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In store sales and promotions impact the performance of superdry.

Order DescriptionThis project is divided into three stages – research planning and literature review, secondary research and primary research.
Your task:

This project is divided into three stages – research planning and literature review, secondary research and primary research. Details of the tasks to be completed in each stage are provided below.

Stage 1- Research Planning and literature review

1. You will select one of the following companies operating within the UK fashion industry:
• Superdry;
• Burberry;
• John Lewis;

• Ted Baker.

2. You will select a specific issue (research topic) to investigate. Your selected research topic must be relevant to one of the following four macro areas:

• Consumers attitudes towards mobile shopping;
• Response to in-store sales promotions;

• Category mixes and seasonality;
• Customer service for international shoppers.

3. To ensure you can manage this project effectively, you will choose a population to focus your research on. You can use the Kantar World Panel age groups to help define the demographic of interest and draw an appropriate sample.

4. Define one research aim and three research objectives. Aim and objectives will guide you in conducting a preliminary literature review and in undertaking your research. You should carefully plan your research strategy and select the appropriate methods which will enable you to address your research aim and objectives.

5. Develop a simple GANTT chart to illustrate and manage your project schedule. Include this in the appendix.

6. Using your research aim as a “guide”, you will perform a preliminary review of the academic literature relevant to your research topic. This initial review will be limited to peer-reviewed academic journals only.

To conduct this preliminary review, you are expected to complete the following tasks:

• Identify the keywords / key phrases you will use to research your topic;

• Identify relevant academic journals (or scholarly databases of journals) by using the UAL e-library research facilities;

• Select a maximum of 3 articles which are relevant to your research topic;

• Briefly review the articles by discussing theoretical concepts, models and frameworks presented in the articles and evaluate how these are relevant to your research aim.

Stage 2 – Secondary research

7. You will conduct secondary research on the chosen company and the sector/market in which it operates. You are expected to use resources and databases available via the UAL e-library. These include: Euromonitor, Datamonitor/Verdict, Mintel, Fame, Kantar etc.

8. You are expected to analyse various financial and market data by using the appropriate techniques and tools and to present the findings effectively when writing this report.

Stage 3 – Primary research

9. Building on the results of your secondary research, you will conduct primary research to further explore your research topic. When planning the primary research stage of this project you must consider:

• The key issues emerged from your secondary research: your primary research should build on the results of your secondary research;

• Your research aim and objectives: at the end of the research process you will need to address your research aim and objectives.

The following is given as a guideline only, to help you structure your research and the report. Remember that every piece of research you do is different and it is crucial that you think and follow the best approach depending on your aim and objectives. Do not consider this guideline as uniform for all research or other units in your course. The marks you gain will depend on the quality of the information included within your report. As such, do not assume that following this guideline ensures a high grade for this unit.

Option A – Qualitative research followed by quantitative research

• Select one method for collecting qualitative data:

o Individual interviews: in-depth or semi-structured interview (max. 2 individual interviews of 15 minutes each) or
o Focus groups (1 focus group of 20/30 minutes with 3/4 participants);

• Devise an appropriate sampling strategy;

• Collect the data;

• Analyse the data by using the appropriate methods.

You will use the analysis of the qualitative data to develop a questionnaire and conduct a small survey. A survey research strategy will allow you to collect quantitative data which you will analyse by using statistical methods. You are expected to complete the following tasks:

• Identify the concepts you wish to measure;
• Devise an appropriate sampling strategy;
• Develop a questionnaire;
• Collect the data;
• Analyse the data by using appropriate statistical methods;
• Present the key findings.

Option B – Quantitative research followed by qualitative research

A survey research strategy will allow you to collect quantitative data which you will analyse by using statistical methods. You are expected to complete the following tasks:

• Identify the concepts you wish to measure;
• Devise an appropriate sampling strategy;

• Design a questionnaire;
• Collect the data;
• Analyse the data by using appropriate statistical methods;

• Present the key findings.

You will then explore your research topic from a different perspective by collecting qualitative data. You are expected to complete the following tasks:

• Select one method for collecting qualitative data:

o Individual interviews: in-depth or semi-structured interview (max. 2 individual interviews of 15 minutes each) or
o Focus groups (1 focus group of 20/30 minutes with 3/4 participants);

• Devise an appropriate sampling strategy;
• Collect the data;
• Analyse the data by using the appropriate methods;
• Present the key findings.

Report structure and suggested word count

Title page (not included in the word count): state name, course, unit, report title, number of words, date submitted,unit leader.

Abstract (not included in the word count): provide a brief overview of the chosen research topic and context ofinvestigation, research methods and key findings (max. 300 words).

Table of contents (not included in the word count).

List of figures (not included in the word count).

1. Introduction – 150 words

• Context and rationale for your research: this will include a brief overview of the chosen company and research topic. Discuss why your research is relevant in the context of the selected company;

• Aims and objectives: clearly state your research aim and objectives.

2. “Preliminary” literature review – 500 words

• Brief review of journal articles (max. 3 articles): discuss theoretical concepts models and frameworks presented in the articles and evaluate how these are relevant to your research topic.

3. Research Methods – 600 words

• Research approach / design: discuss your research approach (i.e. inductive, deductive) and provide a short outline of your research design. Clearly state which research “option” you have selected and why (i.e. Option A or Option B, see above);

• Research methods (primary research): with reference to option A or option B, discuss your sampling strategy, questions/questionnaire design, data collection procedures and approach to data analysis;

• Discuss how you have taken into consideration the University’s Code of Ethics for researchers and Health and Safety issues (see section on Research Ethics and Risk Assessment for more details).

4. Findings of secondary research – 500 words

• Discuss the findings of your secondary research: you are expected to analyse financial and market data collected from various databases by using appropriate techniques and tools and to present the findings effectively by using tables and charts.

5. Findings of primary research –900 words
• Present and analyse the findings of your primary research;

• You are expected to analyse the quantitative data collected by using appropriate statistical methods and to demonstrate an understanding of how qualitative data can be analysed and presented. You are also expected to present the findings effectively by using tables and charts.

6. Conclusions and limitations – 350 words

• Conclusion: summarise three key issues emerged from your research (both secondary and primary research) and address your research aim and objectives;

• Limitations: discuss the limitations of your research study and suggest avenues for further research
Appendices (not included in word count): the following five appendices are mandatory and must be included in the report. If necessary, additional appendices can be included in the report.
• Appendix 1 – GANTT Chart;
• Appendix 2 – Interview / focus group questions;
• Appendix 3 – Interview / focus group transcript;
• Appendix 4 – Sample questionnaire;
• Appendix 5 – Information sheet for participants and consent form.

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