MGT 620
Term Paper
To assist in the synthesis of the course, Power Point, and Textbook materials, a term paper is required.
The purpose is to encourage students to critically examine important contemporary issues that influence
the management of human resources. You will first select one company and then interview the HR
manager or search HR administration information online for the company you select. Then summarize
the trends you observe from the respondent’s comments and/or the materials you analyzed.
The term paper is due on August 1
st, 2016. An electronic copy of your term paper should be submitted to
the assignment tool within Blackboard Vista. The term paper will be submitted to a plagiarism service
similar to The document should be titled Lastname_Firstname_TermPaper.doc. The
submission should consist of 6-10 pages (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt fonts) manuscript
along with appropriate appendix materials. The term paper should include the following sections:
Cover Page
Prepared for:•
Prepared by:•
A one paragraph introduction of the company you select. This should introduce the company, explain
what type of business the company is in. If you interviewed the HR manager/person, introduce the person
(position, job responsibilities) and discuss how he/she was interviewed. This portion should take roughly
½ pages.
Main Body
An overview of the recruitment and selection practices reported by the people you interviewed or•
the situation you founded. This should include a description of relevant observations as well as
related textbook sections on recruitment and selection. This should be a 1 to 2 pages section.
An overview of employee development administration of the company you investigated. This•
should include a description of relevant observations as well as related textbook section on
employee development. This should be a 1 to 2 pages section.
An overview of the employee benefits and pay structure decisions implemented in the company•
you studied. This should include a description of relevant observations as well as related
textbook section on employee benefits and pay structure decisions. This should be a 1 to 2 pages
You can discuss above HR practices by analyzing what specific techniques are used by the•
company? What are the advantages vs. disadvantages of those approaches the company adopted?
Are these HR practices integrated with the business strategies of the company? How? Are there
any problems you identified? Imagine you are the HR manager of the company, what you would
do differently?
Remember outlines from writing class? Now is the time to use them.•
This section is to provide a review of the entire paper, highlighting those elements that were discussed
earlier which are unique and important. This is also the place to bring all important arguments to bear.
Thus, it is critical to recap all arguments and summarize the situation, showing the value of your paper.
This should be a ½ to 1 page section.
Any charts, tables, and figures referenced in the body of the paper.•
Create a “Works Cited Section” containing any APA citations for sources used besides the•
For the sections above, you should consider relevant chapters and concepts from the text when selecting
which aspects are ‘most important,’ but realize that this is a personal subjective call on your part. I want
you to attempt to integrate course concept and practitioner practices. There isn’t a RIGHT or WRONG
answer here provided you demonstrate: (a) effort and (b) an attempt to link concepts. This suggests that
you should identify which concepts from the text you observed (or expected to observe), including
terminology, chapter, and sections as appropriate. Even if you are somewhat ‘off track,’ the practice of
trying to synchronize these elements is a learning exercise itself.
Grading Criteria – The term paper will be graded using the following guidelines:
Cover page
Writing quality
Adherence to structure
Thoroughness and accuracy
Logical flow of conclusion
Term paper submitted through the “Assignment Tool” in Blackboard vista.