IS Strategy, Management, and Acquisition MIST 360
Your task in this assignment, as an IT manager at Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) “X”, is to:
1. Examine cloud computing value creation within SMEs; in particular how cloud computing can be utilised as a vehicle in supporting SMEs maintaining competitive advantage at global level
2. Discuss the impact of cloud computing technologies will have on the related economic, cultural, legal and demographics issues from a global and societal perspectives.
Your report should provide the required discussion and analysis on how to address the above issues. Where possible, you are encouraged to utilize a local case/company for your work in this assignment. Otherwise, you can present your work based on a hypothetical organizational sittings (i.e. SME X). Your work for this assignment should not exceed 2000 words.
Assessment basis:
Clear and logical assignment structure ?
Application and understanding of relevant concepts and/or theory ? Identification, use and depth of relevant evidence to substantiate discussion/analysis ?
Justification for statements/assumptions made ?
Critical evaluation, rather than descriptive stance ?
Awareness to the context of the problem ?
Citation and referencing (sources, relevance, range, citation accuracy) ? Professional standards of presentation