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This chapter discusses the study procedure and the method to be used in conducting the study in relation to the objectives presented in chapter 1. The method to be used in this study is the Quantitative method. Creswell (1994:87-88) stated that the quantitative research involved collection and data analysis by using statistical procedure and analysis with the aim of determining the truth or theory. Aliaga and Gunderson (2000) added that quantitative research explains phenomena by collection of numerical data that are analyzed by using mathematical based methods in particular statistics. Quantitative method is based on two research methods such as experimentation and survey research. The survey research involved either administering questionnaires or conducting interviews. Therefore, this study will make use of administering questionnaires. Questionnaires were used because the data produced are verifiable and do not require analytical judgment beyond consideration of how information will be presented in the dissemination process. The questionnaire survey was the methodology adopted for this study. The data or information gathered using the questionnaire focus on a group of respondent from Graham Construction and BAM Construction operating at the University of Salford. This chapter therefore describes the methodology to be used in this study. The methodology used to accomplish this study makes use of the following techniques such as literature review related to health and safety performance, information about the design of study, study location, study population, pilot study, questionnaire design and statistical data analysis.


The first stage of this study was to identify the aim of the study and highlight the statement of the problem as well as establishment of clear objectives specified within the study plan. A summary of the comprehensive literature review was also included in the second phase. A pilot study conducted to analyze the factors affecting health and safety practices in the UK construction industry were the third phase of the study. The fourth phase focused on modifying of the questionnaire from the feedback gotten from the pilot study. However, the main aim of the pilot study was to check and prove that the questionnaire was clear and respondents were able to understand its contents. It is important to guarantee that the information received from experts will be of high value in achieving the objectives of the study. Distribution of questionnaires was the fifth phase. The aim, of distributing the questionnaires was to collect the necessary data and achieve the objectives of the study. 80 questionnaires were distributed targeting project, site, construction, health and safety managers, as well as workers on the site. The sixth phase of this study will involve the analysis of data and discussion of results. The final phase will include the conclusion and recommendations.


This study will be conducted in Salford, Manchester, and the questionnaires will be distributed to cover the two construction companies on site and the University of Salford, which are Graham construction and BAM construction. Graham Construction is an organization that is multi-skilled and operates in asset management, construction and project investment sectors (GRAHAM 2015). It offers services to many clients in the UK and Ireland from diverse backgrounds. According to GRAHAM (2015), the company strives to implement all operations in a manner that safeguards the safety, health and welfare of all  the clients, supply partners and most importantly the employees and the public. The safety of this company’s employees is one of their priorities in which they strive to eliminate any causes of incidents that can result in injuries in the workplace. By the fiscal year 2013/2014, Graham Construction had about 1530 employees who were all in good working condition. The company still organizes training sessions for its employees and sub-contractors in regard to health and safety while at the place of work. On the same line, there are routine surveys engineered by the construction company in order to assess the awareness of the company members on health and safety issues. The employees have relevant cards after the trainings like the CSCS, CSR, and the SafePass among several others.

On the other hand, BAM construction designs, refurbish, construct and operate the outstanding buildings in the UK (BAM Construct UK Ltd 2015). It deals with all the private and public sectors. In regard to health and safety, BAM Construct UK Ltd has health and safety policies in place that were  reviewed in 2013. The policies are to ensure that all the employees and customers are safe when at work or using the products of the company respectively. Just like Graham construction, the company trains its personnel on matters regarding not just their health and safety, but also of the customers and the general public at large. In addition, the government of the UK has put standards that the company needs to achieve. This company has, for this reason, put in place targets and self-standards that are often reviewed so as to achieve the national ones.


The population of this study came from the two construction companies, the Graham, and BAM construction. In particular, the employees were recruited to fill in questionnaires during the data collection process. In addition, only eighty employees were recruited into the study.

3.4.1 Inclusion Criteria

All the following participants were allowed to participate in the study:

  1. Employees who were on sites at the University of Salford.
  2. Employees from the Graham construction.
  3. Employees from the BAM construction.
  4. Employees who had consented to participate in the study.

3.4.2 Exclusion Criteria

All the following were not allowed to participate in the study:

  1. Employees who weren’t on sites at the University of Salford.
  2. Employees who were on sites other than from the Graham and BAM construction.
  3. Employees who declined to consent to participate in the study.


The data as collected by the use of questionnaires that contained both structured and unstructured questions. The structure of the questionnaires was in line with the objectives of the study. Ackroyd and Hughes (1981) asserted that the use of questionnaires can enable data collection to be done on a large scale basis in a short time frame and a cost effective manner. I addition, the collected data can be quantified easily and quickly by the use of the a software package or the researcher himself. They are the questionnaires that can be analyzed objectively and scientifically compared to other research types. According to Ackroyd and Hughes (1981), positivists have ended up believing that the quantitative data can be used to test the already existing theories in addition to creating new theories. Due to this, the data collection was appropriate with the use of questionnaires.

In the phase of the study, there were two construction sites that were used in the University of Salford. These sites were the Graham and the BAM constructions. Each site was given forty questionnaires each, summing up to eighty. In recovering the questionnaires after filling in, only three were gotten from Graham construction while 37 were from BAM. In short, a total of forty questionnaires was gotten.


In doing the research study, I sought permission from the ethics board to go on with the study. Getting permission from the relevant authorities has is mandatory for the legitimate success of any research study.  In the recent days, the research studies done are controlled by the ethics committees, which are organized by  institutions of learning and other relevant organizations (Hammersley 2010). The committees ensure that throughout the course of study, no one individual is harmed by the research activities and should that occur, the researchers are held responsible and accountable. The Graham and BAM  construction were sought permission to carry the study on their work sites  at the University of Salford.

On the same line, the participants who filled in the questionnaires were given the opportunity to decide whether to participate in the study or not. In short, informed consent was sought.  Informed consent helps research participants to decide whether they will have to participate in any study or not (Jones and Stanley 2010). Researchers should use informed consent forms to request for participation of the participants. The participants should get all the explanation needed before making their informed decision. In this case, the research explained the purpose of the study and how the information that would be obtained from the participants would be used. The participants were assured of confidentiality in whatever information they were going to give out. In addition, the names of the participants, including their company were not to be mentioned in any way, but only numbers would be used. After that, the participants were given ten days to fill in the questionnaires before they were collected. All the eighty participants were recruited into the study upon acceptance of the requirements.


The collected were analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel. McCullough and Heiser (2010) explains that Microsoft Office Excel can be used in analyzing quantitative data because it’s one of the basic spreadsheets. In addition, the application is key in storing and communicating the collected data, their findings and analyzed results among others. Each result of the every question was analyzed and explained individually. The resultant information was presented in the form of charts and tables among others.



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