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For your journal post, youmust:
• Compose a journal entry of one page
• Supportyourresponsewithcoursematerialshttps://www.ted.com/talks/rebecca_onie_what_if_our_healthcare_system_kept_us_healthy
• Includepersonalreflectionthatdemonstratesaconnectionbetweenreallife,learning,andreadings
• Use APA citing (remember to cite the clip as source when you reflect on it in your writing) and any other reference that can help you support your journal

Consider the following questions from the point of view of a worker at the agency and that of a client:
1. What do you think it is like to work at the agency? What might the agency look like through the clients’ eyes?
2. If you worked at the agency, what do you think your day-to-day challenges would be and why?
3. How could you suggest an improved experience or environment to support the agency’s clients?
It is important to understand the human services waiting room from the perspective of both an employee and a client in need of services. Submit your answers as a journal entry.

CriticalElements Exemplary(100%) Proficient(85%) Needs Improvement(55%) Not Evident(0%) Value
Comprehension Develops a journal entry with an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail; supportsideas with direct references to course materials Develops a journal entry witha point of view or idea using adequate organization and detail; supports ideas by referencing coursematerials Develops a journal entry, but the entry includes gaps in organization and detail;ideas are vaguely supported by coursematerials Does not develop a journal entry with an organized pointof view or idea; does not support ideas with explanation or reference to coursematerials 45
PersonalReflection Entry contains personal reflections and specific examples that connectbetween real life, learning, andreading Entry contains personal reflections that include evidence of connecting between real life, learning,and reading Entry contains little evidenceof personal reflections; connections between real life, learning, and reading arevague Entry does not containevidence of personal reflections or connections between real life, learning, andreading 35
Writing (Mechanics) Post is easily understood, clear, and concise, using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations and no major errors related to grammar, spelling,or syntax Post is easily understood, using proper citation methods where applicable with few errors in citations and some minorerrors related to grammar, spelling, or syntax Post is understandable but includes a number of errors in citations and many errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntax Post is illegible due to severity of errors related to grammar, spelling, and syntax, and no citations areincluded 20
EarnedTotal 100%

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For your journal post, youmust:
• Compose a journal entry of one page
• Supportyourresponsewithcoursematerialshttps://www.ted.com/talks/rebecca_onie_what_if_our_healthcare_system_kept_us_healthy
• Includepersonalreflectionthatdemonstratesaconnectionbetweenreallife,learning,andreadings
• Use APA citing (remember to cite the clip as source when you reflect on it in your writing) and any other reference that can help you support your journal

Consider the following questions from the point of view of a worker at the agency and that of a client:
1. What do you think it is like to work at the agency? What might the agency look like through the clients’ eyes?
2. If you worked at the agency, what do you think your day-to-day challenges would be and why?
3. How could you suggest an improved experience or environment to support the agency’s clients?
It is important to understand the human services waiting room from the perspective of both an employee and a client in need of services. Submit your answers as a journal entry.

CriticalElements Exemplary(100%) Proficient(85%) Needs Improvement(55%) Not Evident(0%) Value
Comprehension Develops a journal entry with an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail; supportsideas with direct references to course materials Develops a journal entry witha point of view or idea using adequate organization and detail; supports ideas by referencing coursematerials Develops a journal entry, but the entry includes gaps in organization and detail;ideas are vaguely supported by coursematerials Does not develop a journal entry with an organized pointof view or idea; does not support ideas with explanation or reference to coursematerials 45
PersonalReflection Entry contains personal reflections and specific examples that connectbetween real life, learning, andreading Entry contains personal reflections that include evidence of connecting between real life, learning,and reading Entry contains little evidenceof personal reflections; connections between real life, learning, and reading arevague Entry does not containevidence of personal reflections or connections between real life, learning, andreading 35
Writing (Mechanics) Post is easily understood, clear, and concise, using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations and no major errors related to grammar, spelling,or syntax Post is easily understood, using proper citation methods where applicable with few errors in citations and some minorerrors related to grammar, spelling, or syntax Post is understandable but includes a number of errors in citations and many errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntax Post is illegible due to severity of errors related to grammar, spelling, and syntax, and no citations areincluded 20
EarnedTotal 100%

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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