Order DescriptionUsing mus18data.dta perform the following analysis:
1. Investigate the degree to which coinsurance influences the use of health services. Suppose that you measure the use of health services with med and the possible explanatory variables are lcoins, mhi, ghindex, child, linc, age, female, and black. Explain what model is appropriate given the characteristics of your dependent variable and your panel dataset, estimate the model, and discuss your output including the interpretation of your estimated coefficients both in terms of direction and magnitude.
2. Redo the analysis above using mdu as your dependent variable. Make sure to explain clearly which model is appropriate in this case and why. Justify every choice.
3. What model would you used if your dependent variable was a count variable measuring the number of items falling within several categories?
Categories Y
A 13
B 10
Investigate the degree to which coinsurance influences the use of health services.