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Issues in Comparative Criminal Justice

Topic: Issues in Comparative Criminal Justice

Description: [?]

Preferred language style: English (U.K.)

The reference style should be AGLC (Australian guide to legal citation)
Please I need more focuse in this:
((Written Discussion
The student is asked to discuss in an analytical manner the following
question: Compare a
contrast two key aspects of the Adversarial, Inquisitorial and Islamic
criminal justice: what are
the similarities in aims and objectives? What are the differences?
The word limit is 1500 with 10% rule applying. You will submit this
proposal electronically, by
following the rules under ‘Additional Information – Submission of Written Work’.
Initial Readings To facilitate your task, some readings are provided below:
In General, a good introduction to the language and concepts to
consider in this task can be found in: Daly, K. (2006) ‘Aims of the Criminal Justice System’ in Crime and justice: a guide to criminology , in Goldsmith A., Israel, M., Daly, K. Sydney : Lawbook Co., ch 13 2010 – Autumn Session Page 20 of 31 Also a general book to refer to is: Vogler, R. (2005) A world view of criminal justice, Aldershot, Hants, England : Ashgate In more details, consult the following: • Belinda Wells and Michael Burnett, ‘When Cultures Collide: An Australian Citizen’s Power to Demand the Death Penalty Under Islamic Law’ (2000). The Sydney Law Review • Francis Pakes, The Changing Nature of Adversarial, Inquisitorial and
Islamic Trials, in David, ‘et al’ (eds) Applying Psychology to Criminal Justice (2007) P 251- 262.
A session during the final day will be dedicated to teasing out the similarities and differences between Adversarial, Inquisitorial and Islamic criminal justice processes and aims. This should help you to develop some ideas for this task. Remember: this is a research task, so an essay format is required. This means that the written discussion will be based on academic readings and articles from relevant materials (from governmental documents to academic articles). The material listed above should be considered as a starting point only. Therefore, the usual library search is recommended; students can access more academic articles via e-library)).

Please have a look at Assessment Criteria, because i realy need to get good mark no less than 20 out of 30, so Assessment Criteria will be like that,
( 22-25 )
The Concepts under discussion, where pertinent, are critically assessed. The implications of the concept under discussion for practice are evaluated. Evidence is always provided to support arguments, and it is relevant and
assessed in terms of its broader applicability to practice. The work is well constructed and stylistically sophisticated. Ideas drawn from the study material and other sources are correctly
referenced. Students demonstrate excellent
search strategies to find relevant, scholarly information, including a
wide range of resources to obtain that information.
(18 – 21)
Concepts under discussion are explained, where this is pertinent. The
reasons underpinning the use of particular
concepts in specific situations are explained. Evidence is often
provided to support arguments, and it is relevant.
Almost all sentences are well constructed and there are few if any
typographical or spelling errors. Ideas drawn from
the study material are referenced. Students demonstrate good search
strategies to find relevant, scholarly information,
including a number of resources other than supplied/recommended readings.
(13 – 17)
Information is provided on key aspects of the concepts under
discussion. Real world situations to which the
concepts under discussion apply are identified. Some relevant evidence
is provided to support arguments. Sentences
are generally well constructed, although there are several distracting
typographical or spelling errors. Ideas found in
the study material are referenced sufficiently enough to show that
they have been read, although they may not be
clearly referenced in and of themselves. Students demonstrate adequate
search strategies to find relevant, scholarly
information, including reference to most supplied/recommended readings.
(0 – 12.5)
The concepts under discussion are not understood. The concepts are not
applied to real world situations. Scant
evidence provided to support arguments, or evidence and examples are
not relevant or explained. Sentences are not
well constructed and there are frequent typographical and spelling
errors. There is scant or no reference to the study
materials in the subject.

i attached some articles and use them in this essay as well.

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