Impact of Leadership on employees Participation in Abbott Laboratories.
Order Description
Title: Impact of Leadership on employees Participation in Abbott Laboratories
? Abstract (not included in words count) A short summary of the proposal
? Introduction: (1000 Words)
• Including Research questions, aims and Objectives.
• Highlights key debates, problem statement, key academic debates
• Spell out topic and context to the reader
• Details Research Aims and Objectives
• Explains why research is important (and exciting!)
• Defines Research question(s) (focused)
• Other background material to topic and context
• Concise– don’t waste words on this section
• Sets the tone and will be read in detail
• Clear – reader MUST know easily:
? What the aims and objectives are;
? What the research questions are;
? What the problem/theme is and
? Why it is important to research
Signposts – tells the reader what will be in the project and how it will be structured
? Literature Review: (4000 words)
• Sections – do not just produce one lump of text!!
• Must be critical – evaluate not repeat the literature
• Structured around themes not authors
• Sections must flow logically usually from the universal to the specific
• MUST track back to your objectives and illuminate your research questions – the gaps in the literature – which you will now address in your own study
• Definitions and theories start from general concept till specify to solve the questions.
• Contents:
? mostly academic sources i.e. journals c 80%
? remainder may be other sources e.g. credible websites
? Avoid non-peer reviewed sites such as Wikis.
? Style:
o Not factual
o Review and criticise the literature in the context of your objectives/topic. Don’t do a report do a review.
o Synthesise literature – don’t adopt a source by source approach
o You might find it useful to summarise the review by way of a conceptual/theoretical framework (we will cover this)
? Methodology:(2000 Words) here I am using archived data based in qualitative concept:
? Identify and explain your own research philosophy and approach
? Outline and justify your chosen research design
? Describe and justify what you did
o Data collection
o Data analysis
? Identify any ethical or practical constraints and challenges and state how they were managed
? You should refer to published work on methodology here
? Style:
• Not overly factual – don’t give a lecture on research philosophies etc.
• Be argumentative: in other words . . . argue the case for your chosen method, why you have a particular philosophical position, approach etc..
• Cross reference other authors and their methods
? Finding and Discussions: (4000 words)
• Summarise your findings using tables, text boxes, graphs, series of indicative quotations etc.
• Organise it in a way that address your research questions in a logical way
• The facts don’t speak for themselves
o Under each table/section/quotation you MUST include an explanatory paragraph
• Use exceptions – flag only the items of importance in your work – these will be discussed in the next chapter
• Signpost important points well (to sow seeds for discussion in next chapter)
• Save your discussion points for the next chapter
• Often an easy chapter!
• Discuss your own findings in comparison to the literature review
• What did you find out that is the same; different; surprising; amplifying etc.?
• Critical, comparative and reflective.
• Reflect upon your own results and the view from your literature.
• How do your findings contrast with the literature?
• Don’t just restate what you and the literature tell us.
? Conclusions:(500 Words)
• Give yourself the time and space to do it properly
• It is not just an afterthought it will be read more closely than other sections so it needs to be GOOD!
• Basically distil your discussion points into a verdict that satisfactorily answers all your research questions
– Don’t just restate findings
• Confident, synthesizing and authoritative
• In-depth: don’t just write a paragraph!
• Link your findings back to your Objectives/ Research Question
? Recommendations:(500 Words)
• On the basis of what you have found out what would be your suggestions for
– Future research and why?
– Strategy and practice for corporates and why?
– A proposed plan for action by the business or other wider stakeholders if relevant.
• Style
– Bold, explanatory and confident
– Less critical than other sections but In-depth
? References(not included in words count) All Harvard
? Appendix (not included in words count)
The project format
• 12,000 words as per above guidance for each sector.
• Use 12 point font – Verdana/Times New Roman or any sensible alternative!
Please not like this . . . or this as it will look really odd!!!
• Use 1.5 point spacing
• Use at least 1.5cm margins top and bottom and each side
• Fully referenced using Harvard System
Dissertation marking criteria
• 5% Aims, Objectives and research questions are feasible, clear, and logical and add to existing academic and professional practice debates.
• 5% Logical structure/narrative: e.g., correct sequencing of sections; piece does not stray from the RQs.Presentation reflects Masters Level, including referencing.
• 20% Literature review is critical and thorough: evidence of critique and reflection; use of quality sources and fully referenced. Literature review develops a conceptual framework from which research questions emerge.
• 20% Research methodologies and methods of data collection and analysis are justified, fully explained and appropriate to the research questions / issues / problems identified. Reflection on challenges faced and how they were addressed if necessary.
• 30% Findings accurately and appropriately presented. Critical analysis of findings synthesised with literature review evident in discussion.
• 20% Conclusions and recommendations follow on naturally. Implications for future research are discussed. A sensible proposal plan for action by the organisation is provided if relevant.