Josh Madison conducted a study on the color distribution of M&M candies. From the Consumer Affairs Office, he learned the expected percentages in each pack of candy (see below). He then conducted his own study; his results are posted on his website at: or just find “Josh Madison M&Ms” online.
You will be comparing the Spring 2012 class results with Madison’s results and with the Consumer Affairs Office. What can you conclude? How similar are the 3 sets of data regarding color distribution?
Due 4/1, typed, MLA format, cite Madison in the paper and on a Works Cited page. About 2 pages that include at least 1 table and 1 figure, numbered and titled.
Josh Madison: ___blue, ___brown, ___green, ___orange, ___red, and ____ yellow.
M&M Consumer Affairs: 24% blue, 13% brown, 16% green, 20% orange, 13% red, and 14% yellow.
Class results Spring 2012: 406 blue; 232 brown; 363 green, 369 orange; 239 red; 243 yellow.
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Josh Madison conducted a study on the color distribution of M&M candies. From the Consumer Affairs Office, he learned the expected percentages in each pack of candy…..