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ISEM 540: Enterprise Architectures & Integration

ISEM 540: Enterprise Architectures & Integration
PROJECT 2: Integrated Enterprise Architectures
(170 Points)

PART C: Self Assessment and Free for All (50 Points)

Note: This is Individual Assignment

Each team member will do the following two simple assignments
• Self Assessment (40 Points) of your results by using a computer aided planning and gamification tool to do Part A and B, comparing the results and identifying future areas of research and investigation. More information will be provided later.
• Possible Thesis/Practical Project (10 Points): prepare a one page proposal on a topic of your choice that you may want to pursue for thesis or applied project (capstone). For CPT students, you must choose a topic that is related to your CPT assignment. You can put this proposal at the end of Self Assessment Report.
Attachment A: Enterprise Business Pattern for a General Enterprise

Figure 2 shows the main business processes (BPs) of a general enterprise. This pattern is a common sketch that can be customized for any enterprise anywhere in the world.

Figure 1: Enterprise Business Pattern for a Government Agency
Attachment B: Discovering and Invoking a Service (ERT Posted on the Discussion Forum)

This is the ERT Dispatch Center that shows the 2 service requests. You have to show your answer to the following two service requests in your gamified slides with appropriate sequencing (i.e., what happens first, etc).

1. Service Discovery Request: Please tell us Who you are, what is the service you are providing (e.g., name & email address of the service provider, name of the service and any attributes such as cost of providing the service, the average response time). You should add at least 2 more optional elements to this DTD (your choice). Your response should be an XML doc that conforms to the following DTD:

<!ELEMENT Business (Bus-Name, Bus-Address?, Email, Service-Name, Service-Cost, Service-Description?)>
<!ELEMENT Bus-Address (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Cost (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Description (#PCDATA)>
2. Service Invocation Request: Please also tell us how can your service be invoked electronically. This should be roughly in the WSDL format given below:


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ISEM 540: Enterprise Architectures & Integration

ISEM 540: Enterprise Architectures & Integration
PROJECT 2: Integrated Enterprise Architectures
(170 Points)
Revised (July 11, 2015) – Revisions are in red


Your team is responsible for planning, engineering and management of a DSC (Digital Service Center). You should view the DSC as an enterprise that should be architected with integrated services. Your team should go beyond Project1 and develop an overall integrated architecture that ties together individual services within a DSC and then between DSCs, i.e., the focus is heavily on collaboration and coordination between services and DSCs. This is a continuation of Project1 and consists of the following parts:

Part A (Services within a Team): Each team member owns one service that was defined in Project1. Now you will design an Enterprise Portal that will deliver the services your team is providing. Your main task is to populate the portal by using Web Services and exchange information between the services by using XML. Specifically, you will have the opportunity to explore:
• Web Services such as Amazon Web Services, Facebook Web Services, Web Services from IBM, or any other providers. The purpose is for you to learn practical applications of Web Services. Instead of Web Services, you may choose to populate the DSC with appropriate mobile apps.
• Representation of different interaction scenarios by using some technology (e.g., PPT gamification, a workflow system , or a rule-based system such as Corvid). The purpose is for you to learn different technologies for representing interactions and scenarios.

Part B (B2B services for Inter-center collaboration, i.e., one team interacting with another). You will develop a B2B integrated architecture by using SOA and will also learn the following:
• Different aspects of ESBs and commercially available ESBs such as Mule (an open source ESB)
• Inter-agency exchange models such as NIEM (National Information Exchange Model) to represent the B2B interactions
• Use of Gamification, Smart Enterprises and Big Data in enterprise architecture and integration
PartC (Self Assessment) by using SPACE and Other tools. This individual assignment will show how you can use computer aided planning, engg and management tools. TYou will also have an opportunity to identify a potential area of research and further investigation,

Part A: Light Weight Information Exchanges (50 Points)

Each team member is responsible for one ‘high impact’ service in the team. Your first task is to design an Enterprise Portal that will deliver these services of your team in a cohesive manner. For example, your team may develop a healthcare portal, an agriculture portal, a tourism portal, a service center portal, a village portal, an enterprise portal, etc).
Then the team members provide added value by improving collaboration (info exchange) between these services in your portal.

Your team has no additional money (so what is new!) and needs to build a simple prototype of this system by using email as the basic transport mechanism and assuming human processing (by each team player) in different stages of the workflow — each team member player acts as an automated service – do role playing). You have to show how you will exchange info between services (team members) by using XML. Figure 1 illustrates the overall concept, assuming that each team is concentrating on one sector (of course, multiple teams may concentrate on one sector). .

Figure 1: Conceptual View of Vertical and Horizontal Sectors in a Center, City, Island or Company (small circles indicate services within a sector)
Deliverable (40 Points): A report (5 to 10 annotated viewgraphs) that shows results from the following tasks (each bullet item carries 20 points, you need to do any two bullet items):
? Design of an Enterprise Portal: Develop a design of an Enterprise Portal that will deliver the services your team is providing (e.g., a healthcare portal, an agriculture portal, a tourism portal, etc). Specifically, explore Web Services available on the cloud to populate your portal (web site). You need to do internet searches and find appropriate Web Services that may be useful to your portal. You may select Amazon Web Services, Facebook Web Services, Web Services from IBM, or any other providers such as Freebase.com. The purpose is for you to learn practical applications of Web Services. Instead of Web Services, you may choose to populate the DSC with appropriate mobile apps by searching the app Stores from Android, Apple, etc.

Deliverable: 3-5 slides that show the Portal Design (one slide) and then one slide per service (team member) listing the Web Services or the Mobile Apps that could be of value with links for additional information

? Simple Information Exchanges: Information is exchanged between the services that you have developed with other services from the same team. First develop a conceptual diagram that shows how the services are interrelated and how this information can be exchanged between these services by using an appropriate technology (e.g., email). The information exchanged may be in XML or Json documents. You just need to show the format of XML documents exchanged between the services. Is there a need for developing a DTD for this. Please explain.

Deliverable: Please show a high level gamified view of the services and documents exchanged with short explanation (2-3 slides with annotations). You may want to show information exchanged (arrows) as “hot links” so that when users click on an arrow, they see the XML documents. You should first represent the scenario by using PPT gamification but then also explore a workflow system , or a rule-based system such as Corvid. The purpose is for you to learn different technologies for representing interactions and scenarios. See Attachment B for some hints.

? Emergency Readiness Test (ERT): An outside agency wants to run an Emergency Readiness Test (ERT) to see how well each team can respond to emergencies. Each service provider in a team (a team member) must be able to respond quickly to the following ERT requests:
? Service Discovery Request: Who are you and what is the service you are providing (e.g., name & email address of the service provider, name of the service and any attributes such as cost of providing the service the average response time). For example, a hospital may respond to a discovery request by saying where it is located, how many beds it has and what is the average time of admitting a patient). This type of service is usually stored in a UDDI.
? Service Specification Request: How can your service be invoked electronically (service name, inputs expected, outputs returned). For example, a purchasing service specification may have an input of customer name and items ordered and may produce outputs indicating the purchasing acknowledgement and shipping information). This type of information is usually specified in WSDL.

Deliverable: All this communication must be through XML. You have to make sure that you can respond to these 2 requests when you need to respond to the ERT. This should also be a high level gamified view of the ERT with arrows as “hot links” so that when users click on an arrow, they see the XML documents. This gamified view should show inputs and outputs and also the sequence of messages and response (i.e., a workflow). You should first represent the scenario by using PPT gamification but then also explore a workflow system , or a rule-based system such as Corvid. The purpose is for you to learn different technologies for representing interactions and scenarios. See Attachment B for some hints.

IMPORTNT: Reference Materials and Annotations Used (10 Points):

There must be one slide deck per team uploaded to Dropbox. The slide deck must have a title page that clearly specifies the team members. After the title page, a “Team Contribution” slide must be included that shows what each member has done in the project (one line) and a percentage of contribution by each team member (total must add to 100%). For example, in a team of 4, the total contribution will ideally be 25% for each member. This Contribution will impact your grade. Any disagreements about contribtion must be resolved by the team members through voting.

The slide deck must be properly annotated (by using Powerpoint Notes) that explain the diagrams and also the key ideas presented (5 points).

In addition, a References slide must be included to list the materials that were used to develop this solution. This must include the following:
o Specific names of case studies from the text that were helpful in this assignment
Part B: Integrated Architectures (70 Points)

Develop an enterprise-wide integrated architecture within a team based on SOA and then extend it to larger scale. You will be asked to review different information exchange models such as NIEM (National Information Exchange Model).

Deliverable (60 Points): A technical report (5 to 10 annotated viewgraphs) that contains (each bullet item carries 10 points, you need to do any 6 bullet items):
• Enterprise Integration Using SOA: An overall SOA-based integrated architecture within your team that shows the applications, middleware technologies and platforms (e.g., Semantic Web, XML, Web Services) to be used by the department. Specifically, show WSDL (very high level) and a UDDI directory. We can assume that the team is small enough to be considered as a single “Enterprise”, managed by a single entity (e.g., team leader).
• Legacy Applications: Some applications (at least two) are legacy applications. a) Show your chosen integration strategies (reuse, data warehousing, or migration in this enterprise-wide integration problem) — Where and when will you use these strategies, and c) very rough estimation of cost, performance, and security of the chosen architecture (make your best effort).
• B2B Integration: A short discussion of B2B/G2G integrated architecture that shows how the information can be exchanged between teams that may represent different types of enterprises (e.g., public or private sectors). You can assume that each team is an independent enterprise and identify one or two information exchange scenarios between the enterprises. Now you are collaborating with other teams. You should clarify the differences between inter-agency (G2G) and intra-agency (EAI) problems and review different inter-agency exchange models such as NIEM (National Information Exchange Model) for possible use. Show a simple example of using NIEM to represent the B2B interactions
• ESB Exploration: Show and justify the SOA pattern (with an Enterprise Service Bus — ESB). Your boss insists that an ESB is not needed and claims that an email can be used as an ESB. In your view, what exactly are the limitations of email as an ESB. Download and use Mule (an open source ESB) and compare contrast Mule with email through hands-on experiments. List at least one more ESB by surfing the Net.
• Gamification: Can you suggest some simple games in this area that can be used for training (i.e., explore Gamification for Training in Enterprise Architecture and Integration)
• Smart Enterprises: What is the real benefit of integrated architectures? Can these integrated architectures lead to Smart Enterprises. What is a smart enterprise and and what are its benefits to the customers. Can Big Data be used to help with smart enterprises.
• Management, Security and Governance of Integration Projects: There are many strategic management, project management, security and governance issues involved in system integration. Please do a literature survey and develop an overall management approach for your enterprise based on one or more of these issues. .
• Standards in Enterprise Integration : There are many standards in the broad area enterprise architecture and integration. involved in system integration. Please do a literature survey and recommend some standards that are of potential value to your enterprise integration.
Hints and Suggestions:

This project heavily relies on Chapters 9, 10 and 11 of the textbook. You can make the following assumptions in this project:
• There may be different types of systems depending on the type of services chosen. These systems may be based on different technologies and different vintages (e.g., at least one may be a very modern WS-enabled component-based system, another may be a very old monolithic legacy system, the others may be in-between)
• The proposed solution approach should be flexible enough for future, yet unknown, situations. A possible approach is to develop a solution that handles the current situation and then briefly discuss (one para, at most) how this solution can handle future situations.
• Feel free to make assumptions – just state them clearly.

IMPORTANT: Reference Materials and Annotations Used (10 Points):

There must be one slide deck per team uploaded to Dropbox. The slide deck must have a title page that clearly specifies the team members. After the title page, a “Team Contribution” slide must be included that shows what each member has done in the project (one line) and a percentage of contribution by each team member (total must add to 100%). For example, in a team of 4, the total contribution will ideally be 25% for each member. This Contribution will impact your grade. Any disagreements about contribtion must be resolved by the team members through voting.

The slide deck must be properly annotated (by using Powerpoint Notes) that explain the diagrams and also the key ideas presented (5 points).

In addition, a References slide must be included to list the materials that were used to develop this solution. This must include the following:
o Specific names of case studies from the text that were helpful in this assignment

PART C: Self Assessment and Free for All (50 Points)

Note: This is Individual Assignment

Each team member will do the following two simple assignments
• Self Assessment (40 Points) of your results by using a computer aided planning and gamification tool to do Part A and B, comparing the results and identifying future areas of research and investigation. More information will be provided later.
• Possible Thesis/Practical Project (10 Points): prepare a one page proposal on a topic of your choice that you may want to pursue for thesis or applied project (capstone). For CPT students, you must choose a topic that is related to your CPT assignment. You can put this proposal at the end of Self Assessment Report.
Attachment A: Enterprise Business Pattern for a General Enterprise

Figure 2 shows the main business processes (BPs) of a general enterprise. This pattern is a common sketch that can be customized for any enterprise anywhere in the world.

Figure 1: Enterprise Business Pattern for a Government Agency
Attachment B: Discovering and Invoking a Service (ERT Posted on the Discussion Forum)

This is the ERT Dispatch Center that shows the 2 service requests. You have to show your answer to the following two service requests in your gamified slides with appropriate sequencing (i.e., what happens first, etc).

1. Service Discovery Request: Please tell us Who you are, what is the service you are providing (e.g., name & email address of the service provider, name of the service and any attributes such as cost of providing the service, the average response time). You should add at least 2 more optional elements to this DTD (your choice). Your response should be an XML doc that conforms to the following DTD:

<!ELEMENT Business (Bus-Name, Bus-Address?, Email, Service-Name, Service-Cost, Service-Description?)>
<!ELEMENT Bus-Address (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Cost (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Description (#PCDATA)>
2. Service Invocation Request: Please also tell us how can your service be invoked electronically. This should be roughly in the WSDL format given below:


Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

ISEM 540: Enterprise Architectures & Integration

ISEM 540: Enterprise Architectures & Integration
PROJECT 2: Integrated Enterprise Architectures
(170 Points)
Revised (July 11, 2015) – Revisions are in red


Your team is responsible for planning, engineering and management of a DSC (Digital Service Center). You should view the DSC as an enterprise that should be architected with integrated services. Your team should go beyond Project1 and develop an overall integrated architecture that ties together individual services within a DSC and then between DSCs, i.e., the focus is heavily on collaboration and coordination between services and DSCs. This is a continuation of Project1 and consists of the following parts:

Part A (Services within a Team): Each team member owns one service that was defined in Project1. Now you will design an Enterprise Portal that will deliver the services your team is providing. Your main task is to populate the portal by using Web Services and exchange information between the services by using XML. Specifically, you will have the opportunity to explore:
• Web Services such as Amazon Web Services, Facebook Web Services, Web Services from IBM, or any other providers. The purpose is for you to learn practical applications of Web Services. Instead of Web Services, you may choose to populate the DSC with appropriate mobile apps.
• Representation of different interaction scenarios by using some technology (e.g., PPT gamification, a workflow system , or a rule-based system such as Corvid). The purpose is for you to learn different technologies for representing interactions and scenarios.

Part B (B2B services for Inter-center collaboration, i.e., one team interacting with another). You will develop a B2B integrated architecture by using SOA and will also learn the following:
• Different aspects of ESBs and commercially available ESBs such as Mule (an open source ESB)
• Inter-agency exchange models such as NIEM (National Information Exchange Model) to represent the B2B interactions
• Use of Gamification, Smart Enterprises and Big Data in enterprise architecture and integration
PartC (Self Assessment) by using SPACE and Other tools. This individual assignment will show how you can use computer aided planning, engg and management tools. TYou will also have an opportunity to identify a potential area of research and further investigation,

Part A: Light Weight Information Exchanges (50 Points)

Each team member is responsible for one ‘high impact’ service in the team. Your first task is to design an Enterprise Portal that will deliver these services of your team in a cohesive manner. For example, your team may develop a healthcare portal, an agriculture portal, a tourism portal, a service center portal, a village portal, an enterprise portal, etc).
Then the team members provide added value by improving collaboration (info exchange) between these services in your portal.

Your team has no additional money (so what is new!) and needs to build a simple prototype of this system by using email as the basic transport mechanism and assuming human processing (by each team player) in different stages of the workflow — each team member player acts as an automated service – do role playing). You have to show how you will exchange info between services (team members) by using XML. Figure 1 illustrates the overall concept, assuming that each team is concentrating on one sector (of course, multiple teams may concentrate on one sector). .

Figure 1: Conceptual View of Vertical and Horizontal Sectors in a Center, City, Island or Company (small circles indicate services within a sector)
Deliverable (40 Points): A report (5 to 10 annotated viewgraphs) that shows results from the following tasks (each bullet item carries 20 points, you need to do any two bullet items):
? Design of an Enterprise Portal: Develop a design of an Enterprise Portal that will deliver the services your team is providing (e.g., a healthcare portal, an agriculture portal, a tourism portal, etc). Specifically, explore Web Services available on the cloud to populate your portal (web site). You need to do internet searches and find appropriate Web Services that may be useful to your portal. You may select Amazon Web Services, Facebook Web Services, Web Services from IBM, or any other providers such as Freebase.com. The purpose is for you to learn practical applications of Web Services. Instead of Web Services, you may choose to populate the DSC with appropriate mobile apps by searching the app Stores from Android, Apple, etc.

Deliverable: 3-5 slides that show the Portal Design (one slide) and then one slide per service (team member) listing the Web Services or the Mobile Apps that could be of value with links for additional information

? Simple Information Exchanges: Information is exchanged between the services that you have developed with other services from the same team. First develop a conceptual diagram that shows how the services are interrelated and how this information can be exchanged between these services by using an appropriate technology (e.g., email). The information exchanged may be in XML or Json documents. You just need to show the format of XML documents exchanged between the services. Is there a need for developing a DTD for this. Please explain.

Deliverable: Please show a high level gamified view of the services and documents exchanged with short explanation (2-3 slides with annotations). You may want to show information exchanged (arrows) as “hot links” so that when users click on an arrow, they see the XML documents. You should first represent the scenario by using PPT gamification but then also explore a workflow system , or a rule-based system such as Corvid. The purpose is for you to learn different technologies for representing interactions and scenarios. See Attachment B for some hints.

? Emergency Readiness Test (ERT): An outside agency wants to run an Emergency Readiness Test (ERT) to see how well each team can respond to emergencies. Each service provider in a team (a team member) must be able to respond quickly to the following ERT requests:
? Service Discovery Request: Who are you and what is the service you are providing (e.g., name & email address of the service provider, name of the service and any attributes such as cost of providing the service the average response time). For example, a hospital may respond to a discovery request by saying where it is located, how many beds it has and what is the average time of admitting a patient). This type of service is usually stored in a UDDI.
? Service Specification Request: How can your service be invoked electronically (service name, inputs expected, outputs returned). For example, a purchasing service specification may have an input of customer name and items ordered and may produce outputs indicating the purchasing acknowledgement and shipping information). This type of information is usually specified in WSDL.

Deliverable: All this communication must be through XML. You have to make sure that you can respond to these 2 requests when you need to respond to the ERT. This should also be a high level gamified view of the ERT with arrows as “hot links” so that when users click on an arrow, they see the XML documents. This gamified view should show inputs and outputs and also the sequence of messages and response (i.e., a workflow). You should first represent the scenario by using PPT gamification but then also explore a workflow system , or a rule-based system such as Corvid. The purpose is for you to learn different technologies for representing interactions and scenarios. See Attachment B for some hints.

IMPORTNT: Reference Materials and Annotations Used (10 Points):

There must be one slide deck per team uploaded to Dropbox. The slide deck must have a title page that clearly specifies the team members. After the title page, a “Team Contribution” slide must be included that shows what each member has done in the project (one line) and a percentage of contribution by each team member (total must add to 100%). For example, in a team of 4, the total contribution will ideally be 25% for each member. This Contribution will impact your grade. Any disagreements about contribtion must be resolved by the team members through voting.

The slide deck must be properly annotated (by using Powerpoint Notes) that explain the diagrams and also the key ideas presented (5 points).

In addition, a References slide must be included to list the materials that were used to develop this solution. This must include the following:
o Specific names of case studies from the text that were helpful in this assignment
Part B: Integrated Architectures (70 Points)

Develop an enterprise-wide integrated architecture within a team based on SOA and then extend it to larger scale. You will be asked to review different information exchange models such as NIEM (National Information Exchange Model).

Deliverable (60 Points): A technical report (5 to 10 annotated viewgraphs) that contains (each bullet item carries 10 points, you need to do any 6 bullet items):
• Enterprise Integration Using SOA: An overall SOA-based integrated architecture within your team that shows the applications, middleware technologies and platforms (e.g., Semantic Web, XML, Web Services) to be used by the department. Specifically, show WSDL (very high level) and a UDDI directory. We can assume that the team is small enough to be considered as a single “Enterprise”, managed by a single entity (e.g., team leader).
• Legacy Applications: Some applications (at least two) are legacy applications. a) Show your chosen integration strategies (reuse, data warehousing, or migration in this enterprise-wide integration problem) — Where and when will you use these strategies, and c) very rough estimation of cost, performance, and security of the chosen architecture (make your best effort).
• B2B Integration: A short discussion of B2B/G2G integrated architecture that shows how the information can be exchanged between teams that may represent different types of enterprises (e.g., public or private sectors). You can assume that each team is an independent enterprise and identify one or two information exchange scenarios between the enterprises. Now you are collaborating with other teams. You should clarify the differences between inter-agency (G2G) and intra-agency (EAI) problems and review different inter-agency exchange models such as NIEM (National Information Exchange Model) for possible use. Show a simple example of using NIEM to represent the B2B interactions
• ESB Exploration: Show and justify the SOA pattern (with an Enterprise Service Bus — ESB). Your boss insists that an ESB is not needed and claims that an email can be used as an ESB. In your view, what exactly are the limitations of email as an ESB. Download and use Mule (an open source ESB) and compare contrast Mule with email through hands-on experiments. List at least one more ESB by surfing the Net.
• Gamification: Can you suggest some simple games in this area that can be used for training (i.e., explore Gamification for Training in Enterprise Architecture and Integration)
• Smart Enterprises: What is the real benefit of integrated architectures? Can these integrated architectures lead to Smart Enterprises. What is a smart enterprise and and what are its benefits to the customers. Can Big Data be used to help with smart enterprises.
• Management, Security and Governance of Integration Projects: There are many strategic management, project management, security and governance issues involved in system integration. Please do a literature survey and develop an overall management approach for your enterprise based on one or more of these issues. .
• Standards in Enterprise Integration : There are many standards in the broad area enterprise architecture and integration. involved in system integration. Please do a literature survey and recommend some standards that are of potential value to your enterprise integration.
Hints and Suggestions:

This project heavily relies on Chapters 9, 10 and 11 of the textbook. You can make the following assumptions in this project:
• There may be different types of systems depending on the type of services chosen. These systems may be based on different technologies and different vintages (e.g., at least one may be a very modern WS-enabled component-based system, another may be a very old monolithic legacy system, the others may be in-between)
• The proposed solution approach should be flexible enough for future, yet unknown, situations. A possible approach is to develop a solution that handles the current situation and then briefly discuss (one para, at most) how this solution can handle future situations.
• Feel free to make assumptions – just state them clearly.

IMPORTANT: Reference Materials and Annotations Used (10 Points):

There must be one slide deck per team uploaded to Dropbox. The slide deck must have a title page that clearly specifies the team members. After the title page, a “Team Contribution” slide must be included that shows what each member has done in the project (one line) and a percentage of contribution by each team member (total must add to 100%). For example, in a team of 4, the total contribution will ideally be 25% for each member. This Contribution will impact your grade. Any disagreements about contribtion must be resolved by the team members through voting.

The slide deck must be properly annotated (by using Powerpoint Notes) that explain the diagrams and also the key ideas presented (5 points).

In addition, a References slide must be included to list the materials that were used to develop this solution. This must include the following:
o Specific names of case studies from the text that were helpful in this assignment

PART C: Self Assessment and Free for All (50 Points)

Note: This is Individual Assignment

Each team member will do the following two simple assignments
• Self Assessment (40 Points) of your results by using a computer aided planning and gamification tool to do Part A and B, comparing the results and identifying future areas of research and investigation. More information will be provided later.
• Possible Thesis/Practical Project (10 Points): prepare a one page proposal on a topic of your choice that you may want to pursue for thesis or applied project (capstone). For CPT students, you must choose a topic that is related to your CPT assignment. You can put this proposal at the end of Self Assessment Report.
Attachment A: Enterprise Business Pattern for a General Enterprise

Figure 2 shows the main business processes (BPs) of a general enterprise. This pattern is a common sketch that can be customized for any enterprise anywhere in the world.

Figure 1: Enterprise Business Pattern for a Government Agency
Attachment B: Discovering and Invoking a Service (ERT Posted on the Discussion Forum)

This is the ERT Dispatch Center that shows the 2 service requests. You have to show your answer to the following two service requests in your gamified slides with appropriate sequencing (i.e., what happens first, etc).

1. Service Discovery Request: Please tell us Who you are, what is the service you are providing (e.g., name & email address of the service provider, name of the service and any attributes such as cost of providing the service, the average response time). You should add at least 2 more optional elements to this DTD (your choice). Your response should be an XML doc that conforms to the following DTD:

<!ELEMENT Business (Bus-Name, Bus-Address?, Email, Service-Name, Service-Cost, Service-Description?)>
<!ELEMENT Bus-Address (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Name (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Cost (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Service-Description (#PCDATA)>
2. Service Invocation Request: Please also tell us how can your service be invoked electronically. This should be roughly in the WSDL format given below:


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