Journal Report (What I do as a leader)Order Description3) Journal Report (30%)
(What I do as a leader)
o What: Write a journal report of approximately 6 8 pages, in APA format that
draws on notes kept in your weekly journal that captures key lessons from the
course (e.g., completed weekly reflective exercises, ideas and knowledge gleaned
from the readings, results of your experiments in putting theory to practice,
perhaps a sprinkling of ahas that influence your thinking and practice of
leadership) and integrates 6 of the assigned readings.
o Why: Journal writing is a critical part of becoming self-aware and developing
effective leadership capability. Keeping a journal can help you integrate learning
from your reading and class discussions. It will help you better understand your
leadership experiments and interventions in your action learning, and become
aware of patterns in your own and others behavior.
o How: As background for the assignment, each week you will be assigned a
reflective exercise to help you learn more about yourself, as a leader. You should
keep notes about what you learn from doing each weekly exercise or assessment in
a journal (for your personal use and is not handed in) that serves as the basis for
your Journal Report. Ask questions that help you capture reflections on each
exercise or assessment, such as: How has the exercise or assessment helped you
develop your leadership skills? What have you learned by completing the exercise
or assessment that is a meaningful and valuable leadership lesson?Your report should include leadership lessons learned that you have utilized from at least
6 of the assigned readings. In preparing your report, you should consider the following:
o What specific ideas about leadership did you arrive with and how have some of
these ideas been transformed? Which ideas have been strengthened by the
o Which readings are having a particular impact on you and why? How did the key
questions and journal reflections change your ideas and behavior? Demonstrate
that you have really worked with and applied the authors ideas.
o How did you change as a leader? What did you do differently as you learned
about your leadership? Capture the actions you took, and your reflections on
these actions, in your journal and supporting paper. Discuss any experiments you
have tried at work and whether or not you have been effective. Identify how you
would approach the situation differently with the benefit of hindsightJournal Report (What I do as a leader)Order Description3) Journal Report (30%)
(What I do as a leader)
o What: Write a journal report of approximately 6 8 pages, in APA format that
draws on notes kept in your weekly journal that captures key lessons from the
course (e.g., completed weekly reflective exercises, ideas and knowledge gleaned
from the readings, results of your experiments in putting theory to practice,
perhaps a sprinkling of ahas that influence your thinking and practice of
leadership) and integrates 6 of the assigned readings.
o Why: Journal writing is a critical part of becoming self-aware and developing
effective leadership capability. Keeping a journal can help you integrate learning
from your reading and class discussions. It will help you better understand your
leadership experiments and interventions in your action learning, and become
aware of patterns in your own and others behavior.
o How: As background for the assignment, each week you will be assigned a
reflective exercise to help you learn more about yourself, as a leader. You should
keep notes about what you learn from doing each weekly exercise or assessment in
a journal (for your personal use and is not handed in) that serves as the basis for
your Journal Report. Ask questions that help you capture reflections on each
exercise or assessment, such as: How has the exercise or assessment helped you
develop your leadership skills? What have you learned by completing the exercise
or assessment that is a meaningful and valuable leadership lesson?Your report should include leadership lessons learned that you have utilized from at least
6 of the assigned readings. In preparing your report, you should consider the following:
o What specific ideas about leadership did you arrive with and how have some of
these ideas been transformed? Which ideas have been strengthened by the
o Which readings are having a particular impact on you and why? How did the key
questions and journal reflections change your ideas and behavior? Demonstrate
that you have really worked with and applied the authors ideas.
o How did you change as a leader? What did you do differently as you learned
about your leadership? Capture the actions you took, and your reflections on
these actions, in your journal and supporting paper. Discuss any experiments you
have tried at work and whether or not you have been effective. Identify how you
would approach the situation differently with the benefit of hindsight
Journal Report (What I do as a leader)