Which of the following is not a characteristic of preoperational thought, according to Piaget?
Select one:
a. Egocentrism
b. Reversibility
c. Centration
d. Both B and C are correct
Question 2
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The findings from the New Hope program found which of the following findings to be true?
Select one:
a. Participants in the experimental group were better readers than control group.
b. Participants in the experimental group were less likely to be in special education classes than the control group.
c. Participants in the experimental group had more positive social skills than the control group
d. All of the above are findings of the New Hope program
Question 3
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The belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes is called _______________.
Select one:
a. Self esteem
b. Self-concept
c. Self-efficacy
d. Self-regulation
Question 4
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With regards to achievement in math and science on an international scale, which of the following is most true?
Select one:
a. The United States ranks ahead of most other countries
b. The United States has lower achievement than a number of countries
c. The United States ranks about the same as most other countries
d. The United States ranks higher than most other countries in particular East Asia.
Question 5
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Which of the following is characteristic of the fetal stage?
Select one:
a. hiccups
b. responding to sound
c. sucking the thumb
d. all of the above
In this research design the researcher observes and records behavior. However this type of research cannot prove causation.
Select one:
a. Experimental
b. Correlational
c. Descriptive
d. None of the above
Question 7
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Stepfamilies are preceded most commonly by ______________.
Select one:
a. Death of a spouse in one of the families
b. Death of a spouse in both of the families
c. Divorce
d. None of the above
Question 8
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Autism is typically characterized by ___________________.
Select one:
a. Repetitive movements
b. Lack of eye contact
c. Downward sloping eyes
d. Both a and b are correct
Question 9
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Which of the following is a possible cause of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
Select one:
a. Brain damage during prenatal development
b. Cigarette and alcohol exposure during the prenatal period
c. Low birth weight
d. All of the above
Question 10
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Your psychology professor argues that infants are biologically predisposed to become attached to the mother during a critical or sensitive period. Your professor’s point of view is most similar to the
Select one:
a. psychoanalytic approach
b. ethological approach
c. behavioristic approach
d. information-processing approach
The beginning of life is at what point.
Select one:
a. the fetal stage
b. birth
c. conception
d. after the baby proves it can live on it’s own outside the womb (meaning no adult to feed it, change, etc.)
Question 12
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In regards to memory in middle and late childhood, as compared to tests of memory in college students which of the following is most accurate?
Select one:
a. Children can perform better on memory tests than college students if the college student has a lower IQ.
b. Children can perform better on memory tests than college students if children have extensive experience in the area being tested, significantly more than the college student.
c. College students perform better on memory tests only if they have extensive experience in they are being tested, significantly more than the children.
d. A and B are both true.
Question 13
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Every time Melissa takes an Excedrin her headache goes away. The removal of the headache is a (n) _______________ for the behavior of taking aspirin when she has a headache.
Select one:
a. extinction
b. reinforcement
c. punishment
d. shaping
Question 14
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During the germinal stage the new life is typically called…
Select one:
a. fetus
b. zygote
c. embryo
d. none of the above
Question 15
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The term that describes the extent to which children are liked or disliked by their peer group is ________________.
Select one:
a. Status definition
b. Peer approval rating
c. Sociometric status
d. Popularity metric scale
Question 16
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The term for being alert, mentally present and cognitively flexible is ___________.
Select one:
a. Critical thinking
b. Creative thinking
c. Mindfulness
d. Metacognition
Question 17
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A research group of people who were all teenagers during the September 11th tragedy would typically be called _________.
Select one:
a. Control group
b. Cohort group
c. Random group
d. Both a and c are correct
Question 18
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According to Freud all human behavior is energized by psychodynamic forces. The psychic energy is persuaded by the instincts. Which instinct directs death activities?
Select one:
a. Eros
b. Thanatos
c. Life learning instinct
d. Life sustaining instinct
Question 19
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Preoperational children tend to focus on one aspect of a situation and to neglect others, leading to illogical conclusions. Piaget called this tendency__________.
Select one:
a. Egocentrism
b. Classification
c. Centration
d. Transduction
Question 20
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Tiny hairs that sweep the ovum along the fallopian tube toward the uterus, or womb are called…
Select one:
a. hair cells
b. cilia
c. zygotes
d. gametes
A specific testable prediction is a _______________
Select one:
a. Theory
b. Hypothesis
c. Positive correlation
d. Negative Correlation
Question 22
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A good example of polygenic inheritance is
Select one:
a. IQ
b. height
c. smoking
d. incomplete dominance
Question 23
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When the cell’s nucleus duplicates itself and divides it is called__________.
Select one:
a. Fertilization
b. Meiosis
c. Mitosis
d. None of the above
Question 24
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Lisa is often said to be a _______________thinker because she thinks outside of the box and comes up with so many different solutions to one problem.
Select one:
a. Convergent
b. Divergent
c. Intelligent
d. Brainstorming
Question 25
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In reference to brain development in middle and late childhood which of the following are true?
Select one:
a. Females have larger brains then males.
b. Males have larger brains then females.
c. Males have more folds (convolutions) than females so in essence more surface area of the cerebral cortex where much of our higher thinking occurs.
d. Both b and c are correct.
All of the following are characteristics of Down syndrome except…
Select one:
a. motor retardation
b. defective eyes
c. downward sloping skin fold at the inner corners of the eye
d. high IQ
Question 27
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When an individual observes the consequences of another person’s behavior and contemplates it and decides not to exhibit that behavior, the theorists that most closely represents this explanation of learning is _____________________.
Select one:
a. Information processing theory
b. Behavioral theory
c. Cognitive theory
d. Social cognitive theory
Question 28
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Monozygotic twins are…
Select one:
a. one egg fertilized by two sperm cells
b. one sperm fertilizing two eggs
c. one egg fertilized by one sperm
d. two eggs fertilized by two sperm cells
Question 29
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According to three longitudinal studies on language development and readiness for school cited in your text all of the following are true except________.
Select one:
a. Letter name and naming speed in kindergarten were linked to success in the first and second grade.
b. Children’s early home environment influenced their language skills less than their teachers and peers.
c. Children’s early home environment influenced their early language skills and could be used as a predictor for their readiness for school.
d. The number of letters that children knew in kindergarten was highly correlated with their reading achievement in high school.
Question 30
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The _______is the largest cell in the body
Select one:
a. the ovum
b. the sperm
c. both the ovum and the sperm cell are the same size
d. neither the ovum or the sperm cell
When Sara is sitting at her desk in second grade she notices that the kid next to her has left a dollar bill in his desk. One part of her personality is pushing her to take the money. Another part of her personality, the _________ is demanding that she not take the money.
Select one:
a. libido
b. ego
c. super ego
d. id
Question 32
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A new mom is worried because her new baby has a very big head. The doctor tells her not to worry that it is normal and the baby’s body will catch up later. The process of the earliest growth always occurs at the top of the head is called ______________.
Select one:
a. Proximodistal pattern
b. Distal pattern
c. None of the above
d. Cephalocaudal pattern
Question 33
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In terms of aggressive behavior in middle and late childhood which of the following statements is most accurate?
Select one:
a. Girls are more physically aggressive than boys
b. Girls are less physically aggressive than boys
c. Girls are more verbally aggressive than boys
d. Boys are more verbally aggressive than girls.
Question 34
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An offspring is genetically…
Select one:
a. 50% of the mother and 50% of the father
b. 100% of the mother
c. 100% of the father
d. 60% of the mother and 40% of the father
Question 35
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Fertilization usually occurs in the
Select one:
a. fallopian tubes
b. the uterus
c. the birth canal
d. the stomach
Little Johnny refrains from taking a cookie when his mommy is not looking because he is operating in the ____________ stage as defined in Kohlberg’s stages of moral thinking.
Select one:
a. Preconventional
b. Conventional
c. Post conventional
d. All of the above
Question 37
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The leading cause of death in middle and late childhood is_______________.
Select one:
a. Bicycle accidents
b. Skateboard accidents
c. Motor Vehicle accidents
d. Choking accidents
Question 38
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One problem with ______________ research methodology is that we cannot really generalize to the bigger population.
Select one:
a. Observation
b. Interviews
c. Survey
d. Case Study
Question 39
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According to Freud, which element of personality does not develop until around 3 years of age?
Select one:
a. libido
b. id
c. super ego
d. ego
Question 40
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When a teacher asks a child that is in the concrete operational stage, if they can arrange their classmates in line from tallest to shortest, this type of concrete operation is called___________.
Select one:
a. Seriation
b. Transivity
c. Object Permanence
d. Conservation
In which of the following stages of development is the beginning of the stage marked by the onset of puberty?
Select one:
a. prenatal
b. infancy
c. early childhood
d. adolescence
e. young adulthood
Question 42
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Of the following possible explanations for lower performance in some countries on math and science than others, which of the following is NOT true?
Select one:
a. In the better performing countries more hours are spent per day teaching math.
b. In the better performing countries more days per year are spent attending school.
c. Lower performing countries had parents that expected less from their children.
d. Lower performing countries were always third world countries.
Question 43
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Almost all miscarriages occur in the…
Select one:
a. first trimester
b. last trimester
c. second trimester
d. there is no correlation between trimester and miscarriage.
Question 44
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What is the genetic disorder that results from an abnormality in the X chromosome?
Select one:
a. Fragile x syndrome
b. Klinefelter syndrome
c. Down syndrome
d. Turner syndrome
Question 45
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Johnny is a very outgoing 3 year old and it seems like that teachers always pay more attention to him at preschool then the other children, not because he needs discipline, but because they are naturally drawn to his winning personality. This type of genotype-environment is called____________________________.
Select one:
a. Passive genotype-environment
b. Active genotype-environment
c. Evocative genotype-environment
d. Niche-picking genotype-environment
In the 20 year longitudinal study cited by your text, they found that children in middle and late childhood typically __________________.
Select one:
a. Decreased thinking in the stages of 1 and 2 (preconventional).
b. Did not reason at stage 4 level.
c. Did not reason above stage 5 level.
d. All of the above are true.
Question 47
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In a correlational research project researchers looked at authoritarian parenting styles and independent behaviors in children in middle childhood. The correlation coefficient was a strong negative correlation which indicates_________________.
Select one:
a. As parenting styles becomes more controlling independent behavior increases.
b. As parenting styles become more controlling independent behavior does not change.
c. Parenting style and independent behavior are not related.
d. As parenting styles become more controlling independent behavior decreases.
Question 48
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According to your text self-esteem may reflect perceptions that do not always match reality. This may explain the findings presented in your lecture on self-esteem and prisoners. Considering the findings which one of the following explanations would most likely be a good theory?
Select one:
a. Violent prisoners are more likely to have low self-esteem.
b. Violent prisoners are more likely to have high self-esteem.
c. Prisoners with low self-esteem are more likely to be intelligent.
d. Prisoners with high self-esteem are more likely to get out early for good behavior.
Question 49
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In experimental research design the researcher wants to measure the amount of space that a person tries to keep in an elevator between themselves and those around them. The researcher varies the distances that they stand next to a person when they get into the elevator and they record when a person steps away. The distance that the researcher stands to the person in the elevator is the _______________.
Select one:
a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Control factor
d. Correlational coefficient
Question 50
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Your text highlighted research on the most common causes of bullying in middle and late childhood. According to your text what is the most common form of bullying for boys?
Select one:
a. Rumors
b. Being hit or slapped
c. Sexual comments or gestures
d. Belittled about looks or speech