• Based on the results of the IRI, develop an intervention program to address the needs of the child. Describe how and why this program, the steps, the activities will be beneficial for this particular student, analyze the program, and reflect on it. Discuss each activity, if you have more than one, in detail.
• To support your rationale, use literature related to the problem and to the intervention. You can use references from what you have learned in the course and from other sources in the APA format.
• Discuss implications of your findings based on the first administration of the IRI and the intervention program.
• In the meantime, you are expected to continue working with the child, whose age should be appropriate for the required age group of your particular course, on the intervention program that you have developed as a result of the first administration of the IRI. When you take the practicum, you will have to perfect your case study based on my recommendations, re-administer the IRI, and complete the analysis based on the pre- and post administration and intervention. So please keep all the paperwork you have: you will need it at the time of the graduation.
• In your final paper, you can and should refer to the results of the first administration of the IRI that might take several pages of your final paper.
A well-prepared teacher and well thought out intervention plan must have and utilize ongoing assessments. The required intervention plan should have an assessment component. As the part of the requirements of the intervention program, you should do the following:
1. specify which assessments will be used and the rationale
2. describe how often the assessments will be administered
3. indicate what areas and skills will be assessed
4. consider what you (as teachers) will do if the student has not mastered a skill
5. create next steps if the assessment is not meeting the needs of the teacher and student
6. explain how the assessments will be used to develop further lesson plans
7. describe how they will communicate the results to the child, parents, and other teachers who are teaching the child
8. develop ways of using both summative and formative assessments that are used within their intervention programs
9. explain how the assessments are linked to the intervention program and State standards/Core Curriculum Learning Standards
The final paper must be type-written and double-spaced, ten (10) to fifteen (15) pages total not including the title page and the reference page. For grading the research paper, please refer to the rubrics in the Course Information Folder. When possible, the literature related to the nature of the problem and the intervention must be used. American Psychological Association (APA) format must be followed for references and citations. At least ten (10) references are required. Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association printed by the APA.
Remember that there is a minimum ten (10) references requirement for the paper. These references (books, articles, etc) should be published within the last five years. For grading the research paper, please refer to the rubrics.
1. Please remember that your final paper should revolve around the intervention program giving it a theoretical justification, background, reasoning, analysis. You should reflect on your program that is based on the results of the IRI, analyze it, talk about things that will work, may not work and why, what will you do to make them work, discuss implications of intervention program/lessons, etc. Please support your discussion with the recent research and practitioners’’ experience.
2. Please use minimum ten references, i.e. different sources. If you use the same source four times, it is one reference. If you use the same author and the same title five times, it is one reference. If you use the same author and two different titles (books or articles), then you have two references.
3. Your references in the paper should match the references on the Reference Page. If you have a source on the reference page that is not in the paper, this is an error.
4. Your paper should be minimum ten pages long in addition to the Title page and the Reference page (10+).
5. Please make sure that you follow the APA format, 6th edition in the entire paper. Your final paper should be double-spaced, printed in 12 font, using Times New Roman. Please do not leave an extra space between paragraphs.
6. Your Reference page is the last page. Put the word References on top and in the middle of the page. Do not underline or boldface it. It should also be double-spaced.
7. Do not enumerate your sources, rather arrange them in an alphabetical order. The first line is a regular line at the margin, the second and the rest are indented – a hanging indent. The next source, the same pattern.
8. The title of the book is italicized, not underlined.
9. The title of the journal is italicized, not underlined.
10. Everything (the paper and the reference page) is double-spaced.
11. The paper can and should incorporate some results of the IRI because it will help you to design the program. It should also include some background information and information about the test administration. It is a continuation of the midterm. However, the detailed administration of the IRI should not be included in the final paper. You need to include only what makes sense for the program that you will develop. One of the major parts of your final paper should be the literature review based on which you will be able to develop your intervention program and analyze it.