Key Elements of Chapter One
1) Introduction: This will be 1-2 paragraphs describing your specific practice problem to the reader. Answer this question: what are you going to be investigating and why? Include citations.
2) Purpose: This is a SUPER important part of your project, as this will form the basis for it. This needs to be as specific (narrow) as possible. The purpose of my scholarly project is___________. I want you to write out research questions, as well, to get your thinking very specifically, using the PICO(T) format (refer to your research book for help if you need it, or ask me). Also, include your overarching aim for the project: What do you hope for as a result of investigating this particular nursing practice problem? Very important to get your chair involved at this point. This will be one paragraph. No citations. IMPORTANT CAVEAT: this may change as you go through the semester, but the sooner you can nail this part, the better. Sometimes it takes time to play around with this, but the time spent is worth it!
3) Background: In this section, give the reader a glimpse into what will be coming (in greater detail) in your chapter two (review of literature section). What is already known (from the research) about what you are investigating? Include citations. Aim for 1-2 pages. Citations.
4) Significance: nursing, healthcare, and advanced practice nurses. Each one deserves a paragraph. Include citations. Aim for 1-2 pages.
5) Practice support for project: In what ways will your particular practice (where you work) support your project? Think about the many ways you will need support: people, place, and process. One to three paragraphs, no citations.
6) Benefit of Project to Practice: In what ways will your project benefit your particular practice setting? One paragraph, no citations.
7) Conclusion: Short paragraph which includes a summary of the important points outlined in your paper. This is not the place to introduce anything new to the reader. Citations may or may not be necessary, depending.
8) References
Chapter one should be 8-10 pages, including references. APA style formatting means 12 point font, Times New Roman style, one inch margins, double-space. A nice sample paper to look at for APA format is on page 41 of your book. Once you get my feedback on your chapter, super important to fix it!
This assignment (along with chapter two and three) will go through the Turnitin software program. Be sure that your originality percentage is at or below 15%. No matter the percentage, view your report to see how you are doing with citing and paraphrasing. If you submit something and feel that your percentage is too high or you are worried about accurate citing, view the report, fix it, and resubmit. I only grade the most recent submission for each assignment. So, this is a learning opportunity. It is super important to cite carefully, in APA format, and to learn to paraphrase—you want to avoid plagiarism!
On the next page is an example of possible headings for the paper (in APA format):
Chapter One
Start writing the introductory paragraphs here. In APA format, there is no formal heading as it is assumed. See APA book pages 62-63 for more details about using headings.
Advanced Practice Nursing
Practice Support for Project
Benefit of Project to Practice
Key Elements of Chapter One

Key Elements of Chapter One

Key Elements of Chapter One
1) Introduction: This will be 1-2 paragraphs describing your specific practice problem to the reader. Answer this question: what are you going to be investigating and why? Include citations.
2) Purpose: This is a SUPER important part of your project, as this will form the basis for it. This needs to be as specific (narrow) as possible. The purpose of my scholarly project is___________. I want you to write out research questions, as well, to get your thinking very specifically, using the PICO(T) format (refer to your research book for help if you need it, or ask me). Also, include your overarching aim for the project: What do you hope for as a result of investigating this particular nursing practice problem? Very important to get your chair involved at this point. This will be one paragraph. No citations. IMPORTANT CAVEAT: this may change as you go through the semester, but the sooner you can nail this part, the better. Sometimes it takes time to play around with this, but the time spent is worth it!
3) Background: In this section, give the reader a glimpse into what will be coming (in greater detail) in your chapter two (review of literature section). What is already known (from the research) about what you are investigating? Include citations. Aim for 1-2 pages. Citations.
4) Significance: nursing, healthcare, and advanced practice nurses. Each one deserves a paragraph. Include citations. Aim for 1-2 pages.
5) Practice support for project: In what ways will your particular practice (where you work) support your project? Think about the many ways you will need support: people, place, and process. One to three paragraphs, no citations.
6) Benefit of Project to Practice: In what ways will your project benefit your particular practice setting? One paragraph, no citations.
7) Conclusion: Short paragraph which includes a summary of the important points outlined in your paper. This is not the place to introduce anything new to the reader. Citations may or may not be necessary, depending.
8) References
Chapter one should be 8-10 pages, including references. APA style formatting means 12 point font, Times New Roman style, one inch margins, double-space. A nice sample paper to look at for APA format is on page 41 of your book. Once you get my feedback on your chapter, super important to fix it!
This assignment (along with chapter two and three) will go through the Turnitin software program. Be sure that your originality percentage is at or below 15%. No matter the percentage, view your report to see how you are doing with citing and paraphrasing. If you submit something and feel that your percentage is too high or you are worried about accurate citing, view the report, fix it, and resubmit. I only grade the most recent submission for each assignment. So, this is a learning opportunity. It is super important to cite carefully, in APA format, and to learn to paraphrase—you want to avoid plagiarism!
On the next page is an example of possible headings for the paper (in APA format):
Chapter One
Start writing the introductory paragraphs here. In APA format, there is no formal heading as it is assumed. See APA book pages 62-63 for more details about using headings.
Advanced Practice Nursing
Practice Support for Project
Benefit of Project to Practice