Optional Essay Topics:
1. The Asia-Pacific Region does not need a regional system for protecting human rights. Discuss with reference to the Asian values debate and Australias geo-political situation.
2. Is the balance between individual liberty and the public interest a matter of politics, or law, or both politics and law? Does the Australian system get the balance right?
3. All generations of human rights are recognised in Australia. Not only are they universal, inalienable and indivisible but they are relevant, desirable and useful in the domestic context. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why/Why not?
4. What are the contributions of the liberal and socialist traditions to Human Rights? Does the concept of dignity mean that human rights are profoundly secular?
5. The status of human rights in Australia should NOT be judged by reference to the most vulnerable populations. Do you agree or disagree? Respond with any ONE of the following in mind: Freedom of Speech, Indigenous Rights, Womens Rights, the Global War on Terror and Refugees.
Is the balance between individual liberty and the public interest a matter of politics, or law, or both politics and law? Does the Australian system get the balance right?