With reference to one or two countries of your choice, discuss whether this statement is correct. Then argue whether the changes of the past 20 years have resulted in one of the actors in the employment relationship becoming more powerful than the others.
Human Resources Management (HRM)

Human Resources Management (HRM)

instructions:Please read the Bloomberg Businessweek article “How Scott Walker Ignited a Labor Renaissance” and the CNN Money article “Wisconsin: Worked-Up Unions.” Then reflect on the following questions:
1. Do you agree or disagree with Governor Walker’s move to restrain bargaining rights for public employees? Explain.
2. Based on the labor relations objectives discussed in chapter one (efficiency, equity and voice), what impact does Governor Walker’s decision to curb the union’s collective bargaining rights have on these objectives for today’s labor?
3. Is Wisconsin a good or bad example for the nation of how to manage public sector unions? Explain.
Please read the assigned chapters for the week and reflect on the following questions:
1. Employees might respond to workplace injustice in one of fuel ways: quitting, individual voice (complaining), collective voice (forming a union), resistance (absenteeism, reduced work effort), and silence. How might union strategies, managerial strategies and the external environment shape which response an individual chooses. What else might affect whether workplace injustice causes an individual to support a labor union over other options.
2. Outline the pros and cons or the NLRA’s election-based union recognition process. Why do you think labor unions seem to criticize this process more than management. Describe some alternative means for deciding the question or representation.