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Patient Guide to the WWW:
Guidelines and Grading Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as a teacher and educator. You are to prepare a guide that will serve as ahandoutto assist a specific patient that you identify. Your guide or handout should help this patientfind and evaluatereliable and accurate information on the Internet (websites)related to his or herdisease process or diagnosis.
Youwilldeveloptheguideusing Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a versatile application that lets you design slideshows and handouts. For this assignment, you will be using PowerPoint to create a guide or handoutthat you may print and give to patientsand families. You will be submitting this PowerPoint file to the Dropbox.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcome.
CO #8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO #8)
This assignment is worth a total of 175 points.
The Patient Guide to the WWwp01owerPoint assignment is due at the end of Week 2. Submit your completed assignment to the Patient Guide to the WWW basket in the Dropbox by Sunday;11:59 p.m. mountain time.You may consult the Policies, under the Course Home tab, for details regarding late assignments.Late assignments will result in loss of points. Post questions about this assignment in the weekly Q&A Forum.
A. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to createfour slides, which will be the basis of the guide or handout. You are encouraged to cite your source(s) as it relates to your criteria slide. Other citations are permitted, but this is not a requirement for the assignment.
1) Scenario Slide: This slide should include your name. Next, outline a brief scenario, then identify a patient who is seeking information about a specific disease process or diagnosis. Be sure to include the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and the patient or family member’s readiness to learn. Be specific.
Scenario for Mr. Jones
Jane Doe (your name here)
• Mr. Jones is a 54-year-old male recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
• His wife has accompanied him to the oncologist’s office.
• Both have a high school education.
• Mr. Jones has no interest in his diagnosis; his father died at an early age from pancreatic cancer, and he thinks nothing can be done.
• Mrs. Jones is greatly interested in any treatment; she has been searching on the Internet for alternative cures.
• Mrs. Jones has asked the nurse for help on how to determine whether a website is credible.
2) Criteria Slide: This slide should address at least fourcriteriaused to evaluate websites. View Evaluating Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/webeval/webeval_start.html, your text, and other references. The task is to explain how to determinethe credibility of websites andteach it to the patient and/or caregiver described in the Scenario Slide.Concentrate on evaluation of information, not how to search. Assume that the patient or caregiver has basic Internet searching skills, a computer in the home, and can enter words in the query box in a search engine,such as Google, Bing, Yahoo,and so forth.The idea is to teach your patients how to evaluate websites (suspect and credible) as they relate to a specific disease process or diagnosis.
The format of the criteria shouldbe logical and easy to read, for example, a table, checklist, or Q & A.Be creative! Language should be appropriate for the educational level of the audience, in other words, the patient and/or caregiver as described in the Scenario Slide.Note: This is the only slide that requires a citation.
3) Suspect Site Slide:This slide should give the name and description of a suspect website. The suspect website must berelated to the disease or diagnosis identified in the scenario. However, the site does not meet the criteria for a credible site, for example, gives inaccurate information, and so forth. You must provide a working link to the site. Wikipedia is not acceptable! Explain why the site is suspect based on the criteria you outlined in the Criteria Slide.
4) Credible Site Slide:This slide should give the name and description of a credible website that you would recommend to the patient and/or caregiver/family member. The website must be appropriate for the general public and address the disease process or diagnosis identified in the Scenario Slide. Avoid sites that are aimed at healthcare professionals. Explain why the site is credible based on criteriathat you outlined in the Criteria Slide.
B. If you need assistance using PowerPoint, search tutorials about how to use PowerPoint on the Microsoft Office site.
C. The following are the scholarly writing requirements for this assignment.
a. Your name appears on the Scenario Slide.
b. Four slides should be submitted. Points will be deducted for additional slides.
c. The four slides pertain to the
I. scenario;
II. criteria for selection of credible sites;
III. suspect site; and
IV. credible site.
d. The linksfor the suspect and credible sites are working and formatted correctly.
e. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct with no spelling or grammatical errors.
f. Graphics, colored slides, and interesting backgrounds are welcome; however, they are not part of the criteria for this assignment and are not considered for grading purposes.
D. Review the section on Academic Honesty found in the RNBSN Policies. All work must be original (in your own words) unless properly cited.
Category Points % Description
Scenario Slide 35 20% Scenario is clear and concise, including a disease process or diagnosis as well as the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.
Criteria Slide 40 23% Format of criteria is logical and easy to read, for example, a table, checklist, or Q&A.Criteria for websites are clear and concise. Specific citation for criteria is noted.
Suspect Website Slide 40 23% Suspect site is not appropriate for general public, gives inaccurate information, or does not address identified needs of patient/caregiver or the diagnosis/disease indicated.
Suspect Website Slide Working Link 5 2.5% Link to the suspect site is operational.
Credible Website Slide 40 23% Credible website selected is appropriate for general public. Site addresses disease or diagnosis and offers general information for the public.
Credible Website Working Link 5 2.5% Link to recommended site is operational.
Scholarly Writing and Formatting 10 6% • Name of student appears on Scenario Slide or Cover Slide
• Four slides are provided.
o Scenario
o Criteria
o Suspect Site
o Credible Site
• Punctuation and sentence structure are correct.
• Evidence of spell and grammar check
Total 175points 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Assignment Criteria A
Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance B
Very Good or High Level of Performance C
Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance F
Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
Scenario Slide
35 points Scenario is a clear and concise description of patient with a specific disease or diagnosis who is seeking information,including the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.
32–35 points Scenario is not clear and concise with description of patient with specific disease or diagnosis.Scenario does not describe the nurse’s assessment of learning needs OR does not include readiness to learn.
30–31 points Scenario exceeds more than one slide.
Scenario does not describe assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.
Description of disease process or diagnosis is missing.
27–29 points Scenario exceeds more than one slide. Description of disease process or diagnosis is missing. Learning needs and/or readiness to learn are not addressed. Demographic information is missing.
0–26 points
Criteria Slide
40 points At least four criteria are included and are logical and easy to read; for example, a table, checklist, or Q&A. Citation is provided.
37–40 points Three criteria are included and are not logical or easy to read. Formatting is not apparent.Citation is missing.
34–36 points Two criteria are included and are not logical or easy to read. Formatting is incorrect. Citation is missing.
30–33 points Only one criterion is included. Formatting is incorrect. Citation is missing.
0–29 points
Suspect Website Slide
40 points Suspect website is appropriate for general public and clearly identifies areas of concern based on Criteria Slide.
37–40 points Suspect website is appropriate for general public but areas of concern related to Criteria Slide are difficult to determine.
34–36 points Suspect website is not appropriate for general public but areas of concern related to Criteria Slide are apparent.
30–33 points Suspect website is not appropriate for general public and areas of concern related to Criteria Slide are NOT apparent.
0–29 points
Suspect Website SlideWorking Link
5 points Link to suspect site is operational and leads to indicated site.
5 points Link to suspect site is nonoperational but placing URL in browser leads to indicated site.
4 points Link to suspect site is nonoperational and placing URL in browser does NOT lead to indicated site.
3 points Link for suspect site is not provided.
0–2 points
Credible Website Slide
40 points Credible website is appropriate for general public. Site is directly related to disease process or diagnosis and offers appropriate information. It clearly identifies areas of concern based on Criteria Slide.
37–40 points Credible website is geared to the healthcare provider rather than the general public. It addresses disease process or diagnosis but does offer appropriate information for the general public.
Does not identify areas of concern based on Criteria Slide.
34–36 points Credible website is geared to the healthcare provider rather than the general public. It addresses disease process or diagnosis but does not offer any appropriate information for the general public. Areas of concern based on Criteria Slide are not apparent.
30–33 points Website chosen is not credible and the evaluationdoes not relate to the criteria indicated on Criteria Slide.
0–29 points
Credible Website Slide Working Link
5 points Link to credible site is operational and leads to indicated site.
5 points Link to credible site is nonoperational but placing URL in browser leads to indicated site.
4 points Link to credible site is nonoperational and placing URL in browser does NOT lead to indicated site.
3 points Link for credible site is not provided.
0–2 points
Scholarly Writing and Formatting
10 points • Name of student appears on Scenario Slide or Cover Slide.
• Four slides are provided.
o Scenario
o Criteria
o Suspect Website
o Credible Website
• Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct.
• Evidence of spell and grammar check.
9–10 points • No student identification noted.
• Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted.
• Minimal indicators of spelling or grammar errors (red or green wavy lines).
8 points • No student identification noted.
• Several errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted.
• Severalindicators of spelling or grammar errors (red or green wavy lines).
7 points • No student identification noted.
• Multiple typos noted.
• Multiple grammar and punctuation errors noted.
• No evidence of proofreading prior to submitting assignment.
0–6 points
Total Points Possible = _____/175

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.



Patient Guide to the WWW:
Guidelines and Grading Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as a teacher and educator. You are to prepare a guide that will serve as ahandoutto assist a specific patient that you identify. Your guide or handout should help this patientfind and evaluatereliable and accurate information on the Internet (websites)related to his or herdisease process or diagnosis.
Youwilldeveloptheguideusing Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a versatile application that lets you design slideshows and handouts. For this assignment, you will be using PowerPoint to create a guide or handoutthat you may print and give to patientsand families. You will be submitting this PowerPoint file to the Dropbox.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcome.
CO #8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO #8)
This assignment is worth a total of 175 points.
The Patient Guide to the WWWPowerPoint assignment is due at the end of Week 2. Submit your completed assignment to the Patient Guide to the WWW basket in the Dropbox by Sunday;11:59 p.m. mountain time.You may consult the Policies, under the Course Home tab, for details regarding late assignments.Late assignments will result in loss of points. Post questions about this assignment in the weekly Q&A Forum.
A. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to createfour slides, which will be the basis of the guide or handout. You are encouraged to cite your source(s) as it relates to your criteria slide. Other citations are permitted, but this is not a requirement for the assignment.
1) Scenario Slide: This slide should include your name. Next, outline a brief scenario, then identify a patient who is seeking information about a specific disease process or diagnosis. Be sure to include the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and the patient or family member’s readiness to learn. Be specific.
Scenario for Mr. Jones
Jane Doe (your name here)
• Mr. Jones is a 54-year-old male recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
• His wife has accompanied him to the oncologist’s office.
• Both have a high school education.
• Mr. Jones has no interest in his diagnosis; his father died at an early age from pancreatic cancer, and he thinks nothing can be done.
• Mrs. Jones is greatly interested in any treatment; she has been searching on the Internet for alternative cures.
• Mrs. Jones has asked the nurse for help on how to determine whether a website is credible.
2) Criteria Slide: This slide should address at least fourcriteriaused to evaluate websites. View Evaluating Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/webeval/webeval_start.html, your text, and other references. The task is to explain how to determinethe credibility of websites andteach it to the patient and/or caregiver described in the Scenario Slide.Concentrate on evaluation of information, not how to search. Assume that the patient or caregiver has basic Internet searching skills, a computer in the home, and can enter words in the query box in a search engine,such as Google, Bing, Yahoo,and so forth.The idea is to teach your patients how to evaluate websites (suspect and credible) as they relate to a specific disease process or diagnosis.
The format of the criteria shouldbe logical and easy to read, for example, a table, checklist, or Q & A.Be creative! Language should be appropriate for the educational level of the audience, in other words, the patient and/or caregiver as described in the Scenario Slide.Note: This is the only slide that requires a citation.
3) Suspect Site Slide:This slide should give the name and description of a suspect website. The suspect website must berelated to the disease or diagnosis identified in the scenario. However, the site does not meet the criteria for a credible site, for example, gives inaccurate information, and so forth. You must provide a working link to the site. Wikipedia is not acceptable! Explain why the site is suspect based on the criteria you outlined in the Criteria Slide.
4) Credible Site Slide:This slide should give the name and description of a credible website that you would recommend to the patient and/or caregiver/family member. The website must be appropriate for the general public and address the disease process or diagnosis identified in the Scenario Slide. Avoid sites that are aimed at healthcare professionals. Explain why the site is credible based on criteriathat you outlined in the Criteria Slide.
B. If you need assistance using PowerPoint, search tutorials about how to use PowerPoint on the Microsoft Office site.
C. The following are the scholarly writing requirements for this assignment.
a. Your name appears on the Scenario Slide.
b. Four slides should be submitted. Points will be deducted for additional slides.
c. The four slides pertain to the
I. scenario;
II. criteria for selection of credible sites;
III. suspect site; and
IV. credible site.
d. The linksfor the suspect and credible sites are working and formatted correctly.
e. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct with no spelling or grammatical errors.
f. Graphics, colored slides, and interesting backgrounds are welcome; however, they are not part of the criteria for this assignment and are not considered for grading purposes.
D. Review the section on Academic Honesty found in the RNBSN Policies. All work must be original (in your own words) unless properly cited.
Category Points % Description
Scenario Slide 35 20% Scenario is clear and concise, including a disease process or diagnosis as well as the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.
Criteria Slide 40 23% Format of criteria is logical and easy to read, for example, a table, checklist, or Q&A.Criteria for websites are clear and concise. Specific citation for criteria is noted.
Suspect Website Slide 40 23% Suspect site is not appropriate for general public, gives inaccurate information, or does not address identified needs of patient/caregiver or the diagnosis/disease indicated.
Suspect Website Slide Working Link 5 2.5% Link to the suspect site is operational.
Credible Website Slide 40 23% Credible website selected is appropriate for general public. Site addresses disease or diagnosis and offers general information for the public.
Credible Website Working Link 5 2.5% Link to recommended site is operational.
Scholarly Writing and Formatting 10 6% • Name of student appears on Scenario Slide or Cover Slide
• Four slides are provided.
o Scenario
o Criteria
o Suspect Site
o Credible Site
• Punctuation and sentence structure are correct.
• Evidence of spell and grammar check
Total 175points 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


Assignment Criteria A
Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance B
Very Good or High Level of Performance C
Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance F
Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
Scenario Slide
35 points Scenario is a clear and concise description of patient with a specific disease or diagnosis who is seeking information,including the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.
32–35 points Scenario is not clear and concise with description of patient with specific disease or diagnosis.Scenario does not describe the nurse’s assessment of learning needs OR does not include readiness to learn.
30–31 points Scenario exceeds more than one slide.
Scenario does not describe assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.
Description of disease process or diagnosis is missing.
27–29 points Scenario exceeds more than one slide. Description of disease process or diagnosis is missing. Learning needs and/or readiness to learn are not addressed. Demographic information is missing.
0–26 points
Criteria Slide
40 points At least four criteria are included and are logical and easy to read; for example, a table, checklist, or Q&A. Citation is provided.
37–40 points Three criteria are included and are not logical or easy to read. Formatting is not apparent.Citation is missing.
34–36 points Two criteria are included and are not logical or easy to read. Formatting is incorrect. Citation is missing.
30–33 points Only one criterion is included. Formatting is incorrect. Citation is missing.
0–29 points
Suspect Website Slide
40 points Suspect website is appropriate for general public and clearly identifies areas of concern based on Criteria Slide.
37–40 points Suspect website is appropriate for general public but areas of concern related to Criteria Slide are difficult to determine.
34–36 points Suspect website is not appropriate for general public but areas of concern related to Criteria Slide are apparent.
30–33 points Suspect website is not appropriate for general public and areas of concern related to Criteria Slide are NOT apparent.
0–29 points
Suspect Website SlideWorking Link
5 points Link to suspect site is operational and leads to indicated site.
5 points Link to suspect site is nonoperational but placing URL in browser leads to indicated site.
4 points Link to suspect site is nonoperational and placing URL in browser does NOT lead to indicated site.
3 points Link for suspect site is not provided.
0–2 points
Credible Website Slide
40 points Credible website is appropriate for general public. Site is directly related to disease process or diagnosis and offers appropriate information. It clearly identifies areas of concern based on Criteria Slide.
37–40 points Credible website is geared to the healthcare provider rather than the general public. It addresses disease process or diagnosis but does offer appropriate information for the general public.
Does not identify areas of concern based on Criteria Slide.
34–36 points Credible website is geared to the healthcare provider rather than the general public. It addresses disease process or diagnosis but does not offer any appropriate information for the general public. Areas of concern based on Criteria Slide are not apparent.
30–33 points Website chosen is not credible and the evaluationdoes not relate to the criteria indicated on Criteria Slide.
0–29 points
Credible Website Slide Working Link
5 points Link to credible site is operational and leads to indicated site.
5 points Link to credible site is nonoperational but placing URL in browser leads to indicated site.
4 points Link to credible site is nonoperational and placing URL in browser does NOT lead to indicated site.
3 points Link for credible site is not provided.
0–2 points
Scholarly Writing and Formatting
10 points • Name of student appears on Scenario Slide or Cover Slide.
• Four slides are provided.
o Scenario
o Criteria
o Suspect Website
o Credible Website
• Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct.
• Evidence of spell and grammar check.
9–10 points • No student identification noted.
• Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted.
• Minimal indicators of spelling or grammar errors (red or green wavy lines).
8 points • No student identification noted.
• Several errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted.
• Severalindicators of spelling or grammar errors (red or green wavy lines).
7 points • No student identification noted.
• Multiple typos noted.
• Multiple grammar and punctuation errors noted.
• No evidence of proofreading prior to submitting assignment.
0–6 points
Total Points Possible = _____/175

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