Implicit Association Test
1. Please go to the following website
2. Click “I wish to proceed” (link at the bottom of the screen)
3. Click the “Weapons IAT” link (blue box to the left side of screen)
4. Follow instructions (click here to begin)
5. You will be asked to complete a brief demographic form and a set of questions about weapons and race
6. After the survey part, click “Ready to Begin”
7. Now the IAT actually begins
8. Follow instructions on the screen, including trying to complete the visual tasks as fast as possible
9. You are presented with a series of visual tests, complete
10. You will be given your own score as well the average score for all respondents.
11. Print out your score sheet
12. Briefly discuss your reactions to the IAT test and your own score.
13. Attach score sheet to your typed response sheet and submit in class
Technical Requirements:
Your responses should be typed and double spaced using 11/12 point font. In your assignment, please indicate your name, use professional language, include page numbers, staple all multiple pages and do NOT exceed 5 pages of text (maximum of 5 pages).