The Interim Report (1,500 words, + or -5%) is a progress report providing a discussion of the research issues arising mainly from published sources. Its purpose is to ensure that you have a clear programme of research and an understanding of how your research should progress. The Interim Report should set your proposed study in the context of previous research, and should contain: Aim and objectives A discussion of methods relating to your objectives A discussion of main issues, derived mainly from secondary sources, relating to the proposed research and a discussion of the main themes which will guide the research. This discussion will help the reader understand the research context and the complexities of the issues in the chosen topic. A timetable, indicating when different stages will be completed (e.g. further secondary research; interviews; questionnaires etc.) A list, in the Harvard style, of the most important secondary sources. This will be an indication that data is available and that you are aware of the broadly relevant sources. The list should be as comprehensive as possible and include a variety of sources, such as: academic books, chapters in books, academic journals, professional magazine, government research reports etc. Assessment Criteria for Coursework 1 The Interim report will be assessed according to the following criteria: Clarity in the identification of the research aim and objectives and discussion of methodological issues (20% of the mark) Discussion of key research issues and themes of the dissertation arising from the secondary sources (50% of the mark) Clear identification of future stages (10% of the mark) Quality of presentation, written style, organisation of the Report and list of sources (20%): Essays
interim report Academic Essay