provide a discussion post to Question 1 & Question 2 Question 1: Thinking in the cloud ‘critical thinking’ by Alice Lai. The cloud shows the top 100 words in the definition. Take a moment to look at it and pick the 3 most important words that you think must be in the definition of critical thinking (and perhaps one is missing?). Tell us those 3 words, and then tell us why you think so. Question 2: This is Water To understand how the mind works on a day to day basis we sometimes must confront the fact that critical thinking is not a natural reflex in the context of the daily grind of living. It appears that we are in a constant battle against our brain’s proclivity to NOT think. The following video will hit the nail on the head. Watch HERE. Reflect on what you have seen and recall a time when you experienced knee-jerk and unfounded stereotypical thinking. What could you have done differently? What is something that you need to work on in the future to become a better critical thinker?