Int paper wk8lease follow this outlineincluding using the prescribed headings. You cannot combine or eliminate any category from your paper. Please do not include references. This is an exercise in critical thinking and integrationits design is to encourage you to think about the contents of these preceding 8 weeks of study from a big-picture perspective. Again, this is not a research documentit is an assignment to encourage you to integrate the concepts of the module and previous learning periods into your own situation and work environment.In the paper, address the following questions:A. What are the most important concepts and theories you have learned in this module? [While this often turns into a LIST, we expect to see your explanation of what you learned and why it was valuable (or not) to you in this section.]B. What was covered that you, other stakeholders, or your business can generally benefit from? [Your response should not be a list, but rather observations of what you felt was very goodor not so goodin the last 8 weeks of study.]C. How will what you have learned impact you personally and professionally? [In your own words, can you see any effect the materials youve studied these past 8 weeks will have on you personally or professionally? Have you learned anything about yourself as a leader? Are there areas in which you are now committed to developing yourself or your skills?] Note especially any critical skills or competencies that you think the module has helped you to develop.D. How can you link the topics you have learned with previous classes? [Answer only if this is not your first module.]E. Provide any additional relevant personal notes and observations. [To make sure you understand the purpose for this sectionthis is about personal matters, not academicyou should put anything to do with your learning or the academic aspects of this module in one of the first four sections. This section is about challenges, difficulties you may be encountering, or suggestions for improvement.] However, as a minimum, Section E of your integration paper should include the answers to the following questions:
How many days did you visit and participate in the classroom each week (the 3 of 7 rule)?
Did you submit all of the graded assignments for the week? If not, when did or will you complete the work?
Did you have any personal problems getting the Module Project done on schedule?
What did you like or dislike about the moduleor what would you change?
How do you feel about your progress, both here and through your degree? Are you satisfied with your performance?
What can I do to make things better? Be specific about the personal aspects of your module in this section.Topic coveredWeek 1: Examining leadership
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this week, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
Compare and contrast management and leadership
Evaluate the trait approach to leadership
This week, you will explore the perspective that leadership is not necessarily associated with a job or position held (although such a position gives the leader legitimacy), but is related to a whole host of variables.
WorkloadNorthouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Trait Approach
Browse the links to Web-based materials under each topic
Review the additional media materials for the week
Study the online journal articlesWeek 2: Assessing leadership: skills and styles
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this week, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
Contrast the skills approach to the style approach to leadership
Analyse how managers and leaders make decisions
This week, you will delineate between diverse approaches to leadership.
Self-study for Week 2:
Read and/or listen to the Weekly Notes for each topic
Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic
Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 3: Skills Approach
Chapter 4: Style Approach
Browse the links to Web-based materials under each topic
Review the additional media materials for the week
Study the online journal articles
Submit your journal entry for the weekWeek 3: Situational leadership approaches
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this week, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
Evaluate the situational approach to leadership
Explain contingency theory in relation to its similarity to and difference from situational leadership
This week, you will identify major leadership theories in historical context and relevant industry instruments to assist in leadership identification and development.
Self-study for Week 3:
Read and/or listen to the Weekly Notes for each topic
Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic
Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 5: Situational Approach
Chapter 6: Contingency Theory
Browse the links to Web-based materials under each topic
Review the additional media materials for the week
Study the online journal articles
Submit your journal entry for the week
Discussion Question:
Post your initial response both to the Discussion Board and to the Turnitin link providedWeek 4: Leadership: approaches to motivation
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this week, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
Reflect upon pathgoal leadership theory relevant to its implementation in organisations
Reflect upon leadermember exchange leadership theory relevant to its implementation in organisations
This week, select leadership theories, including pathgoal and leadermember exchange, will be discussed within the context of global leadership.
Self-study for Week 4:
Read and/or listen to the Weekly Notes for each topic
Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic
Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 7: PathGoal Theory
Chapter 8: LeaderMember Exchange Theory
Browse the links to Web-based materials under each topic
Review the additional media materials for the week
Study the online journal articles
Submit your journal entry for the week
Integration Question (Discussion Question for the week):
Post your initial response both to the Discussion Board and to the Turnitin link providedModule Project:
Submit the first part of the Module Project to the Turnitin link provided
Week 5: Leaders and followers
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this week, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
Evaluate the concept of followership
Analyse the transformational and transactional leadership approaches
Assess the key components of authentic leadership and its impact on leaders and followers
This week includes a discussion of major leadership styles that incorporate the concept of followership.
Self-study for Week 5:
Read and/or listen to the Weekly Notes for each topic
Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic
Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 9: Transformational Leadership
Chapter 11: Authentic Leadership
Browse the links to Web-based materials under each topic
Review the additional media materials for the week
Study the online journal articles
Submit your journal entry for the week
Discussion Questions:
Post your initial response both to the Discussion Board and to the Turnitin link providedWeek 6: Team leadership and the psychodynamic approaches
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this week, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
Assess how diverse types of leaders use power to influence organisational teams
Explore various psychodynamic approaches to personality and leadership
This week focuses on a discussion of how leaders make decisions and build teams across global, physical, and virtual borders.
Self-study for Week 6:
Read and/or listen to the Weekly Notes for each topic
Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic
Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 12: Team Leadership
Chapter 13: Psychodynamic Approach
Browse the links to Web-based materials under each topic
Review the additional media materials for the week
Study the online journal articles
Submit your journal entry for the week
Discussion Question:
Post your initial response both to the Discussion Board and to the Turnitin link providedWeek 7: Leadership and gender
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this week, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
Analyse the effect of gender on leadership acceptance
Identify success factors for female leadership
This week focuses on a discussion of the role of gender in leadership.
Self-study for Week 7:
Read and/or listen to the Weekly Notes for each topic
Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic
Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 14: Women and Leadership
Browse the links to Web-based materials under each topic
Review the additional media materials for the week
Study the online journal articles
Submit your journal entry for the week
Discussion Question:
Post your initial response both to the Discussion Board and to the Turnitin link providedModule Project:
Submit your the final submission of your module project to the Turnitin link provided
Week 8: Leadership, ethics, and perception
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this week, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
Evaluate the role of ethics in leadership
Assess how an individual leaders behaviour influences follower perception of his or her ethics
This week focuses on a discussion of how ethics and perception affect leadership behaviour globally.
Self-study for Week 8:
Read and/or listen to the Weekly Notes for each topic
Read the textbook pages indicated under each topic
Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: theory and practice. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 16: Leadership Ethics
Browse the links to Web-based materials under each topic
Review the additional media materials for the week
Study the online journal articles
Int paper wk8