watch EITHER of these clips.
Then, use Knapps model of relational development to identify the stage(s) reflected in the clip. Think about what makes you believe the characters were going through the stage(s) you identified. Identify specific examples from the clip to support your conclusions.
Interpersonal Communcations
Interpersonal Communcations
Interpersonal Communcations
Order Description
watch EITHER of these clips.
Then, use Knapp’s model of relational development to identify the stage(s) reflected in the clip. Think about what makes you believe the characters were going through the stage(s) you identified. Identify specific examples from the clip to support your conclusions.
Interpersonal Communcations
Interpersonal Communcations
Order Description
watch EITHER of these clips.
Then, use Knapp’s model of relational development to identify the stage(s) reflected in the clip. Think about what makes you believe the characters were going through the stage(s) you identified. Identify specific examples from the clip to support your conclusions.