The company is JbHIFI!Plz focus on the Australian market for all the essay writing. The report must forecast the growth rate of the company. You should do some research on macro-economic, industry or other condition likely to affect the business. A good source for this is the business press and past annual reports. Students are encouraged to use the Australian Business Index to source recent newspaper articles which deal with the company, and the business pages of any newspaper to identify broader economic comments. Be sure to fully cite/reference any work utilized in your analysis. Many industry reports follow a standard SWOT approach in which the significant Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to the business carried on by the company are identified, and discussed.
Some suggested questions:
What is the method and assumptions used to compute the growth rate of the company?
Strengths and weaknesses of the method used to estimate the growth rate should be identified and discussed.
This is a Finance course. Please follow the instruction and carefully write about the essay body with citation. Thanks.
JBHIFI Growth prospects of the company