Incarcerated parent(s) Do young people that had or have incarcerated parent(s) have high portions of affected problems past and present? Research Problem This narrative research is set out to find the effects of imprisonment of parents on their children. Children whose parents are in prison as well as are neglected as a result may be seriously affected in their mental development or development psychology. Consequently, they are likely to be delinquent in future and even turn to crime (Arthur & Jared, 2009). There is also the problem of how the adolescent may react in regards to the law as they grow up. Some of them may feel betrayed by the law and thus rebel against it; others may become fearful and obey the law unquestioningly (Gibson, 2009). According to Mathew and William (2009), the imprisonment of parents affects their children. They look at two categories of such children. The first category includes those who receive support from extended family while the second category involves those who do not receive such support. Human beings go through series changes throughout their lives. As individuals go through different stages in life, they acquire newer characteristics through interaction with the environment and through personal maturity. As a PhD Forensic Psychologist I will need to understand that the effected child will be undergoing various kinds of trauma when attempting to treat them. Adolescents may feel cheated by the legal system and denied parental care in the process. This possibly may manifest itself in various ways including rebellion, delinquency, criminal activity, uncontrolled temper or violence (Maxwell, 2009). One way of dealing with this situation is to explain clearly to the adolescent the reason why the parent has been put into the prison system no matter how grotesque it is. I believe this could help the affected adolescent come to terms with the situation plus cope better with the law (Maxwell, 2007). However, with anything there will be many different challenges. An example would be children having to start new life with grandparents, foster or first available relative because of parents break law go to prison. There are positive and negative effects on children becoming affected in their mental development. The negative could be if they are neglected by their next living arrangement option. The positive could be they will be well taken care of in the absence of their parents by not undergo being traumatized. Research Purpose The purpose of this narrative research is to establish the relationship between imprisonment of parents and traumatic effects on children. The intended purpose could be to articulate the factors that influence the development in individuals. May possibly evaluate the interactions of the individual affected with their environment and how this is able to modulate their psychology. I would use qualitative research central questions and associated subquestions to involve variables and statistical tests. The questions will be administered to a sample of 100 adolescent respondents. I would choose 18 to 20 year old adolescents because they are in the middle of their development process. Adolescents are individuals who have passed some development stages but still have other stages to go through (Huss, 2008). They will be in an interview protocol and asked one to two central questions following by no more than five to seven subquestions formulated questions would explore their experiences, such as experiences in their childhood and school life (Creswell, 2009). The entire questions will focus on a single phenomenon or concept and would make sure to be open ended to allow for elaborate answers to be qualitative strategy of inquiry. The responses would then be interpreted in categories such as bad and good experiences.
Incarcerated parent(s)