Integrating theory and practiceJenny is a 10 year old girl being treated for pneumonia following her first course of combination cytotoxic chemotherapy regime. Her recent C & S has shown she has Bacterial Pneumonia caused by Haemophilus Influenzae
Patient: Jenny COSTEDOB: 19/12/2005Age: 10Address: 29 Grant Crescent, Blakeview SA 5114Weight: 25 kgHeight: 130 cmMRN: 1009642Jenny was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) six months ago but has been hospitalised for the past 10 days with pneumonia and remains very weak.Jenny lives with her parents, Sam and Henry and two older siblings, Josh and Annalise. Jenny has been discharged home with the palliative care team and home care support services.A Her last assessment showed:BP 90/60, HR 85, Temp 37.4, RR 24,
IVT 0.9% NaCl with 5% dextrose at 60 mls/hr
ceftriaxone 650mg BD IV
hydrocortisone 70 mg TDS IVparacetamol 375 mg 6/24 IV/PO/PR
Ibuprofen 200 mg PO
maxalon 10 mg PO/IV
O2 at 2L/min via nasal specsShe is due for her next dose of ceftriaxone.1gm ampule
9.6ml water for injection = 100mg/mlThe title of essay is CaseWorld scenario critical reflectionCritical reflection is an extension of critical thinking and requires students to think about their practice and to examine their thinking by asking probing questions. Critical reflection moves beyond examining past situations and moves forward to apply theoretical knowledge to the future. In this assignment students must ;choose one of the case world scenarios used in this topic to develop a written piece of work that demonstrates their capacity to critically analyse a patient situation.
consider the following theoretical perspectives : pathophysiology, relevant pharmacology, best practice, inter-professional roles in patient centred care, lifespan and psychosocial issues and choose four (4) perspectives, from the chosen case world scenario for extended discussion within your assignment.
demonstrate the capacity to think critically and relate theoretical concepts to clinical practice.
use the following headings in the structure of their paper
HeadingIntentIntroductionPurpose of this paper.
Introduce the patient, and the scenario.
Introduce the four chosen perspectives discussed in this paper.
Extended discussions of each of the four (4) chosen perspectives.Theoretical foundation of the chosen perspective
Identify objective & subjective data
Provide a brief rationale for each of the perspectives identified.
How does the theory influence and inform care provided
Relating knowledge to Clinical practice.Demonstrate integration of knowledge to care provided:
eg. best practice, patient centered care, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues, pathophysiology.
Demonstrate understanding of the importance of Evidence Based
Practice in nursing practice,
demonstrate capacity to think critically and link theoretical concepts with clinical practiceConclusion
Succinct synopsis of the keys points discussed in the paperReferencesA minimum of eight (8) primary or secondary references must be used in the format described in the SoNM referencing guide. In text referencing and reference lists must be evidentIntroduction 5%
Purpose of this paper. Introduce the patient, and the scenario.
Introduce what will be discussed in this paper.
Excellent outline of aim and purpose of the paper. Logical signposting of the content that will be discussed in the paper.Understanding the condition 30%
Pathophysiology of the condition. Identify objective & subjective data & formulate relevant actual or potential nursing issues (4) based on the data presented in the scenario. Provide a brief rationale for each of the issues identified.
Pathophysiology of the condition is discussed in-depth. Objective and subjective data identified correctly. Majority of issues identified are relevant to the scenario. Demonstrated an excellent critical analysis of the scenario. Correct information presented. Discussion is closely relevant to the case scenario.Relating knowledge to Clinical practice 30%
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of best practice, patient centred care, pathophysiology, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of EBP in nursing practice.
Demonstrates the capacity to think critically and relate theoretical concepts to clinical practice.
Excellent understanding of best practice, patient centred care, pathophysiology, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues. Thorough and clear links made between these concepts and the case scenario and nursing practice. Demonstrates a critical analysis of the scenario using all concepts and theories in a sophisticated application. There is evidence of relevant research and a range of resource material is usedConclusion 15%
Succinct synopsis of the keys points discussed in the paper
Conclusion is logically drawn from the body of the paper, clear demonstration that key points have been discussed. Synthesis of material is clearly evident.Presentation 5 %Writing is presented clearly and logically with no spelling or grammatical errors. Introduction, main content and conclusion are clear and concise. clearly evident. Excellent academic presentation of the workReferences 15%Sources indicate depth
and breadth of research, with evidence of extended research. References are relevant to the Australian context. References are from peer-reviewed journals or reputable texts, well utilised and integrated into the text. There is a full reference list and referencing conforms to Harvard referencing style.
Integrating theory and practice

Integrating theory and practice

Integrating theory and practice
Jenny is a 10 year old girl being treated for pneumonia following her first course of combination cytotoxic chemotherapy regime. Her recent C & S has shown she has Bacterial Pneumonia caused by Haemophilus Influenzae
Patient: Jenny COSTE
DOB: 19/12/2005
Age: 10
Address: 29 Grant Crescent, Blakeview SA 5114
Weight: 25 kg
Height: 130 cm
MRN: 1009642
Jenny was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) six months ago but has been hospitalised for the past 10 days with pneumonia and remains very weak.
Jenny lives with her parents, Sam and Henry and two older siblings, Josh and Annalise. Jenny has been discharged home with the palliative care team and home care support services.
A Her last assessment showed:
BP 90/60, HR 85, Temp 37.4, RR 24,
IVT – 0.9% NaCl with 5% dextrose at 60 mls/hr
ceftriaxone 650mg BD IV
hydrocortisone 70 mg TDS IV
paracetamol 375 mg 6/24 IV/PO/PR
Ibuprofen 200 mg PO
maxalon 10 mg PO/IV
O2 at 2L/min via nasal specs
She is due for her next dose of ceftriaxone.
1gm ampule
9.6ml water for injection = 100mg/ml
The title of essay is CaseWorld scenario critical reflection
Critical reflection is an extension of ‘critical thinking’ and requires students to think about their practice and to examine their thinking by asking probing questions. Critical reflection moves beyond examining past situations and moves forward to apply theoretical knowledge to the future. In this assignment students must ;
choose one of the case world scenarios used in this topic to develop a written piece of work that demonstrates their capacity to critically analyse a patient situation.
consider the following theoretical perspectives : pathophysiology, relevant pharmacology, best practice, inter-professional roles in patient centred care, lifespan and psychosocial issues and choose four (4) perspectives, from the chosen case world scenario for extended discussion within your assignment.
demonstrate the capacity to think critically and relate theoretical concepts to clinical practice.
use the following headings in the structure of their paper
Purpose of this paper.
Introduce the patient, and the scenario.
Introduce the four chosen perspectives discussed in this paper.
Extended discussions of each of the four (4) chosen perspectives.
Theoretical foundation of the chosen perspective
Identify objective & subjective data
Provide a brief rationale for each of the perspectives identified.
How does the theory influence and inform care provided
Relating knowledge to Clinical practice.
Demonstrate integration of knowledge to care provided:
eg. best practice, patient centered care, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues, pathophysiology.
Demonstrate understanding of the importance of Evidence Based
Practice in nursing practice,
demonstrate capacity to think critically and link theoretical concepts with clinical practice
Succinct synopsis of the keys points discussed in the paper
A minimum of eight (8) primary or secondary references must be used in the format described in the SoNM referencing guide. In text referencing and reference lists must be evident
Introduction 5%
Purpose of this paper. Introduce the patient, and the scenario.
Introduce what will be discussed in this paper.
Excellent outline of aim and purpose of the paper. Logical signposting of the content that will be discussed in the paper.
Understanding the condition 30%
Pathophysiology of the condition. Identify objective & subjective data & formulate relevant actual or potential nursing issues (4) based on the data presented in the scenario. Provide a brief rationale for each of the issues identified.
Pathophysiology of the condition is discussed in-depth. Objective and subjective data identified correctly. Majority of issues identified are relevant to the scenario. Demonstrated an excellent critical analysis of the scenario. Correct information presented. Discussion is closely relevant to the case scenario.
Relating knowledge to Clinical practice 30%
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of best practice, patient centred care, pathophysiology, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of EBP in nursing practice.
Demonstrates the capacity to think critically and relate theoretical concepts to clinical practice.
Excellent understanding of best practice, patient centred care, pathophysiology, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues. Thorough and clear links made between these concepts and the case scenario and nursing practice. Demonstrates a critical analysis of the scenario using all concepts and theories in a sophisticated application. There is evidence of relevant research and a range of resource material is used
Conclusion 15%
Succinct synopsis of the keys points discussed in the paper
Conclusion is logically drawn from the body of the paper, clear demonstration that key points have been discussed. Synthesis of material is clearly evident.
Presentation 5 %
Writing is presented clearly and logically with no spelling or grammatical errors. Introduction, main content and conclusion are clear and concise. clearly evident. Excellent academic presentation of the work
References 15%
Sources indicate depth
and breadth of research, with evidence of extended research. References are relevant to the Australian context. References are from peer-reviewed journals or reputable texts, well utilised and integrated into the text. There is a full reference list and referencing conforms to Harvard referencing style.
Integrating theory and practice

Integrating theory and practice
Jenny is a 10 year old girl being treated for pneumonia following her first course of combination cytotoxic chemotherapy regime. Her recent C & S has shown she has Bacterial Pneumonia caused by Haemophilus Influenzae
Patient: Jenny COSTE
DOB: 19/12/2005
Age: 10
Address: 29 Grant Crescent, Blakeview SA 5114
Weight: 25 kg
Height: 130 cm
MRN: 1009642
Jenny was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) six months ago but has been hospitalised for the past 10 days with pneumonia and remains very weak.
Jenny lives with her parents, Sam and Henry and two older siblings, Josh and Annalise. Jenny has been discharged home with the palliative care team and home care support services.
A Her last assessment showed:
BP 90/60, HR 85, Temp 37.4, RR 24,
IVT – 0.9% NaCl with 5% dextrose at 60 mls/hr
ceftriaxone 650mg BD IV
hydrocortisone 70 mg TDS IV
paracetamol 375 mg 6/24 IV/PO/PR
Ibuprofen 200 mg PO
maxalon 10 mg PO/IV
O2 at 2L/min via nasal specs
She is due for her next dose of ceftriaxone.
1gm ampule
9.6ml water for injection = 100mg/ml
The title of essay is CaseWorld scenario critical reflection
Critical reflection is an extension of ‘critical thinking’ and requires students to think about their practice and to examine their thinking by asking probing questions. Critical reflection moves beyond examining past situations and moves forward to apply theoretical knowledge to the future. In this assignment students must ;
choose one of the case world scenarios used in this topic to develop a written piece of work that demonstrates their capacity to critically analyse a patient situation.
consider the following theoretical perspectives : pathophysiology, relevant pharmacology, best practice, inter-professional roles in patient centred care, lifespan and psychosocial issues and choose four (4) perspectives, from the chosen case world scenario for extended discussion within your assignment.
demonstrate the capacity to think critically and relate theoretical concepts to clinical practice.
use the following headings in the structure of their paper
Purpose of this paper.
Introduce the patient, and the scenario.
Introduce the four chosen perspectives discussed in this paper.
Extended discussions of each of the four (4) chosen perspectives.
Theoretical foundation of the chosen perspective
Identify objective & subjective data
Provide a brief rationale for each of the perspectives identified.
How does the theory influence and inform care provided
Relating knowledge to Clinical practice.
Demonstrate integration of knowledge to care provided:
eg. best practice, patient centered care, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues, pathophysiology.
Demonstrate understanding of the importance of Evidence Based
Practice in nursing practice,
demonstrate capacity to think critically and link theoretical concepts with clinical practice
Succinct synopsis of the keys points discussed in the paper
A minimum of eight (8) primary or secondary references must be used in the format described in the SoNM referencing guide. In text referencing and reference lists must be evident
Introduction 5%
Purpose of this paper. Introduce the patient, and the scenario.
Introduce what will be discussed in this paper.
Excellent outline of aim and purpose of the paper. Logical signposting of the content that will be discussed in the paper.
Understanding the condition 30%
Pathophysiology of the condition. Identify objective & subjective data & formulate relevant actual or potential nursing issues (4) based on the data presented in the scenario. Provide a brief rationale for each of the issues identified.
Pathophysiology of the condition is discussed in-depth. Objective and subjective data identified correctly. Majority of issues identified are relevant to the scenario. Demonstrated an excellent critical analysis of the scenario. Correct information presented. Discussion is closely relevant to the case scenario.
Relating knowledge to Clinical practice 30%
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of best practice, patient centred care, pathophysiology, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues. Demonstrate understanding of the importance of EBP in nursing practice.
Demonstrates the capacity to think critically and relate theoretical concepts to clinical practice.
Excellent understanding of best practice, patient centred care, pathophysiology, pharmacology, inter-professional roles, lifespan and psychosocial issues. Thorough and clear links made between these concepts and the case scenario and nursing practice. Demonstrates a critical analysis of the scenario using all concepts and theories in a sophisticated application. There is evidence of relevant research and a range of resource material is used
Conclusion 15%
Succinct synopsis of the keys points discussed in the paper
Conclusion is logically drawn from the body of the paper, clear demonstration that key points have been discussed. Synthesis of material is clearly evident.
Presentation 5 %
Writing is presented clearly and logically with no spelling or grammatical errors. Introduction, main content and conclusion are clear and concise. clearly evident. Excellent academic presentation of the work
References 15%
Sources indicate depth
and breadth of research, with evidence of extended research. References are relevant to the Australian context. References are from peer-reviewed journals or reputable texts, well utilised and integrated into the text. There is a full reference list and referencing conforms to Harvard referencing style.