In recent years, both leftists and right-wingers have claimed Tom Paine as a hero. After reading Common Sense and the other assigned writings by Paine, which side in American politics today should draw inspiration from Paine?
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In recent years, both leftists and right-wingers have claimed Tom Paine as a hero. After reading Common Sense and the other assigned writings by Paine, which side in American politics today should draw inspiration from Paine?
Questions will call for opinions and reflection rather than research. I’ll look for thoughtful responses that back up opinions with information and reasoning. Writing can be informal and use the first person, but it should be clear and literate.
You can respond to previous postings by your fellow students (and I hope you’ll look them over), but avoid flames–personal attacks, insults and the like.
We’ll grade these on a high-pass/pass/no-pass basis. If you don’t hear from about one of your postings, you can assume it’s a pass. I’ll let you know if I grade anything either high-pass or no-pass. You’ll be allowed to re-write a no-pass posting within a week after I inform you of the grade. You’re welcome to post more than once to a forum if you find yourself in a dialogue with another student or students.