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. Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes; Part I

. Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes; Part I
For this assignment student candidates will demonstrate knowledge and application of participation in school-wide activities that contribute to English language learner (ELL) student improvement.

The assignment includes the following steps:

1. Review of School Improvement Plan: Read your school’s School Improvement Plan (SIP), or choose to read a SIP from a K -12 school with a high percentage of ELL students.
You may go to the Florida Department of Education to find school improvement plans by school district. Go to https://www.flsiponline.com/ Click on Public Access to Plans, go to your school district, and look for published SIP plans, click, and download. Please note that all schools do not have a published SIP plan.
2. Click this link to access the approved plans for specific districts and schools, as well as any prior year plans that have been made available
3. Within the context of the SIP, review the school wide assessment results for ELLs. Link the SIP goals and objectives to the ELL student assessment results, (e.g., a goal of the School Improvement Plan may be to improve ELL reading scores). (TESOL 4.a)
4. Attend a K-12 SIP meeting. Attend a SIP meeting and summarize the discussion. Summarize the key ELL elements of the SIP. (TESOL 4.a)
Review the results; did the most recent assessment results show an improvement in the ELL reading scores? (TESOL 5.b) Alternative to attending a SIP meeting: View the Video clip of a SIP meeting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVAxYOAOct0
5. Analyze the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the ELL assessment needs, and how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school. (TESOL 5.b)
6. Describe and propose activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. (TESOL 5.c)
7. Propose activities based on the ELL assessment results that you can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school. (TESOL 4.c)

Follow the rubric closely in order to be successful on this assignment.
Use the bolded subheadings in steps (1 – 5) to organize the writing of the assignment.
Assignment #1 Improving English Language Learners (ELL) Student Learning Outcomes: (NCATE TESOL 4.a). Candidates understand various issues of assessment (e.g. cultural and linguistic bias, political, social, and psychological factors) in assessment, IQ, and special education testing (including gifted and talented); the importance of standards; and the difference between language proficiency and other types of assessment (e.g. standardized achievement tests of overall mastery), as they affect ESOL student learning.
(NCATE TESOL 5.b). Candidates know and use a variety of standards-based language proficiency instruments to inform their instruction and understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ESOL students.
(NCATE TESOL 4.c). Candidates know and use a variety of performance-based assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction.
(NCATE TESOL 5.b). Candidates serve as professional resources, advocate for ESOL students, and build partnerships with students’ families.
(NCATE TESOL 5.c). Candidates collaborate with and are prepared to serve as a resource to all staff, including paraprofessionals, to improve learning for all ESL students. (LO 2, 3) (FLESOL Domain 4: ESOL Curriculum and Materials Development, Standard 1: a,b,c,d,e)

Assignment #1 Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes (25 points)

Element Exceeded

1. Review of School Improvement Plan
(TESOL 4.a)
The candidate read, summarized, and referenced the ELL elements of the current School Improvement Plan. The summary was well developed and included multiple references to the School Improvement Plan.
2. Linkage of School Improvement Plan to School Assessment Results
(TESOL 4.a) The candidate linked the goals and objectives of the current School Improvement Plan to the most recent ELL assessment scores and explained how each goal and objective was evidence in the school ELL assessment results, noting the areas that improved, or declined, based on recent school efforts.
3.Attendance at School Improvement Team Committee Meeting
(TESOL 5.b) The candidate attended a School Improvement Team Committee meeting and summarized the discussion, based on the linkages of the activities to the school’s ELL assessment results. A description of how the linkages apply to the candidate’s position is provided.
4. Analysis of School Improvement Team Committee Outcomes
(4 points)
(TESOL 5.b) The candidate analyzed the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the ELL assessment needs. The candidate described how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school.
5. Description of activities to improve ELL student learning outcomes.
(TESOL 5.c) The candidate described activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. A timeline was provided for these activities.
6. Propose activities based on SIP assessment results.
(TESOL 4.c) The candidate proposed activities that s/he can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school, based on ELL assessment results. A detailed explanation of how each activity was linked to the ELL assessment results was provided. Research was cited that supported the proposed activities. Assignment is submitted on time.

Assignment #1 is a designated NCATE assessment for the TESOL Master’s Degree program.

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. Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes; Part I

. Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes; Part I
For this assignment student candidates will demonstrate knowledge and application of participation in school-wide activities that contribute to English language learner (ELL) student improvement.

The assignment includes the following steps:

1. Review of School Improvement Plan: Read your school’s School Improvement Plan (SIP), or choose to read a SIP from a K -12 school with a high percentage of ELL students.
You may go to the Florida Department of Education to find school improvement plans by school district. Go to https://www.flsiponline.com/ Click on Public Access to Plans, go to your school district, and look for published SIP plans, click, and download. Please note that all schools do not have a published SIP plan.
2. Click this link to access the approved plans for specific districts and schools, as well as any prior year plans that have been made available
3. Within the context of the SIP, review the school wide assessment results for ELLs. Link the SIP goals and objectives to the ELL student assessment results, (e.g., a goal of the School Improvement Plan may be to improve ELL reading scores). (TESOL 4.a)
4. Attend a K-12 SIP meeting. Attend a SIP meeting and summarize the discussion. Summarize the key ELL elements of the SIP. (TESOL 4.a)
Review the results; did the most recent assessment results show an improvement in the ELL reading scores? (TESOL 5.b) Alternative to attending a SIP meeting: View the Video clip of a SIP meeting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVAxYOAOct0
5. Analyze the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the ELL assessment needs, and how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school. (TESOL 5.b)
6. Describe and propose activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. (TESOL 5.c)
7. Propose activities based on the ELL assessment results that you can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school. (TESOL 4.c)

Follow the rubric closely in order to be successful on this assignment.
Use the bolded subheadings in steps (1 – 5) to organize the writing of the assignment.
Assignment #1 Improving English Language Learners (ELL) Student Learning Outcomes: (NCATE TESOL 4.a). Candidates understand various issues of assessment (e.g. cultural and linguistic bias, political, social, and psychological factors) in assessment, IQ, and special education testing (including gifted and talented); the importance of standards; and the difference between language proficiency and other types of assessment (e.g. standardized achievement tests of overall mastery), as they affect ESOL student learning.
(NCATE TESOL 5.b). Candidates know and use a variety of standards-based language proficiency instruments to inform their instruction and understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ESOL students.
(NCATE TESOL 4.c). Candidates know and use a variety of performance-based assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction.
(NCATE TESOL 5.b). Candidates serve as professional resources, advocate for ESOL students, and build partnerships with students’ families.
(NCATE TESOL 5.c). Candidates collaborate with and are prepared to serve as a resource to all staff, including paraprofessionals, to improve learning for all ESL students. (LO 2, 3) (FLESOL Domain 4: ESOL Curriculum and Materials Development, Standard 1: a,b,c,d,e)

Assignment #1 Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes (25 points)

Element Exceeded

1. Review of School Improvement Plan
(TESOL 4.a)
The candidate read, summarized, and referenced the ELL elements of the current School Improvement Plan. The summary was well developed and included multiple references to the School Improvement Plan.
2. Linkage of School Improvement Plan to School Assessment Results
(TESOL 4.a) The candidate linked the goals and objectives of the current School Improvement Plan to the most recent ELL assessment scores and explained how each goal and objective was evidence in the school ELL assessment results, noting the areas that improved, or declined, based on recent school efforts.
3.Attendance at School Improvement Team Committee Meeting
(TESOL 5.b) The candidate attended a School Improvement Team Committee meeting and summarized the discussion, based on the linkages of the activities to the school’s ELL assessment results. A description of how the linkages apply to the candidate’s position is provided.
4. Analysis of School Improvement Team Committee Outcomes
(4 points)
(TESOL 5.b) The candidate analyzed the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the ELL assessment needs. The candidate described how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school.
5. Description of activities to improve ELL student learning outcomes.
(TESOL 5.c) The candidate described activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. A timeline was provided for these activities.
6. Propose activities based on SIP assessment results.
(TESOL 4.c) The candidate proposed activities that s/he can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school, based on ELL assessment results. A detailed explanation of how each activity was linked to the ELL assessment results was provided. Research was cited that supported the proposed activities. Assignment is submitted on time.

Assignment #1 is a designated NCATE assessment for the TESOL Master’s Degree program.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

. Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes; Part I

. Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes; Part I
For this assignment student candidates will demonstrate knowledge and application of participation in school-wide activities that contribute to English language learner (ELL) student improvement.

The assignment includes the following steps:

1. Review of School Improvement Plan: Read your school’s School Improvement Plan (SIP), or choose to read a SIP from a K -12 school with a high percentage of ELL students.
You may go to the Florida Department of Education to find school improvement plans by school district. Go to https://www.flsiponline.com/ Click on Public Access to Plans, go to your school district, and look for published SIP plans, click, and download. Please note that all schools do not have a published SIP plan.
2. Click this link to access the approved plans for specific districts and schools, as well as any prior year plans that have been made available
3. Within the context of the SIP, review the school wide assessment results for ELLs. Link the SIP goals and objectives to the ELL student assessment results, (e.g., a goal of the School Improvement Plan may be to improve ELL reading scores). (TESOL 4.a)
4. Attend a K-12 SIP meeting. Attend a SIP meeting and summarize the discussion. Summarize the key ELL elements of the SIP. (TESOL 4.a)
Review the results; did the most recent assessment results show an improvement in the ELL reading scores? (TESOL 5.b) Alternative to attending a SIP meeting: View the Video clip of a SIP meeting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVAxYOAOct0
5. Analyze the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the ELL assessment needs, and how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school. (TESOL 5.b)
6. Describe and propose activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. (TESOL 5.c)
7. Propose activities based on the ELL assessment results that you can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school. (TESOL 4.c)

Follow the rubric closely in order to be successful on this assignment.
Use the bolded subheadings in steps (1 – 5) to organize the writing of the assignment.
Assignment #1 Improving English Language Learners (ELL) Student Learning Outcomes: (NCATE TESOL 4.a). Candidates understand various issues of assessment (e.g. cultural and linguistic bias, political, social, and psychological factors) in assessment, IQ, and special education testing (including gifted and talented); the importance of standards; and the difference between language proficiency and other types of assessment (e.g. standardized achievement tests of overall mastery), as they affect ESOL student learning.
(NCATE TESOL 5.b). Candidates know and use a variety of standards-based language proficiency instruments to inform their instruction and understand their uses for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ESOL students.
(NCATE TESOL 4.c). Candidates know and use a variety of performance-based assessment tools and techniques to inform instruction.
(NCATE TESOL 5.b). Candidates serve as professional resources, advocate for ESOL students, and build partnerships with students’ families.
(NCATE TESOL 5.c). Candidates collaborate with and are prepared to serve as a resource to all staff, including paraprofessionals, to improve learning for all ESL students. (LO 2, 3) (FLESOL Domain 4: ESOL Curriculum and Materials Development, Standard 1: a,b,c,d,e)

Assignment #1 Improving ELL Student Learning Outcomes (25 points)

Element Exceeded

1. Review of School Improvement Plan
(TESOL 4.a)
The candidate read, summarized, and referenced the ELL elements of the current School Improvement Plan. The summary was well developed and included multiple references to the School Improvement Plan.
2. Linkage of School Improvement Plan to School Assessment Results
(TESOL 4.a) The candidate linked the goals and objectives of the current School Improvement Plan to the most recent ELL assessment scores and explained how each goal and objective was evidence in the school ELL assessment results, noting the areas that improved, or declined, based on recent school efforts.
3.Attendance at School Improvement Team Committee Meeting
(TESOL 5.b) The candidate attended a School Improvement Team Committee meeting and summarized the discussion, based on the linkages of the activities to the school’s ELL assessment results. A description of how the linkages apply to the candidate’s position is provided.
4. Analysis of School Improvement Team Committee Outcomes
(4 points)
(TESOL 5.b) The candidate analyzed the outcomes of the School Improvement Team meeting for support of the ELL assessment needs. The candidate described how each outcome supported the overall mission of the school.
5. Description of activities to improve ELL student learning outcomes.
(TESOL 5.c) The candidate described activities that can be completed by the School Improvement Team to improve ELL student learning outcomes. A timeline was provided for these activities.
6. Propose activities based on SIP assessment results.
(TESOL 4.c) The candidate proposed activities that s/he can complete to contribute to the overall improvement of the school, based on ELL assessment results. A detailed explanation of how each activity was linked to the ELL assessment results was provided. Research was cited that supported the proposed activities. Assignment is submitted on time.

Assignment #1 is a designated NCATE assessment for the TESOL Master’s Degree program.

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