Project #1 provides data from a hypothetical organization. The data can be found at the bottom of the page.
You will create a strategic plan that aligns the human resources (HR) function with the organization’s mission, vision, and
objectives. The overall scope of the Project is to create a “Shared Services” structure for HR that will be housed at the
organization’s corporate offices.
A solid foundation of research will support the theoretical base and practical applications of your strategic plan. Prepare an
annotated bibliography of the 10 or more sources you have selected. Submit the completed document to your instructor for
Most of us are aware of the term “purpose statement” but are unsure of its real meaning within an organization. It is a
statement describing the organization’s purpose, or the reason for its existence. The purpose of an organization reflects a
desired position in the marketplace. It should accurately answer to the questions below. The purpose statement is the written
summary of those answers.
Who are we?
What do we do?
For whom do we do this?
How do we know when we are getting it done?
The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers. The most effective purpose statements are short, concise,
and direct. A good purpose statement is between 2–3 sentences.
Answer the four questions above and create a purpose statement for your HR department. Submit the answers to the four
questions and the purpose statement to your instructor for review.
NOTE: At this stage, you will need to name your company and decide the service they provide or products they manufacture.
Required Topics Be
sure to cover the following:
Strategic Contribution,
Personal Credibility,
HR Delivery Metrics,
Key Performance Measurements (KPM),
Action Plan for each functional area,
HR mission statement,
HR vision statement and objectives.
Your strategic plan should include:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Body of your plan
Reference Page
Appendix (optional)
Submission requirements:
Ten pages minimum (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page or appendix) will be needed to complete
the project.
Support your analysis and recommendations with 5 credible sources documented in accordance with APA Requirements.
These must be from ProQuest (peer reviewed).
Text Book used in this course is: GomezMejia,
L., Balkin, D., & Cardy, R. (2012). Managing Human Resources (7th Ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN13:
Read the case study provided in the Assignments for Week 8. You must have at least 10 *full* pages not including title page,
table of contents, reference page or appendix. 16 is the total page limit. You must organize your paper into the following
sections and use the prescribed headers. I have given you tips below on what to include in each section that are not provided
in the module’s instructions. Recommended resources also are provided each week during the announcements to help build
your portfolio.
Title Page
Table of Contents
Section 1Executive
Summary (? use this header)This
should not be longer than 1 page.
Section 2Analysis
and evaluation of alignment (? use this header)In
this main section, describe why HR’s alignment with
the organization is important. Describe strong analysis is important to determine whether HR is in alignment. The following
subsections are the results of your analysis.
Subsection 2aStrategic
Contribution (? use this header)How
does each HR function contribute to the organization’s
strategy? What are examples?
Subsection 2bPersonal
Credibility (? use this header)What
does it take for an HR professional to be credible? What are
ways to build credibility? How can credibility be measured?
Subsection 2cHR
Delivery Metrics (? use this header)What
are the qualitative or quantitative measurements in the
functional areas of HR could be used to measure activity? These may or may not be financial. These measurements may not
essential/critical to success.
Subsection 2dKey
Performance Measurements (? use this header). Per, “Key Performance
Indicators [KPIs] are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the [most] critical success factors of an
organization.” These are normally not financial. Why are KPIs important for human resources? Which ones will you use for
this case study? What are the quantifiable targets for those KPIs?
Subsection 2eAction
Plan for Each Functional Area (? use this header)What
steps are taken to ensure the following
functional areas are set up to be in alignment? Recruiting, performance management, training and development,
compensation and benefits, employee and labor relations, and health safety and security. Itemize your response such as
Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc.
Subsection 2fHR
Mission Statement (? use this header)Per “These statements are set in the present
tense, and they explain why you exist as a business, both to members of the organization and to people outside it. Mission
statements tend to be short, clear and powerful.” You’ll need to create the mission statement based on the case scenario and
analysis. What is HR’s primary purpose?
Subsection 2gHR
Vision Statement and Objectives (? use this header) Per, “Vision statements also
define your organization’s purpose, but they focus on its goals and aspirations. These statements are designed to be uplifting
and inspiring. They’re also timeless: even if the organization changes its strategy, the vision statement can often stays the
same.” What does HR want to become in the future? What are 3 new goals for the HR department beyond what is provided in
the case study?
Section 3Conclusion
(? use this header)This
should not be longer than 1 page.
References (? use this header)Support
your analysis and recommendations with 5 credible sources documented in
accordance with APA Requirements. Use ProQuest.
Appendix (optional)
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Posted on May 30, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions
Human Resources Strategic Plan Academic Essay