Investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior to others
Investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior to others

investigate whether some vocabulary learning strategies are superior to others.

Questionnaire and Test: Second Language Acquisition
The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify learning strategies for vocabulary that people like to use or that they find useful. To this end there is also a short test which applicants will be asked to complete. It is based upon foreign language learning theory, and includes some innovations provided by technology. For this purpose, English as a Foreign Language is the target language. Some of the theory has been tested with young adult student learning .
1. What is your preferred way of learning new vocabulary words?
a. _____ Reading something interesting that contains the vocabulary words.
b. _____ Watching a video story or animation that uses the vocabulary words.
c. _____ Studying the list with or without a partner.
d. _____ Writing a story or conversation using the vocabulary words.
e. _____ Using a recording that allows you to repeat and record so you can check your pronunciation and that includes an example sentence using the vocabulary words.
2. Do you use an (a) electronic translator, (b) a bilingual dictionary, (c) a unilingual dictionary, or do you (d) look up words on line?
a. _____ b. _____ c. _____ d. _____ or e. _____ None of the above.
3. When you learn a new word, do you learn only one form, several common forms or all the forms in current use?
a. _____ one form
b. _____ several forms
c. _____ all the forms you can find
4. When learning vocabulary, do you need the definition or is practicing using the words in sentences a better way?
a. _____ Need the definition
b. _____ Prefer to learn in context by using the words or hearing/seeing them used.
c. _____ Like to use and hear the word used first and then get the definition.
d. _____ Like to get the definition first and then practice and listen to usage.
5. When you read in the target language how often do you look up words while you read?
a. _____ Every time I see word I do not understand
b. _____ Make a list and look them up later and reread.
c. _____ Make a list and look them up later, but do not reread.
d. _____ Never, eventually I figure it out.
6. What is your gender?
a. _____ Male
b. _____ female
7. What is your age?
a. ___43____
8. What is your language of origin?
a. ______Arabic_________
9. If you have learned other languages, please list them along with your level: excellent (E), good (G), fair (F) or very limited (L) only English and my level is good
10. How long have you studies English?
a. __more than 20 years__________
Simple Test of Vocabulary
Please follow this link to take a rather good vocabulary test and record the results.
I got 28.000 words in the online test
Questionnaire and Test: Second Language Acquisition
The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify learning strategies for vocabulary that people like to use or that they find useful. To this end there is also a short test which applicants will be asked to complete. It is based upon foreign language learning theory, and includes some innovations provided by technology. For this purpose, English as a Foreign Language is the target language. Some of the theory has been tested with young adult student learning