Analysis:This approach identifies the separate parts of a story; then focuses discussion on one particular part. A good analysis casts intense light upon a piece of literature from one directiontheme, symbolism, imagery, motif, sound. Purpose is to explore in depth one aspect of a work.Comparison and Contrast:Emphasize similarities or differences between two works, characters, scenes, themes, etc. This approach works best with two subjects that have a basis for similarity. This approach is similar to analysis; for example, you may compare a theme or symbol common to the stories.Finding Evidence to Support Assertion and Thesis:Review notes from margin of text.Review worksheetsReview notes from class discussion.Read and reread the text. The words on the page are primary evidence.Readings/film:David Sedaris, SnowJeannette Walls, The Glass CastleLenny Abrahamson (dir.) RoomPrompts (Choose one from the list below and respond fully to it.)-What gifts does Ma give Jack? Is she a good mother? Use examples from the film to explain your response.-Compare and contrast Ma and Jacks lives in Room and in the world outside Room.-In both The Glass Castle and in Room we witness children surviving depraved and harmful conditions. What do you think makes their survival and ability to thrive possible? How resilient are children?-What is unique about the way children view the world? Cite examples from both Room and The Glass Castle in your response.-How does joining the world beyond Room change the relationship between Ma and Jack?-Use examples from the short essay Snow, the memoir The Glass Castle, and the film Room to respond to the following question: What defines the relationship of mother and child?-Jack is the product of forced sexual assault. How does Ma deal with the fact that Old Nick is both her captor and Jacks father? How do Mas parents deal with this complication?-The first half of the film focuses on Room, and the second half on Ma and Jacks re-entry into the world. What were some of Ma and Jacks biggest struggles, and how did they work through them?
Images of Childhood in Literature