Grocery, Inc (Jason)
Jason shipped a truckload of peaches from his Orchard to Grocery Inc, using an independent trucker. In route, the truck broke down and the shipment was delayed three days. The peaches were spoiled when they arrived. The terms of the contract were F.O.B.
Who bears the risk? Explain your answer.
Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Case Scenarios: Grocery, Inc., multimedia link
Review the case scenarios and questions associated with scenarios.
Create an 2-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes, illustrating your responses to questions this case scenario. Clearly indicate which scenario you are referring to in your presentation.
Jason shipped a truckload of peaches from his Orchard to Grocery Inc, using an independent trucker. In route, the truck broke down and the shipment was delayed three days. The peaches were spoiled when they arrived. The terms of the contract were F.O.B. Who bears the risk? Explain your answer.