intentionally kill innocent civilians in war essay question, ˜ Is it ever morally permissible to intentionally kill innocent civilians in war? If so, under what conditions?’. perhaps the most important norm within Jus in bello is that of ˜non-combatant immunity’: innocent civilians within warring states should not be intentionally attacked. However, this norm raises a number of questions. What if the death of civilians are foreseeable, but unintentional? Does non combatant immunity still hold even in a so called ˜supreme emergency’? And doesn’t noncombatant immunity “ like the other restrictive norms of jus in bello- privilege powerful belligerents? here are some refrences for looking at if needed *David Lefkowitz ˜Collateral Damage’ War: essays in political philosophy *Brian Orend ˜Is there a supreme emergency exemption?’ Just War Theory *David Rodin ˜ The ethics of Asymmetric war’ : shared problems in different traditions * Igor Primoaratz ˜ Civilian Immunity in War’
intentionally kill innocent civilians in war