At the end of each unit, there will be a writing prompt that addresses some of the core issues of the unit. Instead of a direct question though for this unit, I will ask you a series of factual questions that can be easily found in the documents within this unit. However, to answer the questions, you must know those essential aspects of Islam that have confused, or been confused by, a great many Americans. In other words, if you can answer these questions, you should have a basic understanding of Islam.
Students will be required to write a 500-800 word essay addressing the question/prompt.
1) Why is it always inaccurate for someone to say that "Shariah teaches that…"
2) How is the Qur'an different from the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures? List two ways.
3) How do Shi'as and Sunnis differ in their understanding of Islamic authority?
4) What is the difference between "salat" and "zakat," and why are both viewed as essential to Muslim faith and practice (and therefore included as two of the five pillars of Islam)?
5) "The Qur'an offers contradictory perspectives on Muslims' proper response to other religions." Explain this statement with appropriate references to Qur'anic verses.
6) "Americans often have a false view of the worldwide Muslim community." Give one statistical and one theological example to support this statement (even if you personally disagree with it).
…In addition to the 3 powerpoint presentations that have been attached as 'references' to go to in order to answer the questions… we were also given this link via youtube to watch: