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Intercultural Communication Assignment

Intercultural Communication Assignment;

Assignment Objective:
To gain a clearer understanding of how communication works throughout the world, focusing on one particular culture; including the main aspects of what makes up a culture, gender roles, and co-cultures.
Choosing Your Culture of Study:
You must post the culture that you would like to research for this assignment in the topic discussion board by the assigned due date listed on the course schedule in your syllabus. There is only one topic per student and this is a part of your final grade. Examples of cultures to study can be found at http://www.un.org/en/members/index.shtml.
You cannot research the United States; only use it as your comparison to the country you are researching.
? You will write a minimum of 2 full pages discussing what you learned about intercultural communication. The structure of the paper is discussed below.
? Your paper must be submitted in rich text format (.rtf) or Word document (.doc/.docx) format. NO other formats will be accepted. You have been warned about this; please make sure you post a file I can open! ? All terms must be highlighted or underlined throughout the paper. Terms are what you have learned from the chapters, and include things like individualism, high context, monochromic, uncertainty avoidance, etc.
? Use no larger than 1” margins and 12 pt., Times New Roman font, double spaced.
? You are expected to have APA citations throughout your paper (including citations as you use your textbook) when you discuss specific terms and concepts. This means the author’s last name and page number in parenthesis each time you discuss information from that source in your paper.
? You must use terms and concepts from your textbook and one outside source in your analysis. Encyclopedias, Wikipedia’s, and Dictionaries are not acceptable sources. You need to find an appropriate, academically sound source. A reference page must be included and you are to submit only 1 file, this means that the research paper and the reference page are together in the same document. Do not post two documents.
? Cover pages are not necessary; all you need it your name in the upper right corner of the attached file. Please note: Your name must be on your attached paper!
? Use specific examples
? Use concise language (in others words – do not ramble)
How to submit:
? Your paper must be posted to the Angel Online classroom at http://my.clarkstate.edu. Click on “Lessons,” then “Module I Folder”), then open the “Intercultural
Communication Assignment” folder, and then use the drop box to post your assignment.
? If case you missed it in the guideline, your paper must be submitted in rich text format (.rtf) or document (.doc) format. NO other formats will be accepted. You have been warned about this twice; please make sure you post a file I can open!
? If the above directions are not followed, your paper will not be graded.
Organizing the Paper:
? An introduction, which includes an opening statement to spark the interest of the reader, a thesis statement, and a summary of what will be discussed in the paper in an opening paragraph
? The body, of the paper, covering the information explained in this assignment handout
? The conclusion, which summarizes the paper and what you have learned
? A reference page, which is in addition to the minimum page requirements and cites both the textbook and your outside source(s)
The Body of the Paper:
? Your paper will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page.
? In the body of the paper you will discuss what you have learned about the culture you chose to research. This will include the seven aspects of culture, as discussed in your textbook.
? Compare this culture to your own, draw parallels where they are appropriate and identify the specific differences.
? Do not focus on judging the culture, as that is not your place. This paper is just about developing an understanding of the culture to broaden your knowledge base of communication and how it works outside of the world you know.
Grading the Paper:
This paper is worth 50 points. In order to receive full credit for the paper you need to have the following:
? Correct use and application of the terms and concepts you are using
? All terms, concepts, theories properly identified throughout the paper
? Citations from your source(s) within your paper, used correctly in APA format
? Specific examples clearly properly used and identified throughout the paper to show your instructor what you have learned from this assignment
? Correct grammar and spelling, proper font sizing and spacing, and have reached the minimum page requirements
? A reference page completed correctly, using APA format
To view the rubric that will be used when the assignment is graded, go to where you post your assignment and click on “view grading rubric.” This will give you a detailed breakdown of this paper will be graded.

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