Illegal Immigration. This topic is quite popular. Be careful with this one: you should focus on a couple of factors here (the political ones!): the push/pull factors, the economic issue (employment) and social issues (such as social services/higher education). You should also consider Congress here: what have they done –and what have they NOT done. Consider individual pieces of legislation – where did they start; where did they end up? AVOID using the term illegals in your paper – using an adjective to describe a noun is inappropriate in a college-level paper.
The paper MUST include scholarly sources, and these sources must be cited using both parenthetical (in-text) citations and in a standard works cited (bibliography) listing.
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There is no right amount of sources – a general guide is 6-8; however, you may need fewer or more depending on your research. In any case, do not make blanket generalizations or other claims without the supporting research.
The purpose of the paper is to examine both sides of a contemporary political problem. must give equal time to opposing points of view. This is not a polemic – this is an opportunity to develop a logical argument. To do so, you should also argue for one side of the argument or the other, first by stating your position in your thesis sentence, showing the position from both sides, and offering your (short) opinion on why your position is the superior position.
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