“Identify the four specific criteria managers can use to decide which of their firm’s capabilities have the potential to create a sustainable competitive advantage
Description of Task
“Identify the four specific criteria managers can use to decide which of their firm’s capabilities have the potential to create a sustainable competitive advantage. In your answer you should define resources, capabilities, core competencies and the concept of sustainable competitive advantage. You should include references to at least five (5) current academic strategic management journals and two (2) examples of competing firms.”
Submission Details
LMS Turn-it-In submission only
Grading Criteria and Feedback Criteria Weighting
Assessments will be made against the following criteria:
1. The demonstration of an engagement with the body of knowledge and fundamental issues surrounding strategic management. 2. The development and application of frameworks of understanding specifically in the area of competitive advantage and corporate decision making.
Papers will be assessed against the following criteria with the examiner awarding one of the selection items (a) through (d) to the paper in each criterion:
a. Comprehensive (4-5 marks) b. Detailed (3.5-3.75 marks) c. Effective (3-3.45 marks) d. Adequate (2.5-2.75 marks) e. Not Adequate (0-2 marks)
1. Hurdle requirement Pass/Not Pass:
No Marks are awarded in this criterion.
a. The item has been presented in the medium of written English. Sentences are structured and conform to academic writing guidelines. The paper has an identifiable structure including an introduction, a main body, and conclusion. The paper follows the Harvard Referencing Style. The examiner can proceed with further assessment. b. The item has not been presented in the medium of written English and the examiner cannot proceed with further assessment. Sentences are not structured and do not conform to academic writing guidelines. The paper does not have an identifiable structure including an introduction, a main body, and conclusion. The paper does not follow the Harvard Referencing Style.
1. The response explains the concept of sustainable competitive advantage, with reference to both the core text and the academic literature.
a. Comprehensive (4-5 marks) b. Detailed (3.5-3.75 marks) c. Effective (3-3.45 marks) d. Adequate (2.5-2.75 marks) e. Not Adequate (0-2 marks)
La Trobe University
2. The response details the purpose and effect of the four factors of competitive advantage with reference to both the core text and the academic literature. This section has a total potential value of 5 marks.
a. Comprehensive (4-5 marks) b. Detailed (3.5-3.75 marks) c. Effective (3-3.45 marks) d. Adequate (2.5-2.75 marks) e. Not Adequate (0-2 marks)
3. The response explains strategic management and the relevance of the four factors of competitive advantage to organisational performance. This section has a total potential value of 5 marks.
a. Comprehensive (4-5 marks) b. Detailed (3.5-3.75 marks) c. Effective (3-3.45 marks) d. Adequate (2.5-2.75 marks) e. Not Adequate (0-2 marks)
4. The response explains strategic management and the relevance of the four factors of competitive advantage to managerial decision making. This section has a total potential value of 5 marks.
a. Comprehensive (4-5 marks) b. Detailed (3.5-3.75 marks) c. Effective (3-3.45 marks) d. Adequate (2.5-2.75 marks) e. Not Adequate (0-2 marks)
5. Examiner’s Comment. No marks are awarded in this criterion.
“Identify the four specific criteria managers can use to decide which of their firm’s capabilities have the potential to create a sustainable competitive advantage