RELI 363 (Jewish Philosophy)
Fall 2016Answer two of the following questions. Answers should be in essay form, and should be as thorough as possible. The sub-questions are guidelines and do not need to be answered one-by-one. What is most important is to write coherent essays and to support your claims.1) Discuss some of the philosophical ideas and concerns that arise concerning the creation of the world and the beginning of time. According to Maimonides, what are the three major views and what is the Torah view? How have Jewish philosophers utilized notions of tohu and bohu in connection with Aristotelian philosophy in order to explain existence? Use concrete examples.2) Explain apophatic theology and the via negativa as developed in the thought of some of the thinkers whom we have examined, especially Maimonides. Why would positive definitions of the divine pose a problem for Jewish philosophers? In your INFORMED opinion, have any of the thinkers whom we have studied so far adequately addressed the issue? If so, how? If not, why not? Give specific examples.3) Discuss the Talmudic notion that The Torah speaks in the language of human beings (BT Yevamot 71a, et. al.) as developed by Maimonides and by Spinoza. How does this help to explain biblical anthropomorphism and anthropopathism? In your informed opinion, is there any continuity between the thought of Maimonides and Spinoza? Where are they similar and where do they diverge?
Jewish Philosophy