing new and previous readings, and (c) improve your ability to independently make and substantiate knowledge claims.
Format: Your finished assignment should be approximately 2-3 pages DOUBLE-SPACED (not including the reference section). The document must be formatted with 1 inch margins, 12 point font, and numbered pages. Your paper should be uploaded as a separate document to Blackboard, under the Assignments tab.
Your paper MUST use proper APA style citations, both in text and in a reference list at the end of the document. For more information on APA style, see as well as other resources distributed in class and on Blackboard.
Grading: This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade, translated here as 5 points. Your grade will be based on:
Conceptual understanding: Your paper demonstrates your understanding of issues discussed in the reading, as well as important health and population health concepts we have discussed
Evidence: Your key points are supported with appropriate and meaningful quotations
Structure and organization: Your paper is logical and coherent; writing is clear, precise and error-free
Meeting assignment guidelines: All required elements and sections are present, readings are accurately cited in APA style
You will be writing your paper on the following article:
Braveman, P., Egerter, S., & Williams, D. R. (2011). The social determinants of health: coming of age. Annual Review of Public Health, 32, 381-398.
Your paper should contain the following sections:
PART 1: Write a synopsis of the article
Use your own words to describe what the essay is about. What is its central thesis or research question? What are its aims or goals? What are its supporting arguments, and how do the authors forward that argument?
Be sure to define terms the authors use, and provide concrete examples (for instance what are some upstream determinants of health, and how do they affect health?)
PART 2: Relate this new reading to at least one other article weve read (WHO, CDC, Aronowitz, Lantz)
What is the connection between that reading and this one?
Be sure to summarize the other reading you are using. It doesnt have to be as detailed as your summary of the new reading, but you should write as if the audience has not read the work and needs to be brought up to speed.
PART 3: React to one or more of the issues raised by these readings
How does the information in these articles relate to your own experience or knowledge?
Were the authors arguments convincing? Why or why not?
What would you ask or tell the author if you could?
What did you realize as a result of reading this article?
Make sure to use specific examples and appropriately cited quotations
Tips for a Successful Reaction Paper
Pre-Write! As you are reading the article:
Mark any interesting or confusing passages
Jot down some of your ideas and initial reactions
Use your close reading skills to improve your understanding. Identify the thesis; define key terms; look up words you dont know; outline the article
Organize your thoughts
Write your thesis statement first
Decide on your key points
Develop your key points by adding examples and quotations
Read your paper again. Do you have an introduction and conclusion? Does every paragraph have a topic sentence? Did you use supporting examples to illustrate your key points?
Run a spelling and grammar check dont let these issues distract (and lose you points) on an otherwise strong paper
Check your references
Use the Resources listed on Blackboard to help polish your paper
Source Linkss:
first one:
second one:
key issues in health sciences

key issues in health sciences
Project description
Short Paper 1: Reaction Paper
Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to (a) think critically about key issues in health sciences, (b) closely read and interpret research articles, synthesizing new and previous readings, and (c) improve your ability to independently make and substantiate knowledge claims.
Format: Your finished assignment should be approximately 2-3 pages DOUBLE-SPACED (not including the reference section). The document must be formatted with 1 inch margins, 12 point font, and numbered pages. Your paper should be uploaded as a separate document to Blackboard, under the Assignments tab.
Your paper MUST use proper APA style citations, both in text and in a reference list at the end of the document. For more information on APA style, see as well as other resources distributed in class and on Blackboard.
Grading: This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade, translated here as 5 points. Your grade will be based on:
Conceptual understanding: Your paper demonstrates your understanding of issues discussed in the reading, as well as important health and population health concepts we have discussed
Evidence: Your key points are supported with appropriate and meaningful quotations
Structure and organization: Your paper is logical and coherent; writing is clear, precise and error-free
Meeting assignment guidelines: All required elements and sections are present, readings are accurately cited in APA style
You will be writing your paper on the following article:
Braveman, P., Egerter, S., & Williams, D. R. (2011). The social determinants of health: coming of age. Annual Review of Public Health, 32, 381-398.
Your paper should contain the following sections:
PART 1: Write a synopsis of the article
Use your own words to describe what the essay is about. What is its central thesis or research question? What are its aims or goals? What are its supporting arguments, and how do the authors forward that argument?
Be sure to define terms the authors use, and provide concrete examples (for instance what are some upstream determinants of health, and how do they affect health?)
PART 2: Relate this new reading to at least one other article weve read (WHO, CDC, Aronowitz, Lantz)
What is the connection between that reading and this one?
Be sure to summarize the other reading you are using. It doesnt have to be as detailed as your summary of the new reading, but you should write as if the audience has not read the work and needs to be brought up to speed.
PART 3: React to one or more of the issues raised by these readings
How does the information in these articles relate to your own experience or knowledge?
Were the authors arguments convincing? Why or why not?
What would you ask or tell the author if you could?
What did you realize as a result of reading this article?
Make sure to use specific examples and appropriately cited quotations
Tips for a Successful Reaction Paper
Pre-Write! As you are reading the article:
Mark any interesting or confusing passages
Jot down some of your ideas and initial reactions
Use your close reading skills to improve your understanding. Identify the thesis; define key terms; look up words you dont know; outline the article
Organize your thoughts
Write your thesis statement first
Decide on your key points
Develop your key points by adding examples and quotations
Read your paper again. Do you have an introduction and conclusion? Does every paragraph have a topic sentence? Did you use supporting examples to illustrate your key points?
Run a spelling and grammar check dont let these issues distract (and lose you points) on an otherwise strong paper
Check your references
Use the Resources listed on Blackboard to help polish your paper
Source Linkss:
first one:
second one: