You must interview a visionary leader of business, institution, church or organization. The leader’s mission and vision must be clearly defined. You must uncover how this leader initiates strategic planning to everyday life. The paper will consist of two parts, first section will detail 3-4 significant lesson gleaned from interview; second section analyze what learned and make application of principles to your future leadership. The paper must be in Turabian writing, footnotes if citations needed.

Interview Assignment

Interview Assignment
Project description
Interview Assignment
A large part of learning basic communication skills and strategies is learning how to apply them in your everyday life. One of the most important ways that this will happen for you one day is in a job interview. We have discussed in class the different types of interviews, as well as interview techniques and strategies. The more practice that you have with interviewing, the more comfortable you will feel when it comes time for you to have important interviews for job opportunities, graduate school, etc.
For this assignment, you must do the following things:
1)Decide what profession you are interested in having after college (I want to be engineer). If you are unsure of what you would like to be involved with, think of something that you at least have an interest in. Through an interview, you can gain more information about the job/field.
2)Locate (Starbucks in Johnson City ,TN) and contact a professional ( Yousef Jafo) who works in that field. This person cannot be someone that you are related to, nor someone that you are close friends with. You should have a minimal outside relationship with the professional. If they are someone that a person you know can suggest to you as a reference, that is fine. Ask them if you can conduct an interview with them for a class assignment, asking them questions about their profession. Highlight your interest in wanting to know more about the field (you can write the quession). Let them know that you have a few weeks to complete the assignment, so they can let you know if they are too constrained by time to do the interview with you. If they are worried, you can let them know that it will not take longer than 20-30 minutes of their time. Also, assure them that any information that they share will only be seen by me, and that you will provide them with a consent form at the beginning of the interview (attached below).
3)Set up a time, date, and place to meet with your professional. The interview should last for at least 20-30 minutes (or as close to it as you can get). Arrive early for the interview, and be prepared. (See information below.)
4)After the interview, you will create an interview portfolio to be turned in to me on a designated day. The portfolio must include the following items:
a.A list of prepared interview questions- 5 points
b.An interview schedule, detailing when you contacted your professional, when you plan on meeting him/her, any changes in the schedule that may have occurred, etc.- 5 points
c.A consent form that is signed and dated by the professional- 5 points
d.A 3-4 page reflection paper about your interview. What did you learn during the interview process about interviewing (not necessarily about the job/field)? What, if anything, took you by surprise? Was anything unexpected? How did you accommodate during the interview? Really analyze what happened and how it impacted you. Think about what you could do different in future interviews, and what you learned from this one. Focus this paper on the interview and the process, not on the content or information you learned.- 35 points
Prepared Interview Questions: Prior to attending your interview, you should prepare a list of questions that you want to ask the interviewee. Think about the different types of questions we have discussed. You should prepare at least 15-20 questions. You may not get through all of them during the course of the interview. You may ask questions during the interview that you have not prepared. Both of these things are okay to do! But, it is better to be prepared so that your interview doesnt end abruptly. That being said, do not prepare multiple closed questions. Leave yourself room to get more descriptive answers. You may have some lead-off conversations from those.
Interview Schedule: Keep up with the dates that things occur, and write them out as a plan. For example, the date that you contacted your professional, the date you are scheduled to meet, and any changes that occur from that. Having it on paper is helpful because it allows you the opportunity to see how long it has been since your last contact with the interviewee, any problems that are occurring in communication, etc.
Consent Form: Attached at the bottom of this packet is a consent form that you must print and have your professional sign prior to conducting the interview. It assures them that their privacy will be protected, and requires you to follow that commitment throughout this project.
Reflection Paper: This paper must be 3-4 pages, Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced, 1 inch margins (i.e. standard paper requirements). Please double-check your work for grammatical and spelling errors. These things count! See the above description for details about the things you should focus on in your paper. Im not looking so much for information that you gathered in the interview. Instead, I want to know more of what you thought about the overall interview process. A 3-4 page requirement means 3-4 FULL pages. Only write a standard heading on your paper.
Interview Assignment

Interview Assignment
Project description
Interview Assignment
A large part of learning basic communication skills and strategies is learning how to apply them in your everyday life. One of the most important ways that this will happen for you one day is in a job interview. We have discussed in class the different types of interviews, as well as interview techniques and strategies. The more practice that you have with interviewing, the more comfortable you will feel when it comes time for you to have important interviews for job opportunities, graduate school, etc.
For this assignment, you must do the following things:
1)Decide what profession you are interested in having after college (I want to be engineer). If you are unsure of what you would like to be involved with, think of something that you at least have an interest in. Through an interview, you can gain more information about the job/field.
2)Locate (Starbucks in Johnson City ,TN) and contact a professional ( Yousef Jafo) who works in that field. This person cannot be someone that you are related to, nor someone that you are close friends with. You should have a minimal outside relationship with the professional. If they are someone that a person you know can suggest to you as a reference, that is fine. Ask them if you can conduct an interview with them for a class assignment, asking them questions about their profession. Highlight your interest in wanting to know more about the field (you can write the quession). Let them know that you have a few weeks to complete the assignment, so they can let you know if they are too constrained by time to do the interview with you. If they are worried, you can let them know that it will not take longer than 20-30 minutes of their time. Also, assure them that any information that they share will only be seen by me, and that you will provide them with a consent form at the beginning of the interview (attached below).
3)Set up a time, date, and place to meet with your professional. The interview should last for at least 20-30 minutes (or as close to it as you can get). Arrive early for the interview, and be prepared. (See information below.)
4)After the interview, you will create an interview portfolio to be turned in to me on a designated day. The portfolio must include the following items:
a.A list of prepared interview questions- 5 points
b.An interview schedule, detailing when you contacted your professional, when you plan on meeting him/her, any changes in the schedule that may have occurred, etc.- 5 points
c.A consent form that is signed and dated by the professional- 5 points
d.A 3-4 page reflection paper about your interview. What did you learn during the interview process about interviewing (not necessarily about the job/field)? What, if anything, took you by surprise? Was anything unexpected? How did you accommodate during the interview? Really analyze what happened and how it impacted you. Think about what you could do different in future interviews, and what you learned from this one. Focus this paper on the interview and the process, not on the content or information you learned.- 35 points
Prepared Interview Questions: Prior to attending your interview, you should prepare a list of questions that you want to ask the interviewee. Think about the different types of questions we have discussed. You should prepare at least 15-20 questions. You may not get through all of them during the course of the interview. You may ask questions during the interview that you have not prepared. Both of these things are okay to do! But, it is better to be prepared so that your interview doesnt end abruptly. That being said, do not prepare multiple closed questions. Leave yourself room to get more descriptive answers. You may have some lead-off conversations from those.
Interview Schedule: Keep up with the dates that things occur, and write them out as a plan. For example, the date that you contacted your professional, the date you are scheduled to meet, and any changes that occur from that. Having it on paper is helpful because it allows you the opportunity to see how long it has been since your last contact with the interviewee, any problems that are occurring in communication, etc.
Consent Form: Attached at the bottom of this packet is a consent form that you must print and have your professional sign prior to conducting the interview. It assures them that their privacy will be protected, and requires you to follow that commitment throughout this project.
Reflection Paper: This paper must be 3-4 pages, Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced, 1 inch margins (i.e. standard paper requirements). Please double-check your work for grammatical and spelling errors. These things count! See the above description for details about the things you should focus on in your paper. Im not looking so much for information that you gathered in the interview. Instead, I want to know more of what you thought about the overall interview process. A 3-4 page requirement means 3-4 FULL pages. Only write a standard heading on your paper.