Research and Proper citations are required. If appropriate, please include a picture of the work you are discussing. You will choose one specific work of fine art from the periods listed below. Do research about the work, the artist, and the age which helps you understand the work. How does the work reflect the period of origin? Also include your opinion. Do you like the work? Is it still important? Why?
NOTE-These dates are only part of the designation. You must also demonstrate an understanding of the philosophy of the age and how the art you have selected reflects that age. Push yourself. Go deep.
You will be evaluated on the depth of thought of thought and research and the quality of writing.
Period: Classical-Greece or Rome (800 BC-500 AD); Medieval or Renaissance (500AD to mid 1600) MUST BE 3 FULL PAGES, at least, OF EACH PERIOD!!!
Humanities: Classical-Greece or Rome (800 BC-500 AD)