Kaplan University School of Arts and Sciences
Unit 9 Assignment
Unit 9 Assignment Instructions
Prepare for the analysis questions by completing the following for each case study: ? Consider each case as a within-subject experimental design where the participant will serve as his/her own experimental control. You should use the scientific method of inquiry to provide you with a systematic approach to clearly identify the problem: in this case an appropriate, quantifiable target behavior that is in need of change. ? You will then formulate a hypothesis regarding what intervention will result in a specific direction of change in the target behavior. As your next step, you will pretend to test the hypothesis by conducting an experiment which in this case means implementing a behavior intervention. ? Next, you will analyze data obtained from the experiment to draw a conclusion regarding whether the hypothesis is confirmed or whether the behavior intervention will require further modification or the implementation of a new intervention. Lastly, with results obtained, you will communicate your results by reporting the outcome in the written component of this Assignment. Each case covers the theories, concepts, and research that you have learned about this term. Your written Assignment should consist of information mainly from the two texts. If necessary you may use supplemental readings. You may also use sources from the Kaplan Library or credible internet sources, but your primary sources should be the Reading assigned for the course. This will help you demonstrate your mastery of the material covered this term. After reading each case and conducting the analysis as guided above, please fully provide the information listed below. Answers to the questions should be typed up in a Word document, double-spaced in 12 point font, and submitted to the Dropbox. Your answers should be 3 to 4 pages for each case in order to address all required parts of the Assignment. Case 1: The Case of Emily 1. Briefly recap the case. 2. Identify the most important target behavior. Provide a clear definition and why it is important to target this behavior.
3. Discuss which inadvertent reinforcement strategy may have contributed to Emily’s school refusal and why.
PS360 Unit 9 Assignment
4. Formulate a hypothesis regarding what intervention will result in a specific level and direction of desired change in the target behavior. 5. Choose an effective behavior modification program to help Emily’s parents to help her improve her target behavior and to test your previously stated hypothesis. Discuss why you chose that program and how you would implement the strategy. 6. Discuss how you will monitor the program and analyze the results. Make sure to include what you would consider to be a successful intervention. Discuss changes you could make to the plan if the expected outcome was not attained. 7. How has the scientific method guided this experiment? Case 2: The Case of Mr. Smith 1. Briefly recap the case. 2. Identify the most important target behavior. Provide a clear definition and why it is important to target this behavior.
3. Discuss why Mr. Smith’s previous interventions may not have been successful.
4. Formulate a hypothesis regarding what intervention will result in a specific level and direction of desired change in the target behavior. 5. Choose an effective behavior modification program to help Mr. Smith with his company and to test your previously stated hypothesis. Discuss why you chose that program and how you would implement the strategy. 6. Discuss how you will monitor the program and analyze the results. Make sure to include what you would consider to be a successful intervention. Discuss changes you could make to the plan if the expected outcome was not attained. Make sure to use proper APA format to credit the sources you use in your case study analysis. For additional information, refer to the APA Quick Reference found in Course Home or to the Kaplan Writing Center. You must credit authors when you: ? Summarize a concept, theory, or research ? Use direct quotes from the text or articles
Kaplan University School of Arts and Sciences
Unit 9 Assignment
Unit 9 Assignment Case Study Transcripts
Case 1: The Case of Emily
Your newest client is 6-year-old Emily who was referred to you by her pediatric psychologist because she has been having behavior issues. Her parents tell you that her challenges started when she started first grade. She told her parents that she did not want to go to school because it was not fun anymore. Initially she was just reluctant to go but now she is having screaming tantrums in which she cries and bangs her head on the floor. At the same time that the tantrums started occurring, Emily also began to refuse to sleep in her own bed; she would only fall asleep if she was in her parents’ bed. Sometimes, Emily’s parents would wait until she fell asleep and then carry her back to her own room. However, Emily often would wake up and then cry and scream and wake the entire family. Both parents feel tired and frustrated and have now resigned themselves to allowing Emily to sleep in their room. Her parents have been very concerned about these outbursts and initially let her stay home from school while they tried to figure out what was bothering her. A meeting with Emily’s teacher revealed that she generally behaves well at school and her basic academic skills appear to be at grade level. As a behavior analyst, you need to decide what to do to help Emily and her family.
Case 2: The Case of Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith just walked into your office because he is having problems at work and he needs the help of a behavior analyst. Mr. Smith owns a company that manufactures custom figure skates. It is a small company with 30 employees who are all trained to do the highly specialized work it takes to make these skates. For the last year absenteeism has become a big problem. In fact, so many employees are absent so often that the company has not been able to keep up with their productivity in order to meet important deadlines. This has threatened the health of the company. Mr. Smith first tried offering coffee and donuts in the morning to show his employees that they were highly valued. This did not change anything. He also held a meeting and explained to everyone that if the absenteeism continued and their productivity continues to drop the factory may have to close down permanently. This made the absenteeism worse. So Mr. Smith has come to your office hoping you can help him with his employees.
Kaplan University School of Arts and Sciences

Kaplan University School of Arts and Sciences

Kaplan University School of Arts and Sciences
Unit 9 Assignment
Unit 9 Assignment Instructions
Prepare for the analysis questions by completing the following for each case study: ? Consider each case as a within-subject experimental design where the participant will serve as his/her own experimental control. You should use the scientific method of inquiry to provide you with a systematic approach to clearly identify the problem: in this case an appropriate, quantifiable target behavior that is in need of change. ? You will then formulate a hypothesis regarding what intervention will result in a specific direction of change in the target behavior. As your next step, you will pretend to test the hypothesis by conducting an experiment which in this case means implementing a behavior intervention. ? Next, you will analyze data obtained from the experiment to draw a conclusion regarding whether the hypothesis is confirmed or whether the behavior intervention will require further modification or the implementation of a new intervention. Lastly, with results obtained, you will communicate your results by reporting the outcome in the written component of this Assignment. Each case covers the theories, concepts, and research that you have learned about this term. Your written Assignment should consist of information mainly from the two texts. If necessary you may use supplemental readings. You may also use sources from the Kaplan Library or credible internet sources, but your primary sources should be the Reading assigned for the course. This will help you demonstrate your mastery of the material covered this term. After reading each case and conducting the analysis as guided above, please fully provide the information listed below. Answers to the questions should be typed up in a Word document, double-spaced in 12 point font, and submitted to the Dropbox. Your answers should be 3 to 4 pages for each case in order to address all required parts of the Assignment. Case 1: The Case of Emily 1. Briefly recap the case. 2. Identify the most important target behavior. Provide a clear definition and why it is important to target this behavior.
3. Discuss which inadvertent reinforcement strategy may have contributed to Emily’s school refusal and why.
PS360 Unit 9 Assignment
4. Formulate a hypothesis regarding what intervention will result in a specific level and direction of desired change in the target behavior. 5. Choose an effective behavior modification program to help Emily’s parents to help her improve her target behavior and to test your previously stated hypothesis. Discuss why you chose that program and how you would implement the strategy. 6. Discuss how you will monitor the program and analyze the results. Make sure to include what you would consider to be a successful intervention. Discuss changes you could make to the plan if the expected outcome was not attained. 7. How has the scientific method guided this experiment? Case 2: The Case of Mr. Smith 1. Briefly recap the case. 2. Identify the most important target behavior. Provide a clear definition and why it is important to target this behavior.
3. Discuss why Mr. Smith’s previous interventions may not have been successful.
4. Formulate a hypothesis regarding what intervention will result in a specific level and direction of desired change in the target behavior. 5. Choose an effective behavior modification program to help Mr. Smith with his company and to test your previously stated hypothesis. Discuss why you chose that program and how you would implement the strategy. 6. Discuss how you will monitor the program and analyze the results. Make sure to include what you would consider to be a successful intervention. Discuss changes you could make to the plan if the expected outcome was not attained. Make sure to use proper APA format to credit the sources you use in your case study analysis. For additional information, refer to the APA Quick Reference found in Course Home or to the Kaplan Writing Center. You must credit authors when you: ? Summarize a concept, theory, or research ? Use direct quotes from the text or articles
Kaplan University School of Arts and Sciences
Unit 9 Assignment
Unit 9 Assignment Case Study Transcripts
Case 1: The Case of Emily
Your newest client is 6-year-old Emily who was referred to you by her pediatric psychologist because she has been having behavior issues. Her parents tell you that her challenges started when she started first grade. She told her parents that she did not want to go to school because it was not fun anymore. Initially she was just reluctant to go but now she is having screaming tantrums in which she cries and bangs her head on the floor. At the same time that the tantrums started occurring, Emily also began to refuse to sleep in her own bed; she would only fall asleep if she was in her parents’ bed. Sometimes, Emily’s parents would wait until she fell asleep and then carry her back to her own room. However, Emily often would wake up and then cry and scream and wake the entire family. Both parents feel tired and frustrated and have now resigned themselves to allowing Emily to sleep in their room. Her parents have been very concerned about these outbursts and initially let her stay home from school while they tried to figure out what was bothering her. A meeting with Emily’s teacher revealed that she generally behaves well at school and her basic academic skills appear to be at grade level. As a behavior analyst, you need to decide what to do to help Emily and her family.
Case 2: The Case of Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith just walked into your office because he is having problems at work and he needs the help of a behavior analyst. Mr. Smith owns a company that manufactures custom figure skates. It is a small company with 30 employees who are all trained to do the highly specialized work it takes to make these skates. For the last year absenteeism has become a big problem. In fact, so many employees are absent so often that the company has not been able to keep up with their productivity in order to meet important deadlines. This has threatened the health of the company. Mr. Smith first tried offering coffee and donuts in the morning to show his employees that they were highly valued. This did not change anything. He also held a meeting and explained to everyone that if the absenteeism continued and their productivity continues to drop the factory may have to close down permanently. This made the absenteeism worse. So Mr. Smith has come to your office hoping you can help him with his employees.