Department of Economics, Business, and Math
King’s College – Western University
Instructor: Miguel Cardoso
The following is a rough guideline of the essay assignment. More information and suggestions will
be provided in class. Also provided is a rough outline of the marking breakdown.
Assignment Tasks
You are to choose one topic from the topics list to analyze. No more than 10 people can analyze
most topics, topics that are starred can have no more than 5 people working on them.
The essay should be approximately 2500-3000 words. Do not go over 3000 words. The assign-
ment needs to be double-spaced, in Times New Roman and in 12 pt font. Please include a title page
with your name, student number and the topic you are analyzing.
Your Tasks & Marking Breakdown
1. Choose a topic below. Some options require the choice of a country, specic agreement or allow
the choice of a pair of countries. You must provide me with a short outline of what you hope
to study (2-3 sentences) and your choice of topic and country if applicable by the beginning of
class on MONDAY FEBRUARY 29 or WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 2016. If you can’t
make it to class on those days you must email me your choice.
2. Describe the policy/issue, the history of it in regards to the particular country you are studying.
Provide a brief historical overview that helps motivate why this topic is important. If you are
describing a trade agreement, provide a brief overview of the function/goal of the trade agreement
and some historical context.
3. Discuss at least 2 economic advantages (if applicable) and at least 2 economic disadvantages
(if applicable). If you are discussing a crisis, or an issue that only aects a country negatively
discuss the main cause(s) of the crisis or issue and try and relate that to policies implemented to
deal with it.
4. Discuss the success or lack of success of a particular policy (if applicable). Who is/was aected?
Regardless of topic be sure to provide economic statistics to support your essay. Must be from
credible sources.
5. Provide a conclusion and give your stance on the particular topic. Is the policy good or bad?
How should we deal with the issues? Provide policy recommendations for the future.
6. Include a bibliography where you obtained any statistics or referenced information.
7. Assignment will be submitted to
Late Paper Penalties:
10% for 1-24 hours late
20% for 24-48 hours late
30% for 48-72 hours late
50% for 72-96 hours late
no credit if more than 96 hours (4 days) late.
Weekends count when deciding late penalties.
NOTE: I will accept email submissions, however I will need to be provided a paper copy. I will not
mark the paper unless I receive a paper copy. If I haven’t received a paper copy within 48hours of the
due date late penalties will begin accruing.
Possible Topics
Free Trade Agreements (Choose a specic FTA to discuss)
Immigration Policy in a Country (Choose one country, except Canada or two countries to compare
and contrast, except Canada)
Brain Drain in Developing Countries (Choose one country that has seen a lot of emigration or a
pair if it is applicable)
Illegal Immigration (Choose one country that has seen a lot of illegal immigration or a pair if it
is applicable)
Refugees (Choose one country or a pair if it is applicable)
Free Movement of Labour within the EU (Impact on Europe as a whole or can focus on one
Immigrant Underemployment*
Refugee and Migration Crisis in EU*
International Student Education*
Migrant Farm Workers*


Department of Economics, Business, and Math
King’s College – Western University
Instructor: Miguel Cardoso
The following is a rough guideline of the essay assignment. More information and suggestions will
be provided in class. Also provided is a rough outline of the marking breakdown.
Assignment Tasks
You are to choose one topic from the topics list to analyze. No more than 10 people can analyze
most topics, topics that are starred can have no more than 5 people working on them.
The essay should be approximately 2500-3000 words. Do not go over 3000 words. The assign-
ment needs to be double-spaced, in Times New Roman and in 12 pt font. Please include a title page
with your name, student number and the topic you are analyzing.
Your Tasks & Marking Breakdown
1. Choose a topic below. Some options require the choice of a country, specic agreement or allow
the choice of a pair of countries. You must provide me with a short outline of what you hope
to study (2-3 sentences) and your choice of topic and country if applicable by the beginning of
class on MONDAY FEBRUARY 29 or WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 2016. If you can’t
make it to class on those days you must email me your choice.
2. Describe the policy/issue, the history of it in regards to the particular country you are studying.
Provide a brief historical overview that helps motivate why this topic is important. If you are
describing a trade agreement, provide a brief overview of the function/goal of the trade agreement
and some historical context.
3. Discuss at least 2 economic advantages (if applicable) and at least 2 economic disadvantages
(if applicable). If you are discussing a crisis, or an issue that only aects a country negatively
discuss the main cause(s) of the crisis or issue and try and relate that to policies implemented to
deal with it.
4. Discuss the success or lack of success of a particular policy (if applicable). Who is/was aected?
Regardless of topic be sure to provide economic statistics to support your essay. Must be from
credible sources.
5. Provide a conclusion and give your stance on the particular topic. Is the policy good or bad?
How should we deal with the issues? Provide policy recommendations for the future.
6. Include a bibliography where you obtained any statistics or referenced information.
7. Assignment will be submitted to
Late Paper Penalties:
10% for 1-24 hours late
20% for 24-48 hours late
30% for 48-72 hours late
50% for 72-96 hours late
no credit if more than 96 hours (4 days) late.
Weekends count when deciding late penalties.
NOTE: I will accept email submissions, however I will need to be provided a paper copy. I will not
mark the paper unless I receive a paper copy. If I haven’t received a paper copy within 48hours of the
due date late penalties will begin accruing.
Possible Topics
Free Trade Agreements (Choose a specic FTA to discuss)
Immigration Policy in a Country (Choose one country, except Canada or two countries to compare
and contrast, except Canada)
Brain Drain in Developing Countries (Choose one country that has seen a lot of emigration or a
pair if it is applicable)
Illegal Immigration (Choose one country that has seen a lot of illegal immigration or a pair if it
is applicable)
Refugees (Choose one country or a pair if it is applicable)
Free Movement of Labour within the EU (Impact on Europe as a whole or can focus on one
Immigrant Underemployment*
Refugee and Migration Crisis in EU*
International Student Education*
Migrant Farm Workers*