If I was a King/Queen1) who would you pick as your chief advisor? who do you think is the wisest, most sensible and trustworthy person you can think of?( famous person ) explain why you
think they are a good choice as your chief advisor ( at least 3 example). then also include at least two facts about them you feel supports your opinion that they
would be a good chief advisor. Finally , tell me where you found the facts you used to support your answer.
2) what current law would you change or appeal?i.e. what current law do you feel is unjust or stupid and must be changed or repealed? explain why you want to change
the law ( atleast 3 example). then also include atleast 2 facts about the current law that you feel support your opinion that the law shoulb be changed . Finally tell
me where you found the facts you used to suppot your answer.
3) where would you go on vacation , if you could go anywhere in the world?i.e what place have you always wanted to visit and vacation in , but havent gone or couldn/t
afford until you were made a king? ( Im a guy) explain why you have always wanted to go to this particular place (at least 3 example). then also include at least 2
facts about the place you have selected that you feel support your opinion that it would be a great place to vacation in . finally tell me where you found the fact you
used to support your answer.
4) What famous person would you like to meet and ahve dinner and conversation with i.e what famous person do you feel is interesting and be a person youd like to know
better on a personal basis?( Denzel W) explain why you choose that famous person to have dinner and conversation with. (at least 3 example) then also include at least
2 facts about the person that you feel support your opinion that he would be great to have dinner and conversation with. Finally tell me where you found the facts you
used to support your answer.
5) what famous person would throw in the dungeon? i.e what famous person do you think has avoided punishment for crimes or bad behavior, and who really deserves to be
punished , now that you are king ? explain why you have selected this person to throw in the dungeon . ( atleast 3 example). then also include at least 2 facts about
the person you are throwing in the dungeon that you feel support your opinion that she/ he should be thrown in the dungeon. finally tell me where you found the facts
you used to support your answer.
you need to explain your choices and decisions using reasons based on definitions of key terms, comparisons and contrast and logical cause -effect arguments. ( either
MLA format or just tell me in a sentence where you found the facts that you used to support your answer.
If I was a King/Queen