An Optimization of a technique for the isolation of 5- HT Positive en erochromaffin cell from the GL tract and examination of how vesicular 5-ht release is affected by age.
Aim of the inv estigation:
To optimize EC cells isolation from mouse colon
To characterize the effects of age on 5-HT release
properties from murine enterochromaffin cells using electro chemical-sensing
Main objectives
1) To investigate and understand the
function of EC cells in GI tract
2% The way in which motility occurs with age and the role of EC cell in this.
3 The role of serotonin on
these cells
Specific objective
Ex animating different age group mouse of 3, 18 and 24 Months by;
1) Ev oke inherent mucosal reflexes
gestehd by brush stimulation or circumferential stretch. (To understand the changes occur in proximal and distal colon when stimulated
2) Recording from electrical field stimulation of segments of intact distal colon with and without mucosa.