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Order Description
Assignment 2 QuestionConsider High Courts decision in the case of Tame v New South Wales; Annetts v Australian Stations Pty Ltd (2002) 211 CLR 317 to find that the claimants, Mr and Mrs Annetts, were owed a duty of care in negligence by the defendants, Australian Stations Pty Ltd.Please provide an analysis of how the claim-right possessed by Mr and Mrs Annetts maps onto the Hohfeldian incidents. This essay requires you to discuss the nature of Hohfeldian claim-rights, and to outline how claim-rights such as those possessed by the Annetts fit together with the other types of Hohfeldian rights in a molecular conception of rights.Please note the following instructions:
This assignment is due on 25 October 2016 (week 13) at 11:59pm and should be submitted on Blackboard via Turnitin (instructions how to submit your assignment via Turnitin will be posted on Blackboard);
The word limit for this assignment is 4,000 words (excluding references);
You must provide references consistent with the AGLC (AUSTRALIAN GUIDE TO LEGAL CITATION)
Your essay should be structured appropriately and clearly answer the question. You will be expected to analyse the question, conduct legal research using both primary and secondary legal resources, and present a satisfactory review of the relevant literature;
You must make reference to a minimum of 15 pieces of relevant academic literature and/or research.
The essay will be worth a total of 50 marks;
Marks will allocated according to:
The use of relevant literature and research;
The strength and clarity of your presentation of the various arguments contained in the literature;
The structure of your literature review, quality of your written expression and your referencing.
For more details regarding allocation of marks for this essay, please see the Essay Marking Guide on the following page.Please also note: it is intended at this stage that the student who submits the best essay will be invited to combine their essay with ongoing research of mine on this topic, to be subsequently submitted for publication as co-authors to a prestigious journal in the area of legal philosophy.
Student:LAW2345 Jurisprudence
Assignment 2 Marking Guide

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Order Description
Apply your approved topic* to the ideas and arguments raised in your chosen TED talk. Being as specific as possible, what connections, influences, contradictions or insights emerge? Write in a Jurisprudential Manner. ( I will attach the brief detailing ted talks etc and the approved topic list)
No Topic
1. American legal realism
2. Aquinas and Christian naturalism
3. Austin’s development of Bentham
4. Austin’s command theory
5. Catherine MacKinnon
6. Cicero and naturalism
7. Comparative views of law within feminism
8. Contemporary natural law
9. Critical legal studies
10. Critical legal studies and legal feminism
11. Critical race theory
12. Cultural feminism
13. Deconstructing law
14. Derrida & legal theory
15. Dworkin’s interpretive theory of law
16. Dworkin’s objections to Hart
17. Dworkin’s recent works
18. Dworkin on rights
19. Duncan Kennedy and the philosophy of legal education
20. The English social contract tradition
21. Finnis and Fuller contrasted
22. Finnis’s revival of natural law
23. Foucault and legal theory
24. French feminism & legal theory
25. Fuller’s procedural natural law
26. Gender and biology in legal theory
27. Hart/Devlin debate
28. Hart/Fuller debate
29. Hart’s core and penumbra
30. Hart’s objections to Dworkin
31. Hart’s offence principle
32. Hart’s open texture
33. Hart’s primary/secondary rules
34. Hart’s critique of Kelsen
35. The legal theory of Holmes O.W.
36. Holmes as progenitor of the realist movement
37. Hobbes’ social contract
38. Inclusive and exclusive positivism
39. Influence of the Frankfurt School on legal theory
40. Fuller’s internal morality of law
41. Jerome Frank, realism and psychology
42. Judges as law makers in legal theory
43. Jurisprudence, economics and law
44. Justice as a Platonic ideal
45. Kantian justice
46. Kant’s influence on legal theory
47. Kelman, Mark
48. Kelsen and the pure theory
49. Kelsen and Austin compared
50. Kelsen’s theory applied in legal cases
51. Kennedy’s legal culture
52. Law & the Leviathan (Hobbes)
53. Law as a commodity (Marx)
54. Lyotard and legal theory
55. Legal anthropology and legal theory
56. Legal positivism – its origins
57. Leiter’s development of legal realism
58. Liberal feminism
59. Llewellyn and the renewal of American Jurisprudence
60. Locke’s social contract
61. Locke, libertarianism and Nozick
62. Lockean rights and legal theory
63. Luce Irigaray
64. Kelman, Mark
65. Marx: law and ideology
66. Marxist influences on legal theory
67. Marxist jurisprudence
68. Marx’s relevance to contemporary legal culture
69. Marx’s analysis of the law of his time
70. Mill’s departure from Bentham
71. Mill’s harm principle
72. Mill’s influence in the Hart/Devlin debate
73. Mill and the liberal state
74. Mill’s influence on feminist thought
75. Natural law principles and canon law
76. Nietzsche’s influence on legal theory
77. Nozickean justice
78. Nozick and liberal legal theory
79. Nozick’s attack on distributive justice
80. Olivecrona, Karl
81. Patriarchy
82. Plato’s analogy of the cave
83. Plato’s Laws
84. Plato and positive liberty (Berlin)
85. Plato’s Republic
86. Plato’s dialogues and legal theory
87. Posner’s contribution to legal theory
88. Postmodernism and legal theory
89. Postmodernism, law and Lyotard
90. Postmodern feminism
91. Punishment and utilitarianism
92. Radical feminism
93. Rawls’ distributive justice
94. Rawls’ primary goods
95. Rawls and the social contract
96. Rawls and Nozick compared
97. Raz’s purity and coherence of legal theory
98. Rex/Hercules contrasted
99. Rousseau, Law & the General Will
100. Scholastic law – the medievalists
101. Significance of Bentham today
102. Significance of Hart today
103. Stanley Fish and interpretation
104. Stoic influence on legal theory
105. The Christian Fathers
106. Theories of punishment
107. Thomism and neo-Thomism
108. Unger’s alternative legal system
109. Utilitarianism and legal theory
110. Utilitarianism, law and economics
111. Weber’s contribution to law
112. Wollstonecraft’s influence on feminist theory

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Order Description
Apply your approved topic* to the ideas and arguments raised in your chosen TED talk. Being as specific as possible, what connections, influences, contradictions or insights emerge? Write in a Jurisprudential Manner. ( I will attach the brief detailing ted talks etc and the approved topic list)
No Topic
1. American legal realism
2. Aquinas and Christian naturalism
3. Austin’s development of Bentham
4. Austin’s command theory
5. Catherine MacKinnon
6. Cicero and naturalism
7. Comparative views of law within feminism
8. Contemporary natural law
9. Critical legal studies
10. Critical legal studies and legal feminism
11. Critical race theory
12. Cultural feminism
13. Deconstructing law
14. Derrida & legal theory
15. Dworkin’s interpretive theory of law
16. Dworkin’s objections to Hart
17. Dworkin’s recent works
18. Dworkin on rights
19. Duncan Kennedy and the philosophy of legal education
20. The English social contract tradition
21. Finnis and Fuller contrasted
22. Finnis’s revival of natural law
23. Foucault and legal theory
24. French feminism & legal theory
25. Fuller’s procedural natural law
26. Gender and biology in legal theory
27. Hart/Devlin debate
28. Hart/Fuller debate
29. Hart’s core and penumbra
30. Hart’s objections to Dworkin
31. Hart’s offence principle
32. Hart’s open texture
33. Hart’s primary/secondary rules
34. Hart’s critique of Kelsen
35. The legal theory of Holmes O.W.
36. Holmes as progenitor of the realist movement
37. Hobbes’ social contract
38. Inclusive and exclusive positivism
39. Influence of the Frankfurt School on legal theory
40. Fuller’s internal morality of law
41. Jerome Frank, realism and psychology
42. Judges as law makers in legal theory
43. Jurisprudence, economics and law
44. Justice as a Platonic ideal
45. Kantian justice
46. Kant’s influence on legal theory
47. Kelman, Mark
48. Kelsen and the pure theory
49. Kelsen and Austin compared
50. Kelsen’s theory applied in legal cases
51. Kennedy’s legal culture
52. Law & the Leviathan (Hobbes)
53. Law as a commodity (Marx)
54. Lyotard and legal theory
55. Legal anthropology and legal theory
56. Legal positivism – its origins
57. Leiter’s development of legal realism
58. Liberal feminism
59. Llewellyn and the renewal of American Jurisprudence
60. Locke’s social contract
61. Locke, libertarianism and Nozick
62. Lockean rights and legal theory
63. Luce Irigaray
64. Kelman, Mark
65. Marx: law and ideology
66. Marxist influences on legal theory
67. Marxist jurisprudence
68. Marx’s relevance to contemporary legal culture
69. Marx’s analysis of the law of his time
70. Mill’s departure from Bentham
71. Mill’s harm principle
72. Mill’s influence in the Hart/Devlin debate
73. Mill and the liberal state
74. Mill’s influence on feminist thought
75. Natural law principles and canon law
76. Nietzsche’s influence on legal theory
77. Nozickean justice
78. Nozick and liberal legal theory
79. Nozick’s attack on distributive justice
80. Olivecrona, Karl
81. Patriarchy
82. Plato’s analogy of the cave
83. Plato’s Laws
84. Plato and positive liberty (Berlin)
85. Plato’s Republic
86. Plato’s dialogues and legal theory
87. Posner’s contribution to legal theory
88. Postmodernism and legal theory
89. Postmodernism, law and Lyotard
90. Postmodern feminism
91. Punishment and utilitarianism
92. Radical feminism
93. Rawls’ distributive justice
94. Rawls’ primary goods
95. Rawls and the social contract
96. Rawls and Nozick compared
97. Raz’s purity and coherence of legal theory
98. Rex/Hercules contrasted
99. Rousseau, Law & the General Will
100. Scholastic law – the medievalists
101. Significance of Bentham today
102. Significance of Hart today
103. Stanley Fish and interpretation
104. Stoic influence on legal theory
105. The Christian Fathers
106. Theories of punishment
107. Thomism and neo-Thomism
108. Unger’s alternative legal system
109. Utilitarianism and legal theory
110. Utilitarianism, law and economics
111. Weber’s contribution to law
112. Wollstonecraft’s influence on feminist theory

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